'Climate change is a “little people” problem. If they had made better choices it wouldn’t be a problem for them' goes conservative thinking by Democrats & Republicans
“Increase in atmospheric methane set another record during 2021”
“Carbon dioxide levels also record a big jump”
Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017 6/8 208aaa
Is it my imagination or is money flowing to Ukraine one hell of a lot easier than it did to the American people when they needed help during peak acknowledgment of the pandemic? (not including the $7,000 corpse disposal aid)
“The talk about Russian oligarchs is sounding extra hypocritical right now as oligarch Elon Musk buys the biggest share of Twitter and oligarch Jeff Bezos bans employees from saying words like “freedom” and “ethics” and “union”