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2/2023 Fatal Blow: Current Climate crisis & Politicians pushing window of transition out of reach

Updated: Jan 11

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-08-10 108aaa

It's about timing.

We've waited until we were well beyond the need for no mistakes or being able to withstand delays from political nonsense. Sadly we currently have an abundance of both and they are rapidly pushing (or have pushed) us past the point in time that represented our last window of opportunity to transition away from fossil fuels.

There is no downside for the rich behind it all. it always about class warfare. And now they need only wait for the "little people" to die off from the consequences of the surplus profit taking. A win win for fascists.

“Researchers Warn of Climate 'Doom Loop' as Impacts Forestall Green Energy Transition

"It's too late to avoid the climate storm altogether," said a study co-author. "Our ability to steer out of the storm is frustrated by having to manage the impacts of the storm on the ship."”




There is nothing safe about “only” +1.5CA lot of people are going to die:

“We looked at 1,200 possibilities for the planet’s future. These are our best hope.”


Americans need to tear up their sod and put in vegetables and native plants. Because the western super rich have made the world’s government’s disgusted with American and food assistance will not be forthcoming. The rich will merely tell American politicians to let the nonrich die:

“Russia and China Have a Stranglehold on the World’s Food Security

Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine highlighted the role of fertilizers — and who controls them — as a strategic lever of global influence.”


“Russian Influence in 2016 Was More Dramatic Than We Imagined

Real life or a spy movie?”


It says volume that our Politicians don’t take action against Fox:

“Why Fox News Lied to Its Viewers

The network’s hosts and leaders knew that Trump had lost the election, but feared the consequences of telling their audience the truth.”


“Elon Musk Shows How Oligarchy Poisons the Speech Commons

Free speech is not when one rich guy gets to shout 1,000 times louder than anyone else.


Debt peonage works with individuals as well as less developed nations. A friend confided in me that after being late on a few payments he was notified that the holder of the loan, with an approx. $37,000 principal, was being charged an $18,000 administrative fee:

“He took out a student loan in ’77. Today, he’s barely cracked the principal.”


“What does the return of El Nino mean for the planet – and you?”


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