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10/2021 Bureau of Land Management is engaging in mass extermination of wild horses

Updated: Jan 11

“Though Sen. Manchin’s motivations are often ascribed to the conservative, coal-friendly politics of West Virginia, it is also the case that the state’s senior senator is heavily invested in the industry — and owes much of his considerable fortune to it.”

“Joe Manchin’s Dirty Empire”

“The West Virginia Senator Reaps Big Financial Rewards from a Network of Coal Companies with Grim Records of Pollution, Safety Violations, and Death”

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2010 Oct 13 IMG_1485aaaa

She continues to participate in Government despite a violation of her office regarding outside income!?:

“Arizona's Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema has been relentlessly battling her own party and Biden's planned investments into social infrastructure. Her centrism has allowed her to meaningfully disrupt significant progress for working families, the climate, the Democratic Party, and America as a whole. Sign now to say you'll support a progressive opponent running against Sen. Sinema in her next primary race!”

“Call for a primary challenge to Senator Sinema!”


Democrats are trying to smear Trump out of American politics and I doubt it will work. Voter allegiance to either of the two parties is deeply irrational to begin with.


“Humans & Our Civilization are based on a planet the rich have destroyed. As a species we either adopt a comprehensive set of rules, strictly enforced by the international community, that thoroughly eliminates choice and religious based impediments to our environmental survival or we die in greater mass than the rich have already achieved.

Any individual in our 3 branches of govt that obstructs should be immediately and permanently removed by emergency powers granted to the people by people. All persons so removed shall be stripped of their wealth (to be spent on environmental remediation) and together with their government and nongovernmental support network(s) charged (with new laws) by the people and for the people.

I will not die for these vile sociopaths nor will I stand idly by as they and theirs manipulate others into worsening our prospects in the Environmental Holocaust they have caused.

You want to rewrite the U.S. Constitution? Well, how about something like this, Government to strive for the greatest social benefit for the greatest number of People - PERIOD, both foreign and domestic. The economics of flesh and blood as well as paper individuals does not come before the best interest of the greatest number of people. A universal basic income should be implemented.


“A few American truth tellers who were willing to give up everything to keep telling the truth:

Lee Camp kicked out of Fox News building for telling the truth about who they are. Chris Hedges kicked off New York Times staff for being against Iraq War. Ed Schultz kicked off MSNBC because his audience was working class and Hillary and MSNBC corporate sponsors didn’t like it. Mike Papatonio kicked off MSNBC because on a Morning News show he called out a major corporate sponsor. Jessie Venture turned down the chance for a network show because he would not compromise his antiwar view point.”

Many of these truth tellers and more you can watch on the RT channel.


“The distortion of “there is potential profit we did not earn” as “there is money we lost” is fascinating and disgusting to me. “megamediaconglomerate lost $1,000,000,000 to piracy this year” is a flat out lie. It is not true. They did not have a billion dollars, that they now do not have. They felt entitled to one billion dollars, that they did not have, and still do not have. It’s an infuriating perversion of the truth” Especially in Biden’s America when the can turn around and have Washington then bail them out for the billion dollars they “lost”


Bureau of Land Management is engaging in mass extermination of wild horses during a planetary Mass Extinction event:

“The BLM is in process of rounding up about half of the state's wild horses in Sweetwater County”


And yet, Biden and the Democrats do nothing:

“National solutions to gerrymandering are legal, and necessary”


Union of Concerned Scientists:

“URGENT: Meat and poultry giant Tyson Foods and its supply chain are responsible for mountains of livestock manure and too much fertilizer runoff that poisons drinking water and compromises the health and well-being of communities downstream. Donate to the Union of Concerned Scientists to help stop polluting corporations NOW >>” [facebook has disabled the donate button hyperlink to the Union of Concerned Scientists]


“New Study Is First to Explore How Wildfire Smoke Derails Bird Migration

Last September, migrating geese wearing GPS tags encountered one of the worst wildfire seasons in U.S. history. Their movements give scientists their first clues about how growing wildfires alter bird behavior.”


“Somewhere along the way, companies convinced the population that a job was a favor to them and workers were beholden bc of it.


A job is you selling them your time and effort. If they can’t afford it or won’t pay what you need, they can fuck off.

Cultivate that attitude.”


“The Nordic countries aren't socialist. But they're still a living, breathing falsification of the US right's anti-socialist talking points.”

“The Real Denmark “

2010 Oct 13 IMG_1485aaaa

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