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11/2022 Gas producers using Cop27 to rebrand gas as transitional fuel, experts warn

Updated: Jan 8

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton) Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-06-08 287aaaa3

“Why we can’t offset our way out of climate change | All Hail

Are carbon offsets, net zero, climate-neutral all a myth?”


“The fight for the Amazon: Ongoing Deforestation in Brazil a Huge Challenge for Lula and the world”


Biden delivered a green snow job:

Gas producers using Cop27 to rebrand gas as transitional fuel, experts warn

Companies and financial backers are laying the groundwork for a shift in attitudes towards gas”


“‘Dash for Gas’ Takes Off at COP 27”


“Southeast US has hit the roof of CDC’s respiratory illness-level scale

Uptake of flu shots is lagging this year, CDC says.”


“Jake Johnson: ‘Deeply Depressing’ Study Shows Planet-Warming Emissions Continue to Rise


Buying academic credentials to aid your green washing:

How Oil & Gas Funding Distorts Energy Research

Prominent energy centers at MIT, Stanford, and Columbia may be biased toward natural gas because of funding, a new study says.”


“Parting Shot to the Climate “Optimists”

Warning: colorful language ahead”


Meet the Neo Nazis Who Briefly Got a Blue Check From Twitter

Elon Musk has apparently figured out that handing out verified status to Nazis is not great for brand safety.”


Meloni is an insider of the American Republic Party:

“Bologna collectives hang Meloni mannequin upside down”


“Egypt’s COP27 App Could Let Regime Track Attendees, Critics”

“Cybersecurity researchers have warned attendees at the ongoing United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt not to download the event’s official mobile app, warning that it could access a user’s location, photos, emails, and even private encrypted messages.”



This claim of nine years is pure oily propaganda. It’s called feedback and it is outside human control and it will take longer than 9 years to find and operationalize on the scale required:

World has nine years to avert catastrophic warming, study shows

Scientists say gas projects discussed at U.N. climate conference would seriously threaten world’s climate goals”


“It's certainly possible to be disgusted, but being disabused of the fantasy that the system is self-correcting is the healthier perspective.”

“I Used To Be Disgusted, Now I'm Disabused”


“Save the World: Grass Must Go

Why ditching your grass lawn in favor of Eco-friendly alternatives might just save the world.”


Climate Activists, Including Scientists, Are Arrested in Protests at Private Airports

The protesters temporarily shut down the main entrance to Teterboro Airport in New Jersey and also picketed at airports in North Carolina, California and Washington State.”


Carbon emissions from fossil fuels will hit record high in 2022

‘Bleak’ findings come from report at Cop27 that notes ‘no sign’ of urgent cuts needed to stop climate breakdown”


“World’s largest iceberg is getting swept away from Antarctica to its doom, satellite image shows”

“A new satellite image shows that the world's largest iceberg, A-76A, has entered the Drake Passage, a waterway that contains a fast-moving ocean current that will send the mighty berg on a one-way trip to its watery grave.”


“Frustration Simmers Around the Edges of COP27, and May Boil Over Far From the Summit

The failure of global climate governance is leading some scientists and activists to lose faith in the process, and could intensify a vicious cycle of confrontational climate activism and authoritarian responses.”


“Remembering the veterans who marched on DC to demand bonuses during the Depression, only to be violently driven out by active-duty soldiers”


How California’s initiative to fund electric vehicles went terribly wrong

Prop 30 had widespread support. Then Governor Newsom and billionaires got involved.”



“The Earth is dying”

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