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11/2022 Central Banks, Including US Federal Reserve, Are Funding Deforestation

Updated: Jan 16

It is a fact that as Unemployment rises so does the number of deaths among the non rich. Powell knows his plan will kill Americans but he is willing to kill to serve the rich. It is bald face premediated murder:

“Officials are facing a wave of growing criticism that their aggressive rate hikes will spark a recession—but they’re not backing down as inflation remains near 40-year highs.”

Fed Acknowledges Rate Hikes Will Fuel Unemployment—But Warns Inflation Could Cause ‘Far Greater Economic Pain’”

Top: Small-eyed Sphinx (Paonias myops)

Bottom: Blinded Sphinx (Paonias excaecata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-06-16 134aaa

Democrats are all about Oil and Gas promotion. Killing the world out from under us and at this point, themselves to:

“By supporting more fossil fuel projects, President Biden is breaking his campaign pledge to address the climate crisis. Tell Biden to keep his promise–take executive action to reject fossil fuel permits!”

“Tell the President to Act on Climate

Scientists say the transition away from fossil fuels isn’t happening fast enough. Biden can move us into a clean, renewable energy future.

With your voice, we can get it done. Please take action: tell President Biden to declare a climate emergency.”


“The Clean Water Act, which turns 50 this month, transformed America’s polluted waterways.

The Delaware is one of its many success stories, but the river's urban stretches remain a work in progress.”

“The Clean Water Act at 50: Big Successes, More to Be Done”


“Carol Coutinho writes

If you still don't believe that the Democratic Party feels entitled to rig their elections maybe you'll believe their own lawyer explaining how they did just that against Bernie. The wealthy establishment Democrats are playing you for a fool.”

“Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders

The court affirmed that the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Hillary Clinton.”

“DNC Attorney Bruce Spiva:

1) There is no such thing as a “Democrat”. The DNC just encourages people to vote for the Democratic Party.

2) No one has any right to an expectation of a fair election. If the DNC wishes to select a candidate in the primaries, instead of a free election process, that is their right.

3) Donating money to Bernie Sanders doesn’t mean you thought that money was going to assist him to win the primary. You have no right to think the DNC was obligated to follow their own charter and internal policies about elections.

4) Discussion of, and any disputes with the DNC do not belong in a transparent process in a court of law. The DNC is a private association, which should never be asked to engage in the discovery process, or have to reveal any of its internal workings or strategies should they decide to select a candidate, rather than allow a fair election of a candidate.”


“For every one of the few anti-militarist screenplays that are made into films, far more are reflexively spiked because their defiant content raises objections from military leaders.”

“Abolish the Military-Entertainment Complex”


“Angus Hanton, from IF, said: “Now is the moment to challenge the unnecessary use of aviation fuel.

This applies across Europe and Uk we have a rail, Network let’s use it!”

“Banning flights on UK routes with fast rail links ‘could cut flight emissions by third’

Trains over Planes report says disruption to commuters would be minimal”


WARNING – “Climate Power” facebook page is green washing propaganda. It’s actually washington democrats pretending to be grass roots.

Reader comment: “And the federal government has spent Billions more on fossil fuel subsidies competing with them.”” Not to mention giving $1 Trillion dollars a day to wall street to preserve the wealth of the rich. Also, spending on clean energy by today’s corporations is dominated by “research” which has no immediate effect on the problem and may never.


The American West is experiencing its driest period in human history, a megadrought that threatens health, agriculture and entire ways of life.

“Seven states rely on water from the Colorado River Basin, so what does this mean as extreme heat continues to decrease water levels to record lows?”

“DRIED UP: Lakes Mead and Powell are at the epicenter of the biggest Western drought in history”


“The Six Grandfathers. Before taken and turned into Mt Rushmore”


“News that will cause stocks to go up:

- A minimum age increase is struck down

- Employees are prevented from unionizing

- Corporate taxes are relaxed

The stock market is not the economy, it’s an estimate of how much wealth can be extracted from workers.”


“Unprecedented warmth and melt in Greenland this September. Some places average more than +8°C above seasonal average for the month.

Meanwhile, Planet Earth records its 4th warmest September on record.”


Global Warming, the Mass Extinction, and the collapse of our biosphere’s ability to support life has always made me angry and sad. But when I read the brazen propaganda of “Climate power” on fb, for the first time I truly feel fear.

They gave wall st $1 trillion per day and we are supposed to be impressed by a way waaaay too late $28 billion to save the planet for our children!?! Either they are wildly out of touch with 99% of Americans suffering or they are upping they cynical tactics to kill us. Either way I fear for my life


Housing is the preferred bait of the predator state. if you need it to stay alive you can bet they will make you pay dearly for it

“MA residents told to expect a big increase in energy costs this year, here's how much”


“Central Banks, Including Fed. Reserve, Are Funding Deforestation”


A new threat caused by American Govt and the Western Richs’ neglect – “global terrestrial stilling”. Wind energy generation would get slaughtered:

“Gone with the winds? What happens if there is a ‘global terrestrial stilling’


Arming Americans for the Civil War?;

What is not being reported is that SCOTUS has been on a pro-gun ruling spree effecting gun laws throughout the country.

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