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01/2002 “Humans are an endangered species”

Updated: Jan 14

The existential threat facing humanity has been and continues to be the Democratic and Republican parties of the United States of America,...who are currently engaged in apply their imperialistic tactics against Americans

“The same America that claims to “save” other impoverished countries from corrupt governments has become just that – impoverished by a corrupt government. If we don’t begin shifting our focus from funding military to funding community, America is going to need saving.”

With a Ukrainian biz market worth 100s billions at risk and squeals of glee at the prospect of a new war, corporations & their rich owners order Biden to deploy our wealth concentrating military abroad albeit in a blizzard of CO2





“Humans are an endangered species”

Bronze Copper (Lycaena Hyllus)

South Central Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

8/26/2011 IMG_2852aaaap [ G:\Digital Camera Photos\2011 All\2011-08-28-0820-56]

“Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight amid climate change, cybersecurity and pandemic”

“Symbolic clock represents how close humanity is to self-destruction”


The fools have probably killed us all:

Kevin Hester:

“The IPCC have factored Carbon Capture and Storage into their Representative Concentration Pathways.

They gambled the biosphere on fantasy technology and lost miserably at the climate casino.”

“Shell’s Massive Carbon Capture Plant Is Emitting More Than It’s Capturing”


“New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

"New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658."


“There Is No Adapting to Extreme Weather”

The U.S. is hemorrhaging money and lives in the face of the climate crisis. No level of adaptation can keep up without cutting emissions.”


“Why we face extinction and how to prevent it”


“Stop pretending that the Climate Apocalypse isn't coming”



This image depicts how humans could go extinct within years. The image was created with NASA LOTI 1880-Dec.2019 data, 0.78°C adjusted to reflect ocean air temperatures (as opposed to sea surface temperatures), to reflect higher polar temperature anomalies (as opposed to leaving out 'missing' data) and to reflect a 1750 baseline (as opposed to a 1951-1980 baseline), with two trends added. Blue: a long-term trend based on Jan.1880-Dec.2019 data. Red: a short-term trend, based on Jan.2009-Dec.2019 data, to illustrate El Niño/La Niña variability and how El Niño could be the catalyst to trigger huge methane releases from the Arctic Ocean.


“Pope Francis calls Modern Unbridled and Unfettered Capitalism 'DUNG of the DEVIL'”


It won’t be long now:

Harry Allington: “It's literally getting worse. Every. Single. Day.

Compare this with the post I shared here with a CAMS methane screenshot just over 48 hours ago.

The clathrates are going off. If you can't see it, you are choosing to not see it.”




“Earth's Core Is Cooling Faster Than Expected, Creating Uncertain Future for Planet”


“Overthrow capitalism to stop climate breakdown”


“Stopping Climate Change and Other Illusions COP26 - William E. Rees”


““Politicians with no moral compass created the Climate Crisis” exacerbated it and then blamed everyone else for it”


“America’s Food System is Failing”

“Gardening supplies are going to fly off the shelves next”


America is imploding from every angle:

“Garbage and recyclables pile up as omicron takes its toll”


“The End is Nigh? Sixth Mass Extinction on Earth Underway, Study Warns”

Kevin Hester:

“More and more mainstream by the day, which also means that the collapse of industrial civilisation can't be far away.

As people wake up to the rapidity of the unravelling and the certainty of utter chaos this entire set of living arrangements will implode like a pack of cards collapsing or like a Jenga stack, it's already got the wobbles.”


“Ocean Tipping Points - part 1”

“The quiet crossing of ocean tipping points”


“Rivers speeding up Arctic ice melt at alarming rate, experts say”


“Already too late - global warming consequences now unavoidable”


“Dangerous N2O release from Yedoma permafrost discovered in a previously unknown feedback loop”


Koch is dictating Biden’s COVID policies:

“Kim Iversen: FEND FOR YOURSELF! Fauci & CDC Haven ABANDONED The Covid+ In A Crime Against HUMANITY”


Kirk Brent Norring:

”Herd Immunity Tried before in the USA.

The virus mutates too quickly giving newer variants which the immunity granted by older variants don’t protect you from. Omicron 1 & 2 are spreading so fast because the vaccines don’t protect you from the new variants.

We are in an endemic now.

That means we will have this virus until it wipes out huge chunks of the human population.

Some government leaders may get what they want with deadly consequences.

Because the sudden reduction of the human population will also mean less factories running and less vehicles burning fossil fuels and thus less emissions and visible pollution causing glaciers bal dimming.

The world will suddenly warm up.”


“Dimming the Sun Could Spell Doom for Humanity, Experts Warn”


Kirk Brent Norring

“Save The Planet While Losing Crop Production. Catch 22.”

“Dimming Sun's rays should be off-limits, say experts”


“The planet vs Bolsonaro” (who had tons of help from Trump, McConnell, and Wall St)

“The International Court of Justice is charging Bolsonaro with Crimes against humanity

PLEASE sign this petition (and share it ) to show your support . The Amazon is already a net emitter of CO2 (and black carbon) Bolsonaro has, perhaps, only another year in office considering his poor approval ratings, BUT that is enough time to put the already dying Amazon past the tipping point from which scientists say it would never be able to come back from . It's on the verge of Becoming Savanna and the entire country of Brazil is experiencing extreme drought . This effects the entire world climate in drastic ways. Also PLEASE write Biden and your Congress people and tell them the US must be a member of the International Court of Justice (It is NOT , along with some other wealthy powerful, greedy cowardly countries)”


“The Only Overpopulation Solution”


Harry Allington:

“This will impact your life significantly more than Covid.

First image, Methane at surface level as recorded by CAMS

Second image, closeup of methane vents at Severnya Zelmya and Wiese Island.

Third image, Sea ice Concentration as recorded by the University of Bremen. Note the gaps in the ice which line up exactly with the locations of the venting methane.”


“Climate change: Why thawing permafrost is a triple-threat”


“Wildfires are digging carbon sinkholes in the Arctic”


“The planet is dying faster than we thought”

“Who cares if the planet is dying?”


“Richest 1% produce double the carbon emissions of poorest 3bn people”


We will likely lose flowers:

“Plants are Stuck as Seed-Eating Animals Decline”


“'Furnace': Argentina roasts in record-setting heat wave”


“Forest Fires rage in nine of Argentina’s 23 provinces”


“Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations Processes of Creative Self-Destruction”

Essence of DempGOP:

“Lucien Pigeon: The hard truth is that corporations would sooner see the world destroyed than relinquish their power and that explains the inaction of many of our politicians and governments over the last 40 years !”


“Climate Crisis and The Climate Crash” - Simon Michaux

Wayne Thickett: “Geological survey of Finland,”it takes more energy to build wind turbines than they can ever generate”. Oh and they are made out of composite materials so are not recyclable and are currently thrown into landfill.”


“Imagining our extinction as an endangered species”


“Business of Disaster (full documentary) | FRONTLINE”


Kirk Brent Norring:

“Since We go Extinct At Roughly 3°C of Warming, We Don't Have Until 2100. Now Doubt This Is An Underestimation.”

“UK government: 4°C warming by 2100 "can't be ruled out"”


It’s going to get ugly my fellow Americans. Our own government is going to graduate from social murder to something much worse and more to the point. Pinochet style maybe

“There are means for suppressing this kind of revolt. The imperialists tried and tested them during the Cold War, when the CIA installed military dictatorships in Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, and other countries which carried out mass murder campaigns against those involved in the labor movement.”

“As class conflict intensifies, imperial decline pushes capitalism into a corner”


“COVID-19 Expert Reality Check”

“As Suspected, COVID-19 Is Part Of Our Extinction Process In That It Will Stay With Us Until Our End.”



“Bubble Plume off Alki Point in Seattle”


Mark Trewick

(A) biological source of methane beneath the seafloor seems likely, Johnson said. The source may be in the dense clay sediment deposited after the last Ice Age, when glaciers first carved out the Puget Sound basin. The methane seems to be biological in origin, and the bubbles also support methane-eating bacterial mats in the surrounding water.

Jerry (Junzhe) Liu, a senior in oceanography, helped to analyze the data and participated in a 2019 cruise that contributed data.

“I’m interested in two seemingly parallel fields: fault zones and air-sea interactions for climate,” Liu said. “This project covers all the way from below the seafloor to above the ocean’s surface.”)


Rising magma in Seattle area may explain part of methane discharge:

John Traczyk:

“JANUARY 19, 2022 Bubbles of methane rising from seafloor in Puget Sound.

University of Washington team has discovered 349 plumes of methane gas bubbling up from the seafloor in Puget Sound.

"There's methane plumes all over Puget Sound," said lead author Paul Johnson, a UW professor of oceanography. "Single plumes are all over the place, but the big clusters of plumes are at Kingston and at Alki Point."

The two persistent fields of bubble plumes occur above geologic faults: for the Alki bubbles, located above a branch of the Seattle Fault, and for the Kingston bubbles, above the South Whidbey Fault.

Yes. Methane releases from rising magma. Has to be. More and More.”


“We can't stop our planet's next mass extinction event, researchers say”


“The Enigma of Climate Inaction – On the Human Nature of Policy Failure Oct 5, 2021

Climate-change and other environmental organizations urge governments to act decisively/rapidly to decarbonize the economy and halt further development of fossil fuel reserves.”


“How Big Beef Is Fueling the Amazon’s Destruction”


“Jeremy Grantham predicts the US 'superbubble' will pop, wiping out $35 trillion in stocks and housing. Here are the 11 best quotes from his new note.”


It’s happening now.

Methane, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, etc are swamping our atmosphere.

The civil air defense sirens should be used to make an announcement, but they won’t. In fact, they are already taking down evidence online.

Their future is all a sick joke they plan on profiting from as we die.


“Clathrate Gun”

Mark Trewick:

“Do you see that haze over the land? Its just a wintertime haze because its normal when it's Winter, right?


It's Methane, yeah, the planet heating odorless, tasteless, 84 times worse than CO² at heating the planet during its first 20 years after it's released, gas.

How do I know and why should you care?

I know because I study it and see the charts they use to measure it every day and I know.

It's part of the first 5% of the hundreds of billions of tonnes of it which have been locked in the ground and under the Arctic seas and within the melting Canadian and Siberian permafrost and it hasn't been released for tens of millions of years, maybe hundreds. Today, its spewing out, all over the planet at such a rapid rate that many people including myself believe that this relatively small amount will heat the planet so quickly that the added heat will cause what's known as the Clathrate Gun to fire. A methane bomb, releasing so much, in such a short rapid burst that we may have as little as 18 months until plants , animals and humans die off in quick succession and cause a chain of horrific events culminating in the extinction of most, if not all life on Earth within a mere decade, at best.

People should be made aware. We all need to wake from our temporary, materialistic, self centered, consumptive stupor and use the short time remaining wisely.

The end time is now.”

[note to reader, the photos have been removed from facebook]


“High levels of Methane and NitroOxide. Over the fields and valleys right on my doorstep.

Click the 3 little horizontal bars up in the top left, select Methane and put my postcode in the search box DH9, then see for yourself. “


“Increased production of smelly sulfur compound in Southern Ocean tied to climate change”

“DMS is produced by marine plankton and represents the largest source of natural sulfur emissions.”

Mark Trewick:

“I went into CAMS and brought up the Sulfur Dioxide chart. I noted it appeared to be at higher concentrations over the Southern Ocean so i asked Google, "What would be the cause of high Sulfur Dioxide levels over the Southern Ocean." 1st picture.

This was what I learned. 2nd picture... link below....

This does not seem to be good at all... Does anybody have any further input?”


Mark Trewick:

“An early look at Spring. That excessive heat doesn't bode well for the continuation of habitation for species.”


Hank Philips:

“Less ice weight means tectonic shift.” [volcanic eruptions]


“Lemonde Deroman

The decline will be more and more joyful.

The melting of the permafrost will cause – in particular – massive emissions of laughing gas, nitrous oxide (NO2).

Mother Earth has a sense of humor”


Piotrek Puczek:

“A flat map showing how increasing Ocean heat off the gulf of Mexico and Northern Atlantic with warmer air current can enter the Svalbard arctic ocean region and Kara, Laptev and Barents seas off the Siberian coast.”


“Methane Plume Emissions Associated With Puget Sound Faults in the Cascadia Forearc”


Air pollution includes Methane, Sulphur Dioxide, and Nitrous Oxide. This explains why insects are reduced in even the remotest locations. Our very atmosphere is no longer conducive to their existence.

“Scientists find there are 70% fewer pollinators, due to air pollution”

“Air pollution significantly reduces pollination by confusing butterflies and bees, lessening their ability to sniff out crops and wildflowers.”


Snow Tornado in Greece!?!:

“OK, our weather has officially gone off the rails! This is a "Snownado" off Andros Island, Greece!”


Violating the Spirit and Intent of their Oath of Office:

“The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.” Charles de Montesquieu


“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell


“The Ants Will Come and Tell Me”

“January 24, 2022 will be the 99th birth anniversary of Brindley Horatio Benn.

The Ants Will Come and Tell Me documents how on three separate occasions, the British and American governments joined forces to overthrow democratically elected governments in the South American nation of Guyana, making it an early test laboratory for the techniques of "regime change" through divide and rule.

Brindley and Patricia Benn, and their children, have persistently fought for Guyanese sovereignty for more than 60 years. Brindley Benn served as Deputy Premier in the early 1960s, fighting alongside Dr. Cheddi Jagan as British Guiana sought to free itself from British rule. His wife Patricia led the campaign to enfranchise Guianese women. When their government was finally deposed in 1964 and replaced with the puppet regime of Forbes Burnham, the Benn family helped lead the resistance. When Burnham embraced the Reverend Jim Jones and his People's Temple cult from the US, Brindley Benn sounded the alarm, long before the infamous Jonestown massacre. Brindley died in 2009, but today, Patricia and the next generation of Benns continue his legacy.

Written by the Benns' third daughter Lena and her husband Daniel, this book is the result of countless hours of interviews, and is also documented with recently declassified material from the U.S. State Department, archives of the CIA and MI5, and material made public by Wikileaks. It was released on Amazon as a Kindle e-book as well as in two paperback and one hardcover editions.”


“‘Dear Darkening Ground’, Rainer Maria Rilke, animated by The Im/possible Future”


“The West is Burning - Feature Documentary”


Lucien Pigeon:

“Decarbonizing the economy and halting fossil fuel development - Dr. Bill Rees Dec 15, 2021

Society is in dysfunctional overshoot and there are barriers to environmentally rational behavior & policies. Climate-change and other environmental organizations are urging governments to act decisively/rapidly to decarbonize the economy and halt further development of fossil fuel reserves.”


“How the rich get richer and ... of Nixon's FUNNY MONEY !.mp4”


“Algae blooms: “I never saw the ice as dark as this””


“It’s coming!” – Currency crash and ‘serious trouble’ predictions spark gold warning”


Citizens United is Betsy Devos handy work:

“New analysis finds that America’s 661 billionaires pumped $1,200,000,000 into the 2020 elections.

That’s double what they contributed in 2016, and 39x more than they contributed before Citizens United was decided.

It’s been 12 years. It’s time to #endcitizensunited


Democrats will protect them in exchange for a donation:

“MUST-SEE: Trump advisor called out for staging January 6 coup TO HIS FACE live on air”

“Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro describes in a live video how he and other Republicans helped plan a coup to overthrow the free and fair election conducted by some 160 million voters.”


“What is the biosphere and why is it collapsing?”


* Earth’s temperature has risen by 0.14 F (0.08C) per decade since 1880, and the rate of warming over the past 40 years is more than twice that : 0.32F (0.18C) per decade since 1981.

* 2020 was the second-warmest year on record based on NOAA’s temperature data, and land areas were record warm.

* Averaged across land and ocean, the 2020 surface temperature was 1.76F (0.98 C) warmer than the twentieth-century average of 57.0F (13.9C) and 2.14F (1.19C) warmer than the pre-industrial period (1880-1900).

* Despite a late-year La Nina event that cooled a wide swath of the tropical Pacific Ocean, 2020 came just 0.04F*(0.02C) shy of tying 2016 for warmest year on record.”

* The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 2005.

* From 1900 to 1980 a new temperature record was set on average every 13.5 years, from 1981-2019, a new record was set every 3 years.”


George Tsakraklides:

“It took 3.8 billion years for 8 million species to slowly evolve on Earth. It has taken just a few hundred years for just one of those species to usher in a global ecosystem collapse that will be the biggest extinction event of the planet”


“Arctic methane levels reach new heights”


“Alexander Vindman: It's Not Going To End Simply With Russia Attacking Ukraine”


Just a couple facts, some good illustrations, but the rest is insane:

“"The North Pole tilted (about a 1/2 degree) toward the Sun on January 13, 2022….

“January 20, 21, 2022. Extreme disturbances continue in Earth's magnetic field, Earth's magnetosphere. Day after day non stop. This has been going on for almost a full year now, since February of 2021, of severe abnormal behavior. None of this is normal. At all. This full year of daily continuous extremely severe abnormal disturbances is unprecedented.”


“Methane in Plumbing near Frack Sites”

For decades America’s elite installed fake leaders and used its might to rape, pillage, impoverish and leave In shambles Peoples social and economic lives in country after country,... guess what? They’re focusing on America now


“America is failing”

“David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything”


Jason Scherl

“Science In Action with Michael Mann

The oceans have continued to warm, producing continuous record temperature rises for several years now. That’s the finding of Michael Mann of the University of Pennsylvania and author of The New Climate Wars. He says warming occurred last year despite the presence of global weather patterns which would usually have a cooling effect.”


“Laptev sea at Severnaya Zemlya archipelago ice is breaking up... Lower left. 20 Jan 22”

“Exploring the remote Russian archipelago of Severnaya Zemlya”


Traditional Industrial scale agriculture is failing. And new modes of production will not be up to scale for several decades:

““While most of the world is completely dependent on industrial agriculture, the Russian people feed themselves.

As recently as 2011, a full 40% of the food produced in Russia came from small, household gardens called dachas.

That number is down from the peak of the communist era, when 90% of the nation’s food came from dachas – small plots of land given to the people by the government for growing food.

But 40% is still huge compared to the less than 1% of American food still grown on small, family-owned farms.””

“Nearly 40% of Russia’s Food Still Comes From Small, Family Gardens”


Sowing social division to break a country’s back so they can enrich themselves, it’s what America has been doing for decades the world over. Now they are doing it to America.

Since it’s against the law for our own government to propagandize America citizens, you can be fairly certain that using techniques perfected by the CIA to destabilize America’s own population is against the law. But our politicians don’t police each other.

“They want us to hate each other, Don’t let them win”


Nothing - domestic or abroad - concentrates western wealth like a fascist dictatorship. If like Ukraine & America that means installing Nazi leadership then so be it

1st order of business after fascism’s successful pen and paper coup of America will be the liquidation of the remaining commons\environment & the stripping of workers of their civil and human rights. Exploiting the environment without restriction or regard to consequences is a very profitable thing to do.



There are

1,500 Newspapers

1,100 Magazines

9,000 Radio Stations

1,500 TV Stations

2,400 Publishers

All owned by just six corporations”


“I’m not a conspiracy theorist.

I’m a “things aren’t adding up and its pretty obvious” theorist.”



BOYCOTT MONTANA, WYOMING, IDAHO and DEB HAALAND and Democratic Senator John Tester of Montana

“A Slaughter of Wolves Like This Hasn’t Been Seen in a Century”


“Dr Hoffert, physicist and Exxon consultant from 1981 to 1987, explaining the graph from 1982 showing “a projection into the future of #carbondioxide levels and #climatechange associated with those levels.” “And it’s a very accurate representation of what today’s climate change actually is”.

Dr. Hoffert; “We were excellent scientists”



“Very high methane concentrations are showing up over the Arctic. The first image shows monthly average in situ methane measurements recorded at Barrow, Alaska, with high averages showing up for recent months.

Carbon dioxide levels also continue to be very high at Barrow, Alaska, as illustrated by the second image, showing a recent daily average exceeding 430 ppm.

Locally, carbon dioxide concentration can be even higher. The third image shows a concentration of 440 ppm over the Arctic Ocean at the green circle, as the jet stream crosses the Arctic on January 19, 2022 (fourth image).

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic greenhouse gas levels continue', at:”

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