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5/2022 It is increasingly possible that the 2020's is likely mankind's final decade

Updated: Jan 8

Sam Carana:

“Will humans go extinct with a temperature rise of 3°C (5.4°F)? How fast could temperatures rise?”

“Humans will go extinct at 3 degrees” (plus Celsius increase in average global temperature)

All life on earth at 5 degrees

We are at 2.2

We will hit 6 within 10 years”

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 6/6 _F2A5457aaa


1 “Justin Leso

Agree that we are at 2.2. Disagree on 6C in 10 years. We won’t be around in 10 years to find out but 6C will likely happen far sooner when the methane bomb goes off and pushes CO2e to over 1200ppm and we lose most clouds for good”

2 “Katrin Perkovic

I don't believe that everyone will die. I mean, 95% or even 99%, probably will. But some might survive, except if air gets unbreathable. Food, water and shelter might be possible in some parts of the world for a few individuals, but they won't have it easy.”

& small remnant populations of humans, even in bunkers, won’t have the required genetic diversity needed to survive as a species

3 “Ilona Upīte

I agree, we are losing the ability to grow food, coral are dying, they are nurseries for 25 % of all fish in the sea. We are losing food chain in both ocean and on the land. Insects have declained 60% from 2004. No polinators, no insects, no small fish means the whole food chain have collapse. We are starving now, last years of humanity. Also when all the fishes will die no more nutrients for plankton that produce up to 80 %of all oksygen on this planet. And with the forrest fires we lose tthe rest of our oksygen supply. Pollution, starvation, and nuclear melt down will kill every human on this planet. Rivers and lakes will evaporate, sea level will rise and nuclear power plants will explode in both scenarios.”

4 “Elizabeth Elizabeth

They will (probably) spray reflective material into the upper levels of the atmosphere (geoengineering) before we reach the worst of it. However that would have side effects, many probably unforeseen. So, best to advocate for change now before measures like that are necessary.”

& side effects like damning photosynthesis both on land and in the ocean

“First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth”

5 “Mark Duffy

Ice Age ... ? Not one but many. Humans have survived countless (other) climate changes already. Why would this one present any special challenges ?”

& Earth has N-E-V-E-R experienced a manmade "climate change". This event is unnatural. What's more the innumerable, sometimes subtle, technical differences between a natural and this unnatural climate event is the "devil in the detail". For instance, the Earth has N-E-V-E-R experienced a warming even that has come on this fast in the presence of, say, metropolitan\concrete heat islands. Long story short, "special challenges" is entirely what this change is all about.



“World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Climate Update 2022-2026

"The chance of at least one year between 2022 and 2026 exceeding the warmest year on record, 2016, is 93%. The chance of the five-year mean for 2022-2026 being higher than the last five years (2017-2021) is also 93%."

"Back-to-back La Niña events at the start and end of 2021 had a cooling effect on global temperatures, but this is only temporary and does not reverse the long-term global warming trend. Any development of an El Niño event would immediately fuel temperatures."



If they were really interested in decreasing our demand for energy & suffering while stimulating economic growth instead of viewing Global Warming as a profit opportunity, they would pursue a national campaign of, say, installing operable exterior shutters on all residential dwellings etc

The master race wants an authoritarian president so they can use violence against Americans to keep living in their normal luxury for as long as possible as the planet dies and gratuitous horrifying social murder continues to unfold

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