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11/2021 U.S. and Its Allies Are Fueling Worldwide Erosion of Democracy, Analysis Shows

Updated: Jan 16

The fourth Reich has coalesced and practicing its malignancy:

“Irrefutable analysis! We will shortly enter an American era of chaos and authoritarianism. At the same time that the climate change clock is moving forward at increasing speed. I suggest y'all plan your family's next move!”

“U.S. and Its Allies Are Fueling Worldwide Erosion of Democracy, Analysis Shows

"We cannot rely on the U.S. or its allies to 'champion' democracy around the world," said global grassroots movement Progressive International.”

Blinded Sphinx (Paonias excaecata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

6/24/2012 0001_IMG_9458_99999aaa [F:\2018 Photos\OldPhotoZ2012]

“Dear Good People of America,

Whatever you wish more good people in Germany would have done in 1931, do it now.

-Rev.John Pavlovitz”


“Opinion: Global warming target of 1.5°C based on shaky economics”

“The emission reductions flowing from strict adherence to this target will be worse for the world than doing nothing at all”


“Pacific Northwest Monsoon Apocalypse”


Alessandro Stefani

“Oslo - Blindern in Norway measured 15.1C friday afternoon. This is the highest temperature registrated in the norwegian capital so late in the year since the weather station was established in 1937”


“How The United States Ended Up With Two Right-Wing Parties”


They gave Wall St $1 trillion per day. And both parties sat by relatively idle as 100’s of thousands of working Americans died in a pandemic only to cheat them on life saving aid financial aid checks. The list can go on and on. Not to mention they just got caught giving Trump’s multimillionaire DeJoy a $75,000 Performance Bonus and a $285 billion tax cut for the rich in the BBB bill.

American’s need to take the money but feel no loyalty toward Democrats. Don’t be manipulated.

Bottom line: The Democratic and Republican parties MUST NOT be allowed to participate in another election anywhere at any level in America.


“House passes Biden's $1.7 trillion social safety net and climate package

The Build Back Better bill now heads to the Senate, where it’s likely to undergo some changes in order to win the support of all 50 Democratic-voting members.”


John Berbatis

“Climate catastrophes won't proceed in gentle waves. There will be abrupt peaks producing chaos worldwide. See above post from”

“Climate changed abruptly at tipping points in past”


Alessandro Stefani:

“Antarctic summer is finally approaching. On 19 November the maximum at Vostok Station reached -30.2 °C the provisional top in the month

Note that the monthly average between October and November increases 15 °C about and 11 °C between November and December”


Biden’s Thanksgiving wishes for the lesser People:


Biden’s Thanksgiving wish for the Rich: “Come!, Feed Freely on the lesser Americans!

“Corporations Openly BILKING Shoppers With Inflation Cover | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”


Atmospheric Rivers – get to know it:

“Atmospheric rivers of the kind that flooded British Columbia will become larger and possibly more destructive because of climate change, scientists say.”

“B.C. flood shows how climate change could fuel atmospheric river storms”


Trudeau – Koch’s work wife to the north - is to blame:

BC Floods and Clearcut Logging (Nov. 2021)”


“'Volcanic winter' likely contributed to ecological catastrophe 250 million years ago: study”


Rittenhouse and the US SCOTUS rubbing salt in the wound:

Self interested elite politicians refuse to take the action required to purge the vile Supreme Court of the christofascist human garbage anointed by Trump - Democrats and Republicans should not be allowed to participate in any further elections nationwide We need to make this ban happen before you or I are just another social murder statistic:

“The Supreme Court Is Poised to Give a Giant Gift to Gun Nuts”


Rittenhouse\Schroeder: now that senseless killings of white people are legal in the eyes of the law, I wonder if Black Lives Matter might be seeing some relief?


Consolidation and zero standards in the media make problems for combatting climate change,…which is the whole idea behind the rich owning them:

“You Can’t Beat Climate Change Without Tackling Disinformation”


“I’m a Defense Industry Worker. It’s Time to Cut the Pentagon Budget.

Limitless military spending doesn’t help workers like me. Green, union jobs do.”


“Krystal tells of her experience watching the Amazon documentary of Pete Buttigieg and she points out some of the most striking moments in the film that show how hollow Pete really is.”

“Krystal Ball: I Watched The SOUL SUCKING Pete Buttigieg Doc So You Don't Have To”


“Something to think about…”

“The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class are struggling to make ends meet.

Meanwhile, your politicians FROM BOTH SIDES are convincing you to fight amongst yourselves and blame each other instead of the billionaires and corporations that paid billions to keep them in office.”


“The Loss of Birdsongs

An Elder's lifetime of observations in Arctic Village, Alaska”


“In the December/January issue, Helen Christophi explores a former police officer and now Department of Justice domestic counterterrorism employee’s ties to white nationalists—the deadliest domestic terrorism movement in the United States.”

“The Lone Wolf in the Henhouse

A Department of Justice counterterrorism expert has deep ties to white supremacist groups.”


“As Hitler, so goes America (ps the world would be better off in the long run if America didn’t exist)

Supernatural ideas were widespread at the turn of the 20th century, especially in Germany. But in the social crisis following World War I, esoteric and border-science ideas became a powerful tool of Nazi mobilization, directed at demonizing Jews and the Left.”

“How Mysticism and Pseudoscience Became Central to Nazism”


“Definition of White Privilege:

A seventeen year old White boy drove cross states lines with the full intent to shoot and kill people who had done nothing to him; be tried for the crime and be found not guilty.

Definition of Being Black in America:

A seventeen year old Black Boy on his way home from purchasing a package of Skittles candy and a can of Arizona Watermelon Drink, is attacked by a Wannabe Security Guard, beaten, shot and killed for trying to defend himself. His murderer is found not guilty.

Yet we're demonized for not wanting to stand during the National Anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance. Why the hell should we?!


Ice Cream bars for everyone?!

Too little, too late, and necessary but not sufficient, and finally, it does NOT undo past super-egregious obscenities like letting the mass extinction and collapse of the atmosphere’s ability to support life get as bad and irretrievable as it is now:

My god, my god, and I say this with every fiber of my being and every once of sincerity I can muster,..the entirety of the Democratic and Republican parties can go jump in a lake, and that includes Charles Koch’s work wife, that destroyer of worlds, NANCY PELOSI. Both the Democratic and Republican parties should NOT be allowed to participate in any further elections.

“House passes giant social policy and climate measure”…that is put into painful context for most Americans by Democrats simultaneously handing an additional $285 Billion tax cut to the already rich


Democrats betray the People again:

“$285 Billion Tax Cut for Rich Is Now Second-Costliest Item of Build Back Better”

A $285 billion tax cut that would predominantly flow to rich households is now the second most expensive component of the Build Back Better Act after corporate Democrats succeeded in slashing funding for a number of key progressive priorities—and removing other programs entirely..

With the House of Representatives preparing to vote later this week on the roughly $1.8 trillion reconciliation package, the Washington Post reported Tuesday that Democrats' plan to raise the cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions from $10,000 to $80,000 through 2026 would be "more costly than establishing a paid family and medical leave program, and nearly twice as expensive as funding home-medical services for the elderly and disabled."

"Over the next five years, raising the SALT cap would provide a tax cut only to those who itemize their taxes and pay more than $10,000 in state and local taxes—a group overwhelmingly made up of the wealthy," the Post noted. "A recent analysis from the Tax Policy Center says the tax cut will benefit primarily the top 10% of income earners, with almost nothing flowing to middle- and lower-income families."

The only part of the Build Back Better package that's currently larger than the proposed SALT cap increase is the legislation's universal pre-K and affordable child care programs, both of which progressive critics warn are deeply flawed and have been pared back in recent weeks to appease right-wing Democrats.

"As the Build Back Better bill makes its way through Congress, significant changes are being made to the various proposals, generally for the worse," Matt Bruenig of the People's Policy Project noted last week. "Hollowed-out versions of older proposals are limping to the finish line and it's a completely different bill at this point."

The proposal to lift the SALT cap—which was created by the GOP's 2017 tax law—was added to the reconciliation package largely at the behest of a small group of corporate Democrats who threatened to tank any bill that omitted an increase.

"No SALT, no deal," Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) said in a recent statement, a message that other right-wing Democrats readily echoed.

Last month, after President Joe Biden privately floated leaving SALT changes out of the reconciliation package, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) reportedly intervened to rescue the tax break, which one analysis estimates will deliver an average tax cut of $16,760 to U.S. millionaires.

Outraged by the SALT proposal's regressivity, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) told reporters on Tuesday that he's currently working on a compromise plan that would limit the provision's benefits for the wealthy.

"I am working with some of my colleagues to make sure that we come up with a proposal that protects the middle class, but does not end up with an overall reconciliation bill in which millionaires are better off tax-wise than they were under [former President Donald] Trump," said Sanders, the chair of the Senate Budget Committee.


“Build Back Better Act Includes Billions for Niche Programs and Special Interests: Report”


David Sirota: “Build Back…What?”

“Biden Bill Now Offers Zilch”

“In my opine.. most of the important parts were LEFT OUT.. and the system is simply the same game and gimmicks.”


And the fundraising,..,Pelosi will rig him in as Buttigieg’s Presidential running mate. Pocan and Baldwin will,...wait, what does pocan and Baldwin actually do?!

“Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Madison Cawthorn, all want Kyle Rittenhouse as an intern. The outright praise for a murderer is f**king disgusting.”


“It don't care if you read the bible, meditate in the morning, rescue animals, or hug trees every day. You are not spiritual if you continue to exploit animals and our planet by supporting the animal agriculture industry.”


“When we destroy something created by man. We call it vandalism.

When we destroy something created by nature. We call it progress.”

Ed Begley, Jr.


Ryan Knight:

“The reason we don’t have Medicare for all is both parties are owned by giant insurance companies.

The reason we don’t have a Green New Deal is both parties are owned by big oil companies.

The reason we don’t have World Peace is both parties are owned by the defense industry.


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