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2/2023 “US unprepared for dangers posed by zoonotic diseases, new analysis concludes”

Updated: Jan 12

Banded Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019-07-03 _F2A9356aaa

Social Murder in the making:

“The United States should be biting its fingernails, considering:

-- More zoonotic diseases originated in the United States than in any other country during the second half of the 20th century.

-- In 2022, the U.S. processed more than 10 billion livestock, the largest number ever recorded and an increase of 204 million over 2021.

-- The ongoing H5N1 avian influenza outbreak has left 58 million animals dead in backyard chicken coops and industrial farms in the U.S.

-- Since 2011, the U.S. has recorded more swine-origin influenza infections than any other country. Most occurred at state and county fairs, which attract 150 million visitors each year and where an estimated 18% of swine have tested positive.


In addition, the US is in a organizational mess which is not helpful at all:

"Moreover, they add, the current patchwork of siloed agencies and authorities is marked by a lack of coordination, leaving significant gaps and areas of underregulation. In fact, of the many agencies that govern food animal production, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is the most important, but it has no authority to regulate on-farm animal production."


The bottom-line: do not whine and snivel at China. Hey America, take care of your own fucking mess first!”

“US unprepared for dangers posed by zoonotic diseases, new analysis concludes”


“Antarctic sea ice melts to a new record low for the second year straight”


In a couple\few years from now when their dying biosphere is racking up the body count, think back to what the rich had their Dems $ Reps spend their time on instead of our suffering & death


And they want to give AI weapons?!:

“Microsoft's Bing Chatbot Has Started Acting Defensive And Talking Back to Users”


“Your carbon footprint is a fossil fuel industry marketing scam.

Wikipedia: "A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent... The term was popularised by a $250 million ad campaign by the oil and gas company BP in an attempt to move public attention away from restricting the activities of fossil fuel companies and onto individual responsibility for solving climate change."

Environmental activism needs to focus on organising to shut down the fossil fuel industry, not get caught up in analysing individual lifestyle choices.”


“the first step to reducing your emissions is to know where you stand. Find out your #carbonfootprint with our new calculated & share your pledge today!

Andrew Henderson:

“I pledge not to spill 4.9 million barrels of oil in the gulf of Mexico”


“The United States should be biting its fingernails, considering:

-- More zoonotic diseases originated in the United States than in any other country during the second half of the 20th century.

-- In 2022, the U.S. processed more than 10 billion livestock, the largest number ever recorded and an increase of 204 million over 2021.

-- The ongoing H5N1 avian influenza outbreak has left 58 million animals dead in backyard chicken coops and industrial farms in the U.S.

-- Since 2011, the U.S. has recorded more swine-origin influenza infections than any other country. Most occurred at state and county fairs, which attract 150 million visitors each year and where an estimated 18% of swine have tested positive.


In addition, the US is in a organizational mess which is not helpful at all:

"Moreover, they add, the current patchwork of siloed agencies and authorities is marked by a lack of coordination, leaving significant gaps and areas of underregulation. In fact, of the many agencies that govern food animal production, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is the most important, but it has no authority to regulate on-farm animal production."


The bottom-line: do not whine and snivel at China. Hey America, take care of your own fucking mess first!”

“US unprepared for dangers posed by zoonotic diseases, new analysis concludes”

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