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5/2022 Koch’s fortune began with aiding Hitler and now Pelosi et. al. suckles at the Azov battalion

Updated: Jan 11

Charles Koch’s fortune began with aiding Hitler and now Pelosi et. al. suckles at the Azov battalion in Ukraine. Elon Musk has his roots in South African Apartheid and Washington gives him billions. This is no coincidence. Wealth concentration and theft is facilitated by the mentality of unjust murderous totalitarian regimes.

And now, the American master race has locked in their greatest act of purification and social cleansing perhaps of all time. The cost of their profit taking – planet wide biosphere collapse.

“The human race is not special. So why do we think we're immune to mass extinction?”

Quote: “Psychoanalysts use the term manic defence to describe how human beings can pathologically cling to optimism and hope as a way of denying their depression and anxiety.”

[And Washington knows it]

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019 9/2 _F2A4809aaa

Trump, McConnel and Wall St:

“‘Record after record’: Brazil’s Amazon deforestation hits April high, nearly double previous peak

Climate analysts are astounded by such a high reading during the rainy season, and is the third monthly record this year”


The collapse of our Planet’s ability to support life is being used by the Master Race as a deadly tool for class warfare:

“Nature and Health Research Ignored Populations That Weren’t White, Western or Wealthy

A growing body of research shows that nature can benefit mental health and well-being. But an analysis of that research reveals that it almost exclusively focuses on white, wealthy and Western populations.

The analysis, conducted by researchers at the University of Vermont, looked at 174 peer-reviewed studies on the connection between nature and well-being and found that 137 of them were conducted in Western countries, like the United States, Australia and nations in western Europe, while 166 of them were conducted in high income countries, including non-Western nations like China, Japan and Israel.

The studies analyzed show that spending time in nature can be therapeutic and restorative; some health experts even prescribe time in nature to patients. But not all cultures see nature in such a transactional way, said co-author Rachelle Gould, an assistant professor at the university. That’s just one reason why more research needs to be done to understand how other cultures find wellness in the natural world, she said.”

“Everybody needs water, you know, and everybody needs protection from storms. And that kind of operates the same way for all people,” Gould said. “But these mental health benefits may not operate the same way for all people.”

Those differences highlight the importance of drawing a distinction between the tangible benefits that nature can provide, like food, she said, and intangible benefits, such as the comfort that the aroma of a pine forest gives some people.

“If we want to understand our dependence on nature, the non-tangible pieces may vary across the world,” Gould said.

Lead author Carlos Andres Gallegos-Riofrio, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Vermont, said this paper is a “call to action” for researchers to “cross the border” and study what is universally true and what is culturally specific in this area of study.

“Psychologies are different around the world,” Gallegos-Riofrio said. “So we cannot swipe a generalization from one segment of the world to the rest.”


“Earth’s CO2 hits highest recorded level in human history

Unprecedented level comes as greenhouse gas emissions continue around the world”


“Utilities push back against growth of rooftop solar panels

In most states, utilities pay solar customers for power they send back to the grid. But there's a battle over what that sun-fueled energy is worth.”


“Humanity’s broken risk perception is reversing global progress in a ‘spiral of self-destruction’, finds new UN report”


“State of the American Debt Slaves: Borrowing More to Buy Less due to Raging Inflation”


“In the Wake of Coup, Gold Mining Boom Is Ravaging Myanmar

With a military junta retaking power last year, a gold rush is increasingly despoiling rivers in the Myanmar state of Kachin, polluting water with mercury, destroying riverbanks and farmland, and disrupting the traditional way of life of the region’s ethnic groups.”


“Dystopia in America - Forcing America back to the 17th Century”


Climate Reanalyzer:


America’s Fascist Dystopia: baby formula shortage worsens as Dems\Reps send billions$ to “Ukraine” in order to create & concentrate wealth for the already rich while US Supreme Court works to save the children by banning abortion

For decades American imperialism sucked the blood$ out of other nations, killing millions and establishing itself as a leading cause of the planet’s death. Today’s USA Purple Nazi super party refuses to change or even show remorse

The Ukraine War Grift seeks to profit by using the mainstream media to play off the American People’s sense of empathy & decency for the victims in order to shovel riches at insiders who will facilitate suffering if need be to get a payday

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