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6/2022 The Rate of Global Warming During Next 25 Years Could Be Double What it Was the Previous 50

Updated: Jan 8

“Jennifer Mascia


There have been 6 mass shootings since Uvalde:

4 shot in Philadelphia

6 shot in Alabama

5 shot, 4 fatally (3 of them young kids) in Michigan

6 shot in Chattanooga, Tennessee

5 shot in Detroit

5 shot in Chicago




Several more mass shootings just since this was tweeted... it's almost as if the US is in a collapse spiral... Idk?”

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 6/15 _F2A5884aaa

“Daily CO² measurement.

Each of the red dots in the first image is an hourly reading, as measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.

The dot highest on the graph was a reading of approximately:


That's going to bump up the daily average (yellow dot) somewhat.

As to why the measurement is unavailable today, who knows?”


“A million Afghan Children could starve this winter are US Sanctions to blame?”


“The Link Between Junk Food and Violence”


“America, Watch and Learn!

Britian’s Conservative government announced Thursday a 25 percent windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas firms that would be used to support $19 billion in assistance for low-income households struggling with a sharp spike in the cost of living.”


Sam Carana:

“A vicious cycle of oxygen loss threatens water quality in lakes”

“Anoxia decreases the magnitude of the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus sink in freshwaters “- by Cayelan Carey et al.


“The Rate of Global Warming During Next 25 Years Could Be Double What it Was in the Previous 50, a Renowned Climate Scientist Warns” The Rate of Global Warming During Next 25 Years Could Be Double What it Was in the Previous 50, a Renowned Climate Scientist Warns”

“Former NASA climate scientist James Hansen urged Congress decades ago to act on climate change. Now he says he expects reduced aerosol pollution to lead to a steep temperature rise.”


“Stable carbon isotope data of enhanced dissolved methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf region” - by Marenka Brussee et al. (presentation at EGU General Assembly 2022)


“They’re just outright telling us that peace in Ukraine is not an option”


“Birds Have a Role to Play in Confronting a Notorious Tree-Killing Beetle”


““Enough Was Enough”: How Australia Reformed Its Gun Laws & Ended Mass Shootings After 1996 Massacre”


Uvalde School Shooting notes and timeline:


Paul Thomas\Plebians:

“We’ve bought into the idea that education is about training and “success”, defined monetarily,

rather than learning to think critically and to challenge. We should not forget that the true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers. A culture that does not grasp the vital interplay between morality and power, which mistakes management techniques for wisdom, which fails to understand that the measure of a civilization is its compassion, not its speed or ability to consume, condemns itself to death.

~Chris Hedges”


“The fish in our oceans are filled with drugs, new study says”


They’ll invariably use it on the American people:


In-Q-Tel — the CIA’s venture capital arm — and the military are investing heavily in the metaverse. There are growing concerns they’re wasting taxpayer money.”

“Military interest in holographic imaging has grown rapidly in recent years. Military planners in China and the U.S. have touted holographic technology to project images “to incite fear in soldiers on a battlefield.””


Peter Kalmus:

“We won’t shift into climate emergency mode until we question the massive fossil fuel privilege of flying.

“You cannot persuade people they’re in danger if you perform the action that’s putting them in danger *while you’re trying to persuade them*. It’s madness as communication.”


“Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.”

Zbiigniew Brzczinski in 1972


True but probably never happen in America:

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.”

Martin Luther King Jr.


"Rebellion is an act of faith. It does not ask what is practical. It does not ask finally even if it can succeed".

“If we really saw war, what war does to young minds and bodies, it would be impossible to embrace the myth of war. If we had to stand over the mangled corpses of schoolchildren killed in Afghanistan and listen to the wails of their parents, we would not be able to repeat clichés we use to justify war. This is why war is carefully sanitized. This is why we are given war's perverse and dark thrill but are spared from seeing war's consequences. The mythic visions of war keep it heroic and entertaining…

The wounded, the crippled, and the dead are, in this great charade, swiftly carted offstage. They are war's refuse. We do not see them. We do not hear them. They are doomed, like wandering spirits, to float around the edges of our consciousness, ignored, even reviled. The message they tell is too painful for us to hear. We prefer to celebrate ourselves and our nation by imbibing the myths of glory, honor, patriotism, and heroism, words that in combat become empty and meaningless.”

~ Chris hedges

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