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8/2021 "6 media giants now control a staggering 90% of what we read, watch, or listen to"

Updated: Jan 16

Diagram of Media Consolidation and The Illusion of Choice.

“Media has never been more consolidated. 6 media giants now control a staggering 90% of what we read, watch, or listen to.”


News Corp.



Timer Warner


Blinded Sphinx (Paonias excaecata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 7/25 123aaa

Aren R. LeBrun:

“A lot of people describe our press as “free & open” because it is not owned by the state. They ignore that it is owned by six multinational conglomerates whose shareholders have a unified set of class interests that get reflected in nearly 100 percent of media coverage every day.


Diagram: Feudalism than & now:


“Iran is not my enemy.

China is not my enemy.

Russia is not my enemy.




“The earth is not a platform for human life. It’s a living being. We’re not on it but part of it. Its health is our health.” Thomas Moore


Americans 2 party system:

“The lesser evil paves the way to the greater evil. It’s not in opposition to it. It makes way for it.”


“The longer term effects of voting for the “lesser evil”


“A revolutionist is one who desires to discard the existing social order and try another.” George Bernard Shaw”


“Why Does Israel Have a Stockpile of Nuclear Weapons?”


America is a backward fiefdom of fascists:

“Germany’s New Wildflower Meadows Offer Urban Safe Havens to Bees and Insects”


I’m in an informal pool for the first year somewhere on earth records a temperature over 175F. We were going to base it on a higher temp but weren’t sure how to account for the death of pool members. (but we did bar any members of government entering the pool because they could potentially manipulate the result):

“'All of the Sirens Are Going Off': NOAA Says July Was Hottest Month Ever Recorded

"This is not the new normal. Extreme temperatures and deadly weather will only get worse if we continue business-as-usual."”


I see it all the time being played out. Either reign in and shut down ALL pesticide use or there will very soon be ZERO insect pollinators in America.

“Demand stronger conservation efforts for monarchs!”


Demented, Peverse, and Ghoulish: Dems refusing to reverse Trump’s Tax Scam’s benefits for the rich while over 650,000 Americans died of COVID w/out proper aid

Earth’s death: All the beauty of the world, the riches of 100’s of millions of years of evolution. All that mankind could have achieved otherwise. All traded for countless millennia of suffering and death for the benefit$ of a few.

“Silence is death. If you speak, you die. If you are silent, you die. So speak, and die.” — Tahar Djaout


Australia is rapidly becoming a failed state:

“COVID Is Exposing Australia’s Neoliberalized Health System”


Kevin Hester:

“It stands to reason that these now never ending disasters will crash the insurance industry.

My risk instincts and the Precautionary Principal make me err on the side of caution.

A level of risk management scoffed at by omnicidal capitalism.”

“German, Chinese Insurers Face Record Disaster Claims as Extreme Weather Intensifies”


“The White Lotus Is a Perfect Satire of Today’s Rich”

“HBO’s brilliant The White Lotus reminds us that class society permeates everywhere, even on a tropical island — something that US television traditionally does its best to hide.”


The phenomenal growth in debt is evidence of Washington purposefully failing to bail out 99% of Americans. The vast majority of American’s had to stimulate their own economy and you do that by spending using debt:

Kevin Hester: “No sane person believes that infinite growth on a finite planet is possible, proving that Capitalism is inherently insane.”

“"But a report earlier this year by BofA put it at $54-69 trillion by 2100, which compares to a valuation of the entire global economy of around $80 trillion."

Haha, how cute, Capitalism can't envisage collapse, it only understands infinite growth on a finite planet, patently insane.

In the immortal words of Kenneth Boulding "Anyone who considers economic growth can continue in a finite system is either a madman or an economist".”

“Sustainable Business

Analysis: Debt in a warm climate: coronavirus and carbon set scene for default”


“Maine Will Make Companies Pay for Recycling. Here’s How It Works.

The law aims to take the cost burden of recycling away from taxpayers. One environmental advocate said the change could be “transformative.””


“Read it again and again. And then again.

“When I was in 7th grade, our teacher put on a video and told us to take notes. Ten minutes in, she threw the lights on and shouted at Steven Webb Sladki, telling him he wasn’t taking nates and he should have been. But the thing was, Steve was taking notes. I saw it. We all saw it. The teacher asked if anyone wanted to stand up for Steve. A few of us choked out some words of defense but were immediately squashed. Quickly, we were all very silent. Steve was sent to the principal’s office. The teacher came back in the room and said something like “See how easy that was?” We were reading “Anne Frank.” I started to understand. I just thought now was a good time to share this story. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that what you see with your own eyes isn’t happening.”

Comment: Most notably, don’t let people tell you the economic experience you should be having and if you’re not then the unstated presumption is that you are defective and should be ashamed and more specifically too ashamed to admit it

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