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4/2023 Warming of at least +2C now baked into Earth’s future making human extinction very possible

Updated: Jan 8

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-06-15 _F2A6396aaa

“Abusive irrigation, an increasing population and climate change are drying up the largest lake of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. In November 2022, it fell to its lowest level in history.”

“The countdown to save Utah’s Great Salt Lake”


Val Eisman:

“Hope you got a 4 wheel drive gas guzzler

"A gap in the earth has appeared in Marin County above Redwood Boulevard, a road so warped by last month’s [landslide](

) that it looks more like river rapids. The landslide [temporarily shut down](

) Highway 101 and also disrupted operations of two Pacific Gas & Electric Co. gas lines and a county aqueduct.

“20 feet wide, 15 feet deep. That’s how much earth has moved down toward the road and pushed the asphalt of the road over the top of our pipeline,” said Robert Clark, North Marin Water District operations superintendent."

"The earth is still shifting, and may for months.

It’s a challenging situation for utilities with buried pipes, reflective of the dangers of a powerful landslide in the saturated earth. Such “deep-seated landslides” are typically much larger than the more-typical debris flows. Deep-seated landslides can be triggered by high-intensity rainfall but could occur weeks or months later, even when the sky is clear, the [California Geological Survey](

) said.

In a deep-seated landslide, water reaches deeper under the surface and percolates in zones of weak rock, creating a “landslide plane” under the weight of rain-soaked rock and soil, according to the California Geological Survey."


“The difference between Donald Trump and other Presidents is that Trump is a caricature of the American system and they are its embodiment. His prosecution over a porn star is a bd joke by the Democrats whose every modern-day president has committed the ‘paramount’ crime – war.”


El Nino:

“"The extreme weather that has rampaged across our planet in 2021 and 2022 will pale into insignificance"

Prof Bill McGuire, @CoderRedEarth, WIRED @ProfBillMcGuire

“El Nino is Coming – and the World isn’t Prepared, the consequences will be cataclysmic”

“Once consequence of La Nina is that it helps keep a lid on global temperatures. This means that – despite the recent widespread heat waves, wildfires and droughts – we have actually been spared the worst.

The scary thing is that this La Nina will end and eventually transition into the better-known El Nino, which sees the waters of the equatorial Pacific becoming much warmer. When it does, the extreme weather that has rampaged across our planet in 2021 and 2022 WILL PALE INTO INSIGNIFICANCE”

Bill McGuire

Reader Comment: “Shura Hana

Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World is a book by Mike Davis about the connection between political economy and global climate patterns, particularly the impact of colonialism and the introduction of capitalism during the El Niño–Southern Oscillation related famines of 1876–1878, ...”


“Corporations won’t admit mistakes that cause social harm because that would require change. Andy any change that involves an investment in resources to improve social value while risking financial loss is never considered a feasible solution nor reasonable outcome. For this reason, corporations that provide services essential for life enrichment, such as education, healthcare and housing, inevitably cause far more social harm than good. It’s not that they are being deliberately malicious. Social welfare is simply not their priority.”


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

“Because nothing says “innocent” like threatening a judge’s family”

“Donald trump jr. has posted a picture of the judge’s daughter on truth social”

“Because nothing says "Anti-war" like voting with the war party”


Dr. James Hansen, 1988:

“Global warming of at least 2C is now baked into Earth’s future. That level of warmth will occur by midcentury.

Of course, one can devise a scenario that stays under 2C via a miraculous transition to zero emissions within a few decades, but the real world pays no attention to imaginary scenarios. Instead, the real world responds to the actual growth of GHG climate forcings.”

Technically possible is NOT practically feasible because of flawed human beings in govt.

While still technically possible to stay under a relatively less severe increase in global temps, the practically reality is that Governments will NOT do it. You need only look to how we got here and what is currently taking place with record oil and gas development.

Reader Comment: “AD Mitchell

If people won't change to stay under 1.5 why would they change to stay under 2 when it will be even harder then?

This message says there's no way out.

Thankfully it's wrong.

"... get rid of an old idea that doomsayers still embrace, and that the public and media are not clear on—the notion that even if humans stopped emitting carbon dioxide overnight, inertia in the climate system would continue to raise temperature for many years. Because CO2 can persist in the atmosphere for a century or more, the argument goes, even if the concentration stopped rising, temperature would keep going up because the heat-trapping mechanism is already in place. In other words, some level of future warming is “baked into” the system, so it’s too late to avoid the 1.5-degree threshold.

But scientists discounted that idea at least a decade ago. Climate models consistently show that “committed” (baked-in) warming does not happen. As soon as CO2 emissions stop rising, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 levels off and starts to slowly fall because the oceans, soils and vegetation keep absorbing CO2, as they always do. Temperature doesn’t rise further."”

This article was published in October 27, 2021:

“There’s Still Time to Fix Climate—About 11 Years

Aggressive policies, now, can extend the deadline and prevent the worst catastrophes”

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