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11/2022 “America Will be Remembered as the Country That Killed the Planet"

Updated: Jan 16


Nancy Pelosi was first elected to Congress in 1987

Mitch McConnell was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1984

Charles Schumer was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1988

Joe Biden was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1973

Dianne Feinstein began her career in politics in 1970 and U.S. Senate in 1992

“America Will be Remembered as the Country That Killed the Planet

Americans Don’t Know It, But America is the Reason We’re Boiling Alive on a Dying Planet”

Baltimore Checkerspot Caterpillar (Euphydryas phaeton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-06-19 _F2A6730aaa

“A Wealth Tax Won't End Inequality But It Could Help Fund a Much Better Society

Just a small annual levy on America's grandest fortunes could finance a better future for all of America's kids and families.”


“New study: Fracking prompts global spike in atmospheric methane”


It isn’t Climate ChangED.

We are currently NOT experiencing the new norm.

It is Global WarmING. A process.

What we are currently experiencing is only a brief snapshot of where we are in a process that is going to feel indefinitely long and where environmental circumstances are going to continuously worsen against life on earth.

As far as you are concerned each consecutive year is going to be hotter than the last. Similarly, over this same time period, droughts and deluges will growing worse with each passing year. And with each new year there will be less and less plants and animals than the last year.

Mankind’s human health infrastructure, the environment, is in full blown cardiac arrest. It can no longer absorb the unrecognized costs of profit taking and, sadly, the very costs of our living from one day to the next.

NOTHING Washington has done will materially alter this trajectory in a time frame meaningful to you or I.

What has happened is class warfare. The craven economic ruling cast will NOT allow the death of any number of people or species to interfere with their profit taking and the situation will continuously grow worse


Independent Voices:

FRANKIE BOYLE ‘Bankers are looting the world. You’re not in the middle of a recession; you’re in the middle of a robbery.’


Like the US Supreme Court, the Federal Reserve is a tool of the rich:


How the Fed Bailed Out the Investor Class Without Spending a Cent”


“Always beware of the fact, that the only thing hindering an all-out revolution is your fear of losing the scrap they throw at you.” Gore Vidal


“Because empires thrive on energy and resources, not cooperation. Zelensky, Guido, Scott Walker, etc. etc.”

“Why the U.S. Will Invade Venezuela in the Next Couple of Years”


Climate Change is a genocide that America imposed on the World.


"From the very first days of this war, civilians have been targets of violence, fear and death," Holly Richardson writes for Deseret News Opinion.”

“Opinion: The genocide nobody is talking about

While terrible wartime atrocities are occurring in Ukraine, there’s another country suffering from a destructive campaign — but it isn’t making headlines”


Men & women in the military consent to giving their lives to building wealth for the rich and their corporations but private citizens do not.

Nevertheless private citizens are being killed en mass for just this very purpose and the situation is about to get much, much worse. I’m talking about class warfare fueled social murder. Things like climate collapse, pollution, lack of adequate healthcare, and erosion of the social safety. Government assisted schemes the capitalist uses to put a degree of separation between themselves and the financially beneficial killing of private citizens - including children.

And it is wrong for the American government to knowingly choose to covertly kill its private citizens to build “the country’s” wealth. Especially when they don’t maximally, just barely, if it all, benefit from this life sacrificing building of wealth. I say not maximally, just barely, if at all because defenders of social murder invariably will try to justify these schemes, not as less for society leads to more satisfaction the rich (which it is), but intimidating Economic speak that lends itself to argument (eg the most forceful presentation wins regardless of it being completely wrong bullshit).


“Help us save Sumatra’s last rainforests!”

“Orangutan rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate due to deforestation and clearing for development. Working together, we've already protected 1+ Million acres of rainforest - the equivalent of almost 1 Million football fields! Help us work towards protecting another 131,000 acre ecosystem - so rehabilitated orangutans can live in secure populations for the decades to come. What a gift for the planet!”


“The Tipping Point”


I’m sure Democrats would have never let it get that bad,….WRONG! It took 2 parties to get us here

“Hillary Clinton questions whether voters 'really understand' what’s at stake in the midterm elections”


Every time a Presidential election cycle ramps up, as well as a new administration takes power washington gives the rich a huge gift. This this time it’s hobbling labor

The Federal Reserve raised its target for interest rates by another 0.75 percent. The target has now gone up overall by 3.75 percent since earlier this year, an attempt by the Fed to slam the brakes on the U.S. economy and stomp out inflation. Esther George, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, did something unusual in an interview with National Public Radio: She told the truth about what the Fed does.

“We see today that there is a bit of a savings buffer still sitting for households, that may allow them to continue to spend in a way that keeps demand strong,” she said. “That suggests we may have to keep at this for a while.”

“The Federal Reserve raised its target for interest rates by another 0.75 percent. The target has now gone up overall by 3.75 percent since earlier this year, an attempt by the Fed to slam the brakes on the U.S. economy and stomp out inflation. Esther George, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, did something unusual in an interview with National Public Radio: She told the truth about what the Fed does.

“We see today that there is a bit of a savings buffer still sitting for households, that may allow them to continue to spend in a way that keeps demand strong,” she said. “That suggests we may have to keep at this for a while.””

“Top Fed Official: Fed Will “Keep At This” Until Your Savings Accounts Are Drained

Kansas City Fed President Esther George should be celebrated for being honest about how the Federal Reserve works.”

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