Banded Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-05-26 446aaavsn2
“U.S. Ambassador Delivers BIGGEST LIE About Russia & Ukraine War!”
UN Biodiversity
Earth's natural carbon sinks are critical for slowing down #ClimateChange.
In fact, soil contains more carbon than you might have imagined! 🪱
A @visualcap infographic shows how much carbon is stored in different ecosystems.”
Carbon Storage in Earth’s Ecosystems, Achieve net-zero by 2050 depends on the Earth’s Natural Carbon sinks.
Forests play a critical role in regulating the global climate. They absorb carbon from the atmosphere and then store it, acting as natural carbon sinks.
Where is Carbon Stored? There are various carbon pools in a forest ecosystem
Living biomass – leaves, twigs, roots of trees trunk and branches
Dead Biomass wood debris, leaf litter
Carbon Store: Tonnes of Carbon per Hectare
The world’s forest absorb around 15.6 gigatonnes of CO2 each year. That’s around 3X the annual CO2 emissions of the United States
However, around 8.1 gigatonnes of CO2 leaks back into the atmosphere due to deforestation, fires, and other disturbances.
Boreal forests: vegetation stores 64 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 344 tonnes
Temperate forests: vegetation stores 57 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 96 tonnes
Temperate grasslands: vegetation stores 7 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 236 tonnes
Tropical forests: vegetation stores 120 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 123 tonnes
Deserts and semideserts: vegetation stores 2 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 42 tonnes
Tundra: vegetation stores 6 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 127 tonnes
Wetlands: vegetation stores 43 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 643 tonnes
Tropical savannas: vegetation stores 29 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 117 tonnes
Croplands: vegetation stores 2 tonnes of Carbon per Hectare and soil stores 80 tonnes
“DYK that carbon offset programs tighten Big Ag’s stranglehold on our food system and do more harm than good?
Learn why”
“Agricultural Carbon Markets, Payments, and Data: Big Ag’s Latest Power Grab” March 2023
Friends of the Earth, Open Markets
“Friends of the Earth (Action)
Boosting voluntary carbon trading benefits Big Ag and takes resources away from REAL climate solutions.
“Agricultural Carbon Markets, Payments, and Data: Big Ag’s Latest Power Grab”
Read our new report with
to learn more and find out what solutions are available!”

2017-07-22 004aaa