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11/2021 Greece Passes Climate Law Banning Fossil Fuel Cars From 2030

Updated: Jan 8

"The Democratic role is to protect the Republican party from challenges from the left. Its tactic for many decades now has been to use identity politics to replace the traditional economic concerns of voters as wage earners, consumers, debtors and, in a rising proportion of cases, as renters faced with losing their homes if they fall into arrears as rents and housing prices are soaring. Identity politics is a strategy to fragment the wage-earning majority of voters into separate ethnic, racial and gender identities. That distracts attention from their class consciousness whose interests do not match those of the Donor Class that has gained control of the Democrat-Republican duopoly. This control and divergence of interests explains the DNC’s refusal to back progressive candidates."

“Is This the End of the Unreformable Democratic Party?”


Sam Carana\Arctic news:

“Can updated climate pledges limit warming well below 2°C?” - by Yang Ou et al.

See also Supplementary Materials (pdf, link underneath abstract)

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-06-15 188aaap


“Climate change: Carbon emissions show rapid rebound after Covid dip”

“Global Carbon Budget 2021”


“Experts say the finance industry must find ways to raise private money to tackle the climate crisis.”

“COP26 coalition worth $130 trillion vows to put climate at heart of finance”


“Greeks fear megafires could be new normal for Med”



“New Science Update from the Prof.

IPCC says Climate Change is abrupt and irreversible.

That’s why there’s a COP 26, cuz 25 previous ones were failures.”

Kevin Hester:

“Guy's latest science roundup quotes our former guest on Nature Bats Last Dr Andre Glikson's contention that we have passed 2C which is what Sam Carana, myself and others have been saying when using 1750 as a baseline. The aerosol masking effect is masking at least another 1.5C

He quotes the Environmental Defence Fund article proving that the IPCC was set up to fail, using many of the tactics developed by the tobacco industry. This article feature in my latest post on the IPCC

He also addresses 'Climate Reticence' from scientists.

They are all wracked with grief for underestimating climate sensitivity or are bought off with research grants or in Michael Mann's case no doubt a bunker to hide in with like minded sociopaths as the world around them burns and angry kids wielding pitchforks hunt down the adults who set the fire and lied about the severity of the crises we face.

I'll post corroborating evidence below.”


“The US empire is the creepiest thing in the world. This smiley faced serial killer monologuing about freedom and democracy and churning out movies about how fun and happy it is while butchering human beings all around the world. The more you think about it the creepier it gets”


"At the end of the day, you can’t politically align with both sick people and pharmaceutical companies. There’s no squaring the contradictions of a health care system that puts insurance industry profits ahead of human needs, or an economy officially based on “equality of opportunity” that allows a tiny few to ascend to the status of neo-feudal barons while broad swathes of the working class are literally dying daily and defaulting on their bills. There are no “moderate” solutions to climate change. There’s no reasonable, pragmatic compromise to be had between protecting the basic rights of black Americans to vote and allowing the Republican Party to gerrymander the electoral map into one that creates a system of permanent minority rule. You cannot simultaneously seek a mandate for reform while also, as Biden did, promising that “nothing will fundamentally change.”

“Joe Biden Is Giving Us the Presidency the Left Always Predicted”

“Joe Biden ran for president as the “Stop Bernie” candidate who promised that “nothing would fundamentally change” under his watch. Now, with his ambitious policy agenda being whittled down to a fraction of a loaf, he’s returning to his centrist roots.”


“Dispatches from the COP26 Climate Talks in Glasgow “- by Alex Carlin

". . the word on the street is that “net-zero” is just code for “nyet-zero” (not-zero) – that is, not a zero in any meaningful sense, but rather a cynical ploy by polluters to use carbon removal as an escape hatch to continue polluting."”


It continues to get worse:

“Black carbon aerosols heating Arctic: Large contribution from mid-latitude biomass burning”

“The year-to-year spring variation in Arctic black carbon (BC) aerosol abundance is strongly correlated with biomass burning in the mid-latitudes. Moreover, current models underestimate the contribution of BC from biomass burning by a factor of three.”

“Arctic black carbon during PAMARCMiP 2018 and previous aircraft experiments in spring” - by Sho Ohata et al.


“We have the power…

Our power isn’t in a political system, or a religious system, or in an economic system, or in a military system; these are authoritarian systems…they have power…but it’s not reality. The power of our intelligence, individually or collectively IS the power; this is the power that any industrial ruling class truly fears, clear coherent human beings.” John Trudell


“U.S. lawmakers approve bill to ratchet up pressure on Nicaragua’s”

Ben Norton:

“More US economic warfare on Nicaragua: The House of Representatives just voted 387-35 for the brutal Renacer Act, which will impose devastating sanctions on Nicaragua. The Senate already approved it.

This is bipartisan sadism to punish Nicaraguans for not letting the US colonize them.

The US government supported a brutally violent coup attempt in 2018 to try to overthrow Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government.

It failed, so the US imposed several rounds of crushing sanctions, and is now trying to discredit Nicaragua's November 7 elections, while blatantly meddling in them and trying to isolate Nicaragua around the world.

The US empire has never forgiven Nicaragua for overthrowing a right-wing puppet dictator in the 1979 revolution.”

"The democrats deserve all the chaos that they are presently experiencing. How many progressives voted for this racist imperialist legislation." Ajamu Baraka”


“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.



“Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis”

“Since the Antarctic maximum sea ice extent was reached on September 1, 2021, ice extent has been in a steep decline. Extent went from being above the interdecile (ninetieth percentile) range to being below the tenth percentile for most of October. As a result, sea ice extent in the Antarctic is currently tracking as the third lowest, behind only 2016 and 1986. Learn more in our latest sea ice analysis post:”


Both candidates in the Virginia governors’ race were closely affiliated with the Carlyle Group, a Private Equity Group.


“Greece Passes Climate Law Banning Fossil Fuel Cars From 2030”


“Jul: Build Back Better

Aug: Build Back Somewhat Better

Sept: Build Back Better But hey let’s not get carried away

Oct: Build Back Better, so long as we check with Corporate America First

Nov: Build Back Better than 1%, then they can decide who gets to live better or die”


“Politics: the art of convincing decent people to forget the lesser of two evils is also evil” Edward Snowden


“COP26: Greta Thunberg tells protest that COP26 has been a 'failure'”


Nina Turner:

“Today, I’ve heard a lot of “centrist” Democratic pundits speculate about what Democrats should to save the party before 2022. Not one mentioned canceling student loan debt for 42.9 million Americans. Joe Biden can do it with the stroke of a pen”

[One of Student Loan collection Queen Betsy DeVos’ flunkies works for Biden]

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