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12/2022 Most destructive & deadly war we will ever know is the class warfare killing our biosphere

Updated: Jan 8

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016-06-17 414aaa

“The dinosaurs never saw that asteroid coming - what's our excuse? (deGrasse Tyson)”


Ugandan government, like Italy, is a fiefdom of the American Republican party. In Uganda the GOP acts through what they call “the family”:

“Uganda’s $10 Billion Oil Development Finally Gets Go-Ahead

Uganda expects production to reach 230,000 barrels a day”

The Ugandan people are getting screwed by the oil companies:

““A Carbon Bomb”: Movement Grows Against EACOP East African Pipeline Funded by France’s Total & China”


This is no joke or hyperbole.:

Sadly, it is likely this will happen at some point in the next decade. It will be final, irreversible, and very horrific.

CO2 is not the only GHG for instance Methane. By “Extreme C02” I think they mean C02e and we are already very close to the limit:

“Extreme CO2 levels could trigger clouds ‘tipping point’ and 8C of global warming”

“If atmospheric CO2 levels exceed 1,200 parts per million (ppm), it could push the Earth’s climate over a “tipping point”, finds a new study. This would see clouds that shade large part of the oceans start to break up.” [other posts here attempt to illustrate the calculation of C02e]


“US Oligarchy: Command and Control:

“Good Governance Paradigm”

Design of the “Good Governance Paradigm” chart was prompted by a question about the "US Oligarchy: Command and Control” chart, posed by Gregg Schwinn, paraphrase: What would the Oligarch replacement chart look like? referring to [see link]


“Military Robots for use in keeping Main St American in line!”

“Eight Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS UGVs exhibited at Eurosatory 2022”


If you fight to get off any grid, let it be America’s “food grid”:

“Today’s food system would be unrecognizable to a farmer or trader plying their wares a century or two ago.”

“Industrial Food System”

Quote: “The industrial food system is built for scale and efficiency, and while it often results in food that is less expensive for the consumer, it also creates “externalized” costs — paying for environmental cleanup or public health fallout— that must be absorbed by governments and taxpayers. Farms under this system have become larger and larger, and food processing facilities have become increasingly more consolidated, with many industries controlled by just a few large companies.”


“How Today’s Industrial Food System Has Unleashed A Host Of Harms On Our Economy, Our Health, And Our Planet.”


“So you’re against illegal immigration, splendid when do you leave”


Lies, damn lies, and job\employment statistics:

Washington can create jobs by moving them out of government and into the private sector. For instance privatization of the US Postal Service ‘created jobs!”:

Jobs Report: any adding of additional slaves doesn’t improve the lot of all slaves. And if by chance it might, the Federal Reserve will make sure it doesn’t.


We’ve crossed the Amazon’s tipping point and will soon cross more now that some 60 more feedback mechanisms are active. Major rivers throughout the world are drying up and Seattle’s heatwave recorded 147F. 85% of GHG emissions are now coming from the planet - not human activity. And the Mass Extinction is ravaging the survival of all species in every corner of the earth. Global famine is ramping up. Etc

BUT STILL govt refuses to take the action necessary to bring the situation under control instead hoarding wealth.

Their signal is clear, crystal clear: the nonrich can die - and we will, omg will we die

The most destructive and deadly war mankind will ever know is the class warfare being played out the world over by the rich killing our biosphere for their profit taking


Tell the Biden Administration to stop the expansion of fracked gas exports. We don’t need more false solutions to the energy crisis that will only benefit the oil and gas industries while American families suffer from pollution and high energy prices.”

“Tell Federal Officials: No Expansion Of Fracked Gas Exports!”

“Who is to blame for your rising utility costs? Fracked Gas Exports.

We must stop the industry’s massive proposed expansion of gas exports to protect public health and avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis!

Why This Matters

The fossil fuel industry has more than 20 new or expanded fracked gas export terminals planned, primarily along the Gulf Coast, to ship their dirty product overseas. Expanded gas exports would threaten already-vulnerable frontline communities, raise energy prices for American families, and lock in climate pollution far beyond what our planet can afford. The Biden administration must act urgently to protect communities and the climate from the risks of gas exports by halting the industry’s plans to lock us into decades of oil and gas extraction and pollution.

The science is clear that in order to avert the worst of the climate crisis, we cannot allow for any new expansion of fossil fuels, including so-called “natural” gas. Every step of the way — from fracking, to transport by pipeline, to liquefaction — gas export projects release significant amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas contributing to the climate crisis. President Biden has laid out ambitious goals for climate action and environmental justice, but supporting the industry’s massive expansion of fracked gas exports is out of step with those goals


The deadly covid pandemic was good for the rich. Chairman Powell’s recession will also be:

Elon Musk Wealth

2012: $2 billion

2022: $221 billion

Jeff Bezos Wealth

2012: $18 billion

2022: $134 billion

Warren Buffett Wealth

2012: $44 billion

2022: $101 billion

Federal Minimum Wage

2009: $7.25 an hour

2022: $7.25 per hour

5 words: Tax billionaires out of existence.

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