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2/2023 EARTHQUAKES & volcanoes stimulated when large glaciers pressing down on crust melt

Updated: Jan 12

Banded Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-07-06 _F2A0115aaa

John Berbatis\Slipping into the abyss:

“Earthquake and volcano warning amid melting ice sheets: ‘Earth is going to bite back’

EARTHQUAKES and volcanic activity could be reawakened by the melting of large glaciers pressing down on the Earth's crust.”

“The loss of ice from Antarctica, Greenland and glaciers causes iso-static rebound, the raising of landmasses after shedding weight. Combined with the extra weight of melted ice on the ocean beds, is destabilizing the Earth's crust, consequently, global seismic activity will soon greatly increase.”


The US 4th Reich is a profit seeking death cult: New Pro-Methane group lavishing cash on American Politics as methane apocalypse on the cusp of being realized.


Strange how they know that ‘the’ American political climate will be amenable to war in, specifically, 2025. But we have free an fair elections, so how do they know 2025? I’m not saying Americans election system is ABSOLUTE SHAM BULLSHIT, but,…

“U.S. Four-star general warns of war with China in 2025”


Over 1.5 million cattle graze on United States public lands [and most of the ranchers don’t pay] to the detriment of biodiversity - wiping out wild plants and woody trees and crowding out deer and elk from grazing.”

Meat, Egg and Dairy Alternatives

“Cattle Ranching Is Actually Terrible for Biodiversity”


Excellent Source:

“biodiversity loss”


Wild horses are treated horribly by the Bureau of Land Management:


“Because the BLM sets unnaturally low population limits for wild horses to maximize public land available for private, taxpayer-subsidized livestock grazing, they opt to drive thousands of wild horses from their homes and into incarceration each year.

Roundup (n): The taxpayer-funded government act of utilizing low-flying helicopters to stampede and brutally tear America's wild horses away from their native homes and chase them into lifelong confinement, resulting in thousands of wild horses and burros losing their freedom, and increasingly, their lives.”

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