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6/2021 “Air Pollution and Climate Change Cost the Average American $2500 Per Year”

Updated: Jan 11

““Living in fossil fuels was to live in a smaller world, cocooned in crap. Decarbonization can actually make us more alive.””

“What if American Democracy fails the Climate Crisis?”


““Complete giveaway to oil and gas companies:” Proposed rules would continue to saddle Coloradans with oil and gas industry costs

New regulations would keep subsidizing oil and gas companies in Colorado”

“These rules are a complete giveaway to oil and gas companies,” said Jeremy Nichols, Climate and Energy Program Director for WildEarth Guardians. “As our world confronts the climate crisis and transitions from fossil fuels, the oil and gas industry is destined to fail, yet Colorado Governor Jared Polis’ Oil and Gas Conservation Commission somehow believes that companies will always be good for the money and always be counted on to clean up their messes. Rather than protect Colorado, Governor Polis and his administration are protecting the dying oil and gas industry.”

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 9/6 _F2A9141aaa

“The proposed rules come amid revelations that the oil and gas industry’s abandoned wells are a more insidious and significant problem in Colorado than previously understood. This week, WildEarth Guardians filed complaints over the failure of multiple oil and gas companies to comply with legally required inspection and testing requirements for wells that are not producing.”


“High greenhouse gas emitters should pay for carbon they produce, says IMF”

“Companies should be subject to globally agreed carbon floor price to reach Paris climate goals”


“A Proposal to Scale Up Global Carbon Pricing “


“Honey bees and wild pollinators are suffering in California due to poor living conditions, according to a recent study. Pollinators play an essential role in the growth of crops like almonds, blueberries and apples.”

“California’s Almond Trees Rely on Honey Bees and Wild Pollinators, but a Lack of Good Habitat is Making Their Job Harder

While global demand for almonds and other pollinated crops has tripled, the areas of the United States that need pollinators most offer them poor living conditions.”


“Wild bees need deadwood in the forest”

In my area “volunteers” collect both dead and live wood from public parks to pay themselves in home firewood:

“Restauration experiment aims to strengthen biodiversity

As part of this long-term restoration experiment, structural richness was artificially created in 2016 on several sample plots in the Black Forest National Park. Researchers felled and uprooted 20 spruce trees per plot, creating deadwood and small gaps in six 50 by 50 meter plots. Six other plots were left in their natural state as a control group. "The restoration measures have increased what we call the structural complexity of the forest stands. That is, these plots provide a more diverse, varied habitat. We would not have thought to have found so many different wild bees as a result," explains Eckerter.

Standing deadwood promotes bee population

The researchers compared how many wild bees were in the different plots in June 2018 and 2019. Their results show that deadwood increases the abundance and biodiversity of wild bees. In this regard, standing deadwood particularly encourages above-ground nesting bees such as masked bees. "We suspect that some of the bees use deadwood as a nesting site," says Eckerter. As a result, he recommends, "If the bark beetle has already flown out and the tree is already dead, it's important to leave the standing dead tree for the bees."

Increased blueberry growth

In addition, the thinner forest areas prove beneficial to bees, as the light stimulates the growth of flowering plants. Increased blueberry growth provides bees with more nectar, increasing the abundance and richness of the bee community. Looking toward the future, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Klein, head of the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, emphasizes, „In the course of climate change, forest areas will be increasingly characterized by deadwood and sparse areas caused by storms, droughts or bark beetles. As a result, forest habitat will increase in importance for wild bees."

“Wild bees need deadwood in the forest”


America’s Department of Transportation is preoccupied with doling out contract money to stimulate campaign donations, and otherwise has no vision or sense of social morality:

“The is Rotherham where council have planted 8 miles of wild flower verges. It has saved 25k in mowing costs. These photos posted by British Beekeeping Association!”


“What is the Biodiversity Crisis?

Half of all species may face extinction by the end of this century. Here’s how we can save them.”


Amazon is driving environmental depletion:

“Amazon Is a Symbol of Capitalism’s Wastefulness”

“A new report has revealed that just one Amazon warehouse in Scotland destroys 130,000 unsold goods per week – a reminder of the waste involved in production for profit rather than public need.”

“Prime anyone?

“In the ITV News investigation, correspondent Richard Pallot found that the Amazon fulfilment centre in Dunfermline on the east coast of Scotland was destroying millions of unsold items every year. Many of them had never even been removed from their packaging.

An anonymous Amazon worker told Pallot, ‘From a Friday to a Friday our target was to generally destroy 130,000 items a week.’ A leaked document for a single week showed 124,000 items marked for destruction, but only 28,000 marked for donation, while a manager told Pallot that some weeks more than 200,000 items would be destroyed.””



“A battle over old-growth forests is raging in British Columbia.”

“'We Must Not Stand Down': 270+ Arrested at Anti-Logging Protests in Canada”


“It is with a heavy heart that we are making a call of action to the world to help save the Amazon Rainforest and it’s threatened peoples.

Currently, there is a road being constructed from Peru through the deepest parts of the Amazon where our tribe (and several others) live in Acre, Brazil. Roads come with massive deforestation and an influx of companies and government bodies who plan to exploit and extract the Amazon rainforest for profit. Our aim is to help save all beings in the rainforest from genocide. As you may already know, the Brazilian Amazon makes up the majority of the Amazon Rainforest which is the heart and lungs of our Earth. The road will be invading the territory of threatened and uncontactable tribes who are vulnerable because they have no advocates for their human rights.

The good news is, we have been working feverishly to find solutions. We have been working with Askac (the Kuntanawa’s Non-Profit Organization in Brazil) to create our “Transform and Illuminate” project. This project empowers people to be Guardians of the Rainforest by not agreeing to destroy the Amazon Rainforest for profit. Your donations help teach these Guardians how to live sustainably and organically. It financially empowers them to resist the government’s slash and burn payouts.

Do you want to help us stop deforestation?

Can you help us plant seeds for all of our futures?

Do you want to be a part of the solution?

If YES, please join the Forest Guardians by making a donation to the project “Transform and Illuminate.” Donations can be sent to: via the friends and family option. Please state “donation Transform and Illuminate” in the notes.

With our love, gratitude and solidarity,

The leaders of Kuntanawa Nation

Haru and Hayra Kuntanawa

Xara, Xara.”


Air Pollution and Climate Change Cost the Average American $2500 Per Year

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