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5/2023 “Missouri House goes for banning all the books, strips state funding for libraries”

Updated: Jan 11

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-07-27 _F2A5654aaa

Information on our Oceans available at: “World Ocean Review”


Huasteco Euritides philolaus, female, melanic form:

Peter Carter:


Global greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric concentration as CO2 equivalent (methane as well as CO2). 2021 Atmospheric CO2 eq was 516ppm (CSIRO). For 2°C equilibrium warming 450 ppm CO2 is the limit , which we are way above, with CO2 eq concentration soaring. For future survival emissions must decline immediately(IPCC AR6)


“Last week Congress tried to push through an extremely repressive law, aptly named the RESTRICT Act, which would allow the censorship-industrial complex to use the criminal justice system to shut down free speech, instead of just relying on the cancelling and banning they have been using for the last 7 years.

Rand Paul blocked the attempt to fast track it.

So this week Top Secret documents were released about war plans in Ukraine.”

“Ukraine war: As the dust settles, did the US leaks reveal anything important?”

Now the self-identified "legitimate" media is going bonkers screaming about all the harm that has been done, and the Pentagon has announced that it is going after the bloggers who printed it.

As if the Ukrainian military was doing fine before someone leaked the plans.

As if the Russians read bloggers to find out military strategy.

Coincidence? I think not.”

“Leaked Ukraine War Docs: What’s really going on?”

“Lotsa Questions on how leaked and how media reporting on it.”

“Leaked Ukraine War Docs: What’s really going on? Plus: Dems Urge Biden to Ignore Court Rulings”


Firty Shades of Whey:

“On the same day that Biden signed a bill ending the national emergency for COVID-19, a study came out saying that people with long COVID are having trouble affording healthcare, or finding doctors knowledgeable about the condition, which affects 19 million US adults.”


Val Eisman:

"A full two-thirds of the world's fresh water is locked up in glaciers. People in arid climates rely on glacial meltwater to drink and irrigate their crops. If glaciers were to completely disappear then those who depend on it would lose this vital water source and would have to move."

“How long could we survive without ice?”


“The Mexican government continues nationalizing key industries despite US objections”

“The US is very angry with Mexico’s leftist President, AMLO because, after nationalizing lithium, he also just nationalized 13 power plants from a Spanish energy company, giving Mexico’s state owned power company majority control over the electricity market” [and give the leader control of a source of core inflation]


It’s been over 20f above average here in south central Wisconsin. 80f in spring, but this weekend it might snow. Then the wildfires started:

“Peter Carter April 9 at 7:36 PM


NASA: Unexpected large carbon emissions in the Arctic winter from permafrost switch the Arctic from carbon sink to source.

NOAAs 2016 Arctic Report Card reported the Arctic switch from carbon sink to source, confirmed in the 2019 Arctic Report Card.

The IPCC (AR6) does not include emissions from permafrost in projections. Arctic warmed peat-rich wetlands are emitting more methane- IPCC does not include this source.

“Permafrost Becoming a Carbon Source Instead of a Sink”


Gilbert Christman via Maureen Haley:

“Defund the corrupt two party system.

The Corp media's Republican and Democratic Party "opposition" is a staged farce. They are willing actors used by the corp media as "bad cop", whose purpose is to extort your consent to support Corp Political interests through the equally Corp funded and controlled Democratic Party.

They're both EVIL The Democratic Party's vast majority of billionaire Wallstreet funding $$$ guarantees they must block any true opposition efforts for working class representation. Basically, words aside, we have two Republican Parties. When are Democratic party supporters going to face the facts. They've been lied to over and over and over again. The duopoly's "lesser evil" is a Corp funded scam. Set your alarms before you vote for the Corp labeled "evil" or "lesser evil", they're both against YOU. It will guarantee Biden's or any Democratic party candidate [allowed in] promise to Wallstreet, "nothing will fundamentally change".

The current Corp billionaire funded electoral system prevents any change not approved by the Wallstreet/billionaires - who by the way, also own the MSM - whose sole purpose is to maintain division by limiting your focus to sensationalism , identity politics while avoiding real solutions [not] favoring the rulers Corp billionaire interests. e.g. : gov corp regulations, public land drilling, climate action, telecom regulations ; raising cap on social security; 70% support for universal healthcare ; livable min wage ; campaign finance reform, $15 trillion needed to rebuild infrastructure spent on wars , etc. , etc., etc. Never [truthfully] mentioned in Corp msm, of course.”


“Earth has second-warmest March even before arrival of planet-heating El Niño

It was the 529th consecutive month to feature temperatures above the 20th-century average”


Nazi's in action

"In a move combining both vengeance and ignorance, Missouri House Republicans voted to defund libraries in the state budget. Rep. Cody Smith, the Republican chair of the budget committee, flat-out said that he was going to cut the aid in retaliation for a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union to overturn a new state law banning sexually explicit material in school libraries.

The House budget cuts $4.5 million from libraries, all of funding from the state. It won’t destroy the state’s libraries, which also receive local funding and have other revenue streams. But it’s a hit, and one that isn’t just financial, Daniel Boone Regional Library youth services librarian Megan Durham told the Columbia Daily Tribune.It’s bad for Missouri’s kids, particularly in rural areas. "Often the library is a safe haven for teens to explore the world beyond where they live," she said."

“Missouri House goes for banning all the books, strips state funding for libraries”

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