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10/2021 Minnesota Will Pay Homeowners to Replace Lawns with Bee-Friendly Wildflowers

Updated: Jan 16

Democrats and Republicans goal:

“‘Brave New World’ predicted today’s world better than any other novel”

“His book (Brave New World) warns us of the dangers of mass media, passivity, and how even an intelligent population can be driven to gladly choose dictatorship over freedom"......."This 1931 novel predicted modern life almost to a (model) T. While other dystopias get more press, Brave New World offers us a nightmare world that we've moved steadily towards over the last century. Author Aldous Huxley's ideas on a light handed totalitarian dictatorship stand in marked contrast to the popular image of a dictatorship that relies on force"


And Joe Manchin is blocking elimination of the filibuster and sensible elimination of voter suppression laws. He is the face of our two parties’ elimination of democracy in favor of the rich and oppression by authoritarian oligarchy as the global environment dies from greenhouse gases. He and Kyrsten Sinema are animals. They are not even human:

“Exxon Manchin

Joe Manchin’s son runs the coal brokerage firm Enersystems now. Joe Manchin took in $491,000 from Enersystems last year. Gayle Manchin brought in $613,000 from the company.

$1.1 million to Manchin and his wife and he won’t answer any questions about it.:

Blinded Sphinx (Paonias excaecata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-08-01 017aaa

We are seeing the individuals and machinations of our two parties’ killing democracy:

“Koch Brothers still own a lot of real estate, but their best investment may be the Manchin they bought in West Virginia.”


Biden = Trump,…again:

“Biden under fire from Congress for waiving sanctions on Russian gas pipeline company

Republicans accused Biden of placating German Chancellor Angela Merkel and handing Russian President Vladimir Putin a geopolitical win”


“Biden's acquiescence to Russia and Germany on Nord Stream 2 pipeline threatens European stability, critics say”


“Tipping Points Explained: NGC: DiCaprio Speaks with Johan Rockstrom - Earth League 2016

"We are at a fork in the road... one path leads to long slow recovery for earth. maybe 100 - 200 years for the oceans to cool back off..... or the path where we are emitting 15-25% more Co2 in 2030; and then the purge happens, then prepper v prepper, then Ken burns the dust bowl, and ultimately mad max. I just want to reassure you that you will not be ridiculed or lose credibility (that was a valid concern years ago) But at this point its ok to talk about societal and food chain collapse, tipping points... runaway climate change. it's all realistic now. . dystopian futures. you are not alone. Lots of scientists do it now. I remastered this for you. From 5 years ago!"

Tipping Points Explained: NGC: DiCaprio Speaks with Johan Rockstrom - Earth League 2016”


May 2017: “Baseline Temperature dishonesty at the Edge of Extinction”


“I don’t know what word in the English language – I can’t find one – applies to people who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organized human life so they can put a few more dollars into highly stuffed pockets; The word ‘evil’ does even begin to approach it.” Noam Chomsky


“Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth”


Despite Jamie Dimon thinking +6C is acceptable, the rich political economic class will soon find out that all the consequences of the warming already locked in are more than enough to force them into a protracted death inside their luxury bunkers


“Bernie Sanders goes ballistic on Joe Manchin: Stop holding Prez, 48 Senators, & Americans hostage.”


“Democrats could be on the 'precipice' of a minority-party era” BY CHOICE!


You can no longer assume that ecosystems, species, habitat, or any nature will replenish itself


“The Real Reason the Economy Might Collapse | Robert Reich”

“The wealthy now own more of the economy than at any time since the 1920s. Meanwhile, millions in this country are barely scraping by.”


Applies to the Democratic Party as well as the Republicans just as it applies to male and females:

“A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions for nations as to make him (and her) ruthless in his (and her) use of deceit or violence to attain his (and her) ends.” Henry A. Wallace.


“Minnesota Will Pay Homeowners to Replace Lawns with Bee-Friendly Wildflowers, Clover and Native Grasses”


“European Apocalypse: Italy Floods - 30" in 12 hours - Most Rain to Fall on Europe in History”


“34 inches of rain in 24 hours breaks continental record”

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