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11/2022 Carbon Capture Technology is Dangerous, Expensive — And it Just Doesn’t Work

Updated: Jan 12

Banded Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019-07-13 _F2A2430aaa2

How unAmerican of them:


“The Gobi Desert is the world's fastest spreading desert. It takes over 2250 miles of grassland every year. The Great Green Wall of China is one of the largest reforestation projects in the world. There have been over 66 billion trees planted. It's been in an effort to right against the expansion of the Gobi Desert. The expansion of the desert devastates agricultural land and creates sandstorms that wreak havoc on the populations on its edge.

This "new" Great Wall of China isn't built with stones, mortar, and sand, but instead with trees. The enemy they are defending themselves from now, though, is desertification. A report shows that dry lands, including desert, cover over 40% of the Earth's total land area. China has been worrying about their desert expansion problem since the 1970's, now, they are taking charge by helping reforest the Gobi Desert.”


“China's disappearing desert, 90% covered in green, How China make it? “

“Although China has a vast territory, it suffers from desertification, and large tracts of land have lost their original value. The increasingly serious desertification trend has made China have to do something. In this way, batch after batch of sand control workers dedicated their lives to the desert and started the "desert transformation plan". With the unremitting efforts of the Chinese, the first desert in China that is about to disappear has appeared, which is the Mu Us Desert.

On April 22, 2020, the Shaanxi Provincial Forestry Bureau announced that its desertified land treatment rate has reached 93.24%, which means that the Mu Us Desert is about to "disappear" from the map. Besides, the annual sediment transport of the Yellow River has decreased by 400 million tons. Moreover, the sand and dust weather has been reduced from more than 20 days per year to less than 10 days. Most importantly, the desert area is still shrinking with an annual rate of 1.60%.

If the trees planted by people over the years are connected at 1-meter intervals, the length is enough to circle the equator 54 times. So, what did the Chinese do to make it the first desert in China to disappear?

OK, let's continue the topic we are talking about.”


“Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier Retreat to Double in Near Future Based on Ocean Floor Ridge Features”


“How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy

Republicans are trying to make state politics voter-proof. If they prevail, the next coup attempt may well succeed.”


Charles Koch is guilty of Crimes Against Humanity and no amount of ownership of the United States Supreme Court showed shield him from prosecution:

“How Koch Industries, Fake Scientists, and Rush Limbaugh Invented Climate Denial

A new book, "The Petroleum Papers", goes inside a 1991 conference whose goal was to make people doubt climate change is real.”

BOOK: “Petroleum Papers : Inside the Far-right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change”


My own Govt and its cabal of rich people and corporations have taken more “food off the plates” & “roofs from over the heads” of working Americans than China could ever hope to! GET RID OF THE TAX CREDIT FOR MOVING JOBS OVERSEAS


Contrary to the spirit and intent of a fair and just democracy: They use illegal & grey area tactics to get into office against illegitimately and then take actions that we have to take as legitimate


“A Concerning Weather Pattern Is Developing…”


Luxury Bunkers:

Get ready: we’ll be seeing a lot of this when the political & power economic bunker crowd vanish underground:



The Stock Market acts an uphill wealth redistributor where growth in profits can be fueled by: price increases, cutting labor costs, and not paying for the full cost of your product’s impact on the People’s environment


America is plenty prosperous enough. The problem is Washington concentrates the wealth and this puts 10’s of millions of Americans into economic hardship


Economically Patriotic to the USA & globally responsible mfg: move back to US or be phased out of the US mkt with a new domestic replacement firm financed by the SBA that agrees to pay tax, cap executive pay, obey environmental laws etc

Retaliate by raising prices and your top brass will be barred from all executive positions and board appointments


At the same time as they are pushing a ban on Critical Race Theory in Schools?!

Golly, I do so so wonder how the racist Nazi white supremacy Christo fascists will decide?

“Affirmative action: What to know about the Supreme Court cases

The court appears poised to roll back the use of race in college admissions.”


“Why Arctic Sea Ice Loss Will Lead to More Frequent Stronger El Niño’s”


Biggest scam of the fossil fuel industry:

“Carbon Capture Technology is Dangerous, Expensive — And it Just Doesn’t Work”

but still Biden brags about investing in it as part of his Climate action

“Carbon Capture & Storage Explained: The New Fossil Fuel Frontier

Carbon capture tech has gotten a lot of buzz recently. Here’s how it works — and what the industry and its hacks won’t tell you.”


“Calling Foul On Fake Solutions

Slick marketing is no substitute for real change when it comes to avoiding climate disaster.”


America doesn’t have a voter fraud problem. What it has us a problem with fascists rigging the election problem and even resorting to fraud problem until the Supreme Court catches up with law changes


Did they preparing for the Mississippi River running dry? NO.

Are they preparing to avoid the next financial crisis? NO.

How about preparing for the looming mass famine? NO

What about avoiding the next recession? They caused it!


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