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02/2022 No means of control: 85% of GHG emissions now from natural sources & only 15% from Humans

Updated: Jan 4

Kirk Brent Norring:

85% of emissions since 2007 is coming from the permafrost and other natural sources. Only 15% comes from industry.

Xin Lan, an atmospheric scientist at NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, said microbes account for 85 per cent of the emissions increase since 2007, with the rest due to fossil fuel production.

“‘Dangerously fast’ methane increase suggests feedback mechanism may have begun

Atmospheric methane levels are now nearly triple pre-industrial levels, found research published in scientfic journal Nature.”


And so mankind’s extinction is locked in,...turn the page:

Kirk Brent Norring:

“It only takes on summer.

Since we only affect 15% of global emissions, what we do is not a whole lot.

We can't stop the feedback loops which is now responsible for 85% of global emissions.

The impossible to stop feedback loops is in the driver seat of Global Warming.

We are passengers along for the ride.”

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

\2016-06-17 458aaa2

“Termination shock”


As the image indicates, the difference between the top of El Niño and the bottom of La Niña could be more than half a degree Celsius.

We're currently in the depth of a persistent La Niña, which suppresses temperatures. As the temperature keeps rising, ever more frequent strong El Niño events are likely to occur. A 2019 study analyzes how tipping the ENSO into a permanent El Niño can trigger state transitions in global terrestrial ecosystems.

Currently, the temperature rise is additionally suppressed by low sunspots. Within a few years time, sunspots can be expected to reach the peak of their current cycle and observed sunspots are looking stronger than predicted.

In a recent communication, James Hansen repeats that, as reductions take place in the sulfate aerosols that are currently co-emitted by traffic, transport and industry, this is causing the current temperature rise to accelerate and could cause further rapid global warming, referred to in a 2021 presentation as a termination shock.

Furthermore, in addition to a huge temperature rise resulting from sulfate aerosols falling away, there could be a further rise in temperature as a result of releases of other aerosols with a net warming impact, such as black and brown carbon, which can increase dramatically as more wood burning and forest fires take place.

In summary, while the temperatures are accelerating, we'll soon be moving into the next El Niño, with sunspots moving toward a peak, with sulfate aerosols causing a termination shock and with other aerosols further driving up the temperature rise.

From the post 'Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover', at:”


“The reality is that the Arctic is in a death spiral at only a 1.2 C temperature rise”


“There’s No Going Back”

Kevin Hester

“Guy's latest analysis of peer reviewed evidence that there's no going back to the cliff edge we've already raced off.”

"Humans are the only species able to manipulate the Earth on a grand scale, and they have allowed the current crisis to happen. Despite multiple conservation initiatives at various levels, most are not species oriented (certain charismatic vertebrates excepted) and specific actions to protect every living species individually are simply unfeasible because of the tyranny of numbers."

“Perhaps if phytoplankton had of been a little more charismatic or photogenic we wouldn't have lost 40% of them since the 1950's.”


“Pole Shift Update:

Feb 17, 2022. The North Pole continues racing toward Siberia. Around 56 miles left until we reach the 40 degree mark. Pole migration speed faster than average the last 30 days, another 5.25 miles. 10.8 months to go (at that speed) only "if" it doesn't accelerate as it has proven to do.”



Antarctic sea ice extent was only 2.125 million km² on February 15, 2022, a record low for the time of year and close to the record low of 2.11 million km² on March 3, 2017.

From the post 'Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover', at:”


“GeoEngineering Watch:

“Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones”


“How Privatization Fuels Catastrophic Climate Change”


“What is the extinction crisis? 5 key facts”

“Mass extinctions (when 75% of all species on Earth die out) are world-changing.

Right now, many scientists say, we’re experiencing the sixth mass extinction in Earth’s history.

Here's 5 key facts about the extinction crisis how we must confront it:”

Connie Hicks: “We've ignored the warnings for over 50 years. This is the result. Heartbreaking & so unnecessary. This was entirely preventable but for our collective greed, complacency & arrogance. We will be the architects of our own demise & we'll take the rest of the planet with us.”


“World spends $1.8tn a year on subsidies that harm environment, study finds”

“Research prompts warnings humanity is ‘financing its own extinction’ through subsidies damaging to the climate and wildlife to the tune of $1.8 trillion per year.”


Tennessee Schools have run out of food:

“Williamson County Schools face food shortages”


“Decade-High Food Prices Drive Poverty and Unrest in Africa

Africans face a wave of inflation causing food insecurity, driving some to emigrate to escape the spiralling cost of living “

“Parts of Africa are contending with a wave of inflation that is, by some measures, even worse than the supply shocks cascading around the rest of the world.”


“Microplastics increase the toxicity of organic pollutants in the environment by a factor of 10”

“A new study found that in a marine environment, microplastics absorb and concentrate toxic organic substances and thus increase their toxicity by a factor of 10, which may lead to a severe impact on human health. Microplastics are found almost everywhere, and decompose very slowly in nature. As they degrade, microplastic particles encounter environmental pollutants that attach to their surface.”


Normalized Infection and Dying from COVID?:

With hospitals no longer reporting COVID hospitalizations & testing primarily at home, we really don’t know if COVID infections are going down, less severe or if we are getting swamped by a new mutation.


“U.S. detects highly lethal bird flu in Tyson Foods chickens”

“A flock of about 240,000 chickens owned by Tyson Foods Inc (TSN.N) in Kentucky tested positive for a highly lethal form of bird flu, government officials and the company said on Monday, widening an outbreak that threatens the U.S. poultry industry.”


“Colorado River states and feds are working on new plan to avoid another emergency water release to save Lake Powell”

“Colorado River states and feds are working on new plan to avoid another emergency water release to save Lake Powell-- If the reservoir drops below 3,525 feet, it could threaten power generation and other water infrastructure and jeopardize water-sharing agreements between states.”


How come the focus is always on WHEN we are going to war, instead of WHY?


“What’s About To Happen In Ukraine”

“Best article we've found about what's really going. on in Ukraine. Putin’s strategy in Ukraine has a clear end game — end the possibility of future NATO membership by breaking the Zelensky government.”


Both political parties dominating America feel the non rich should have no say in government and that is going to become painfully obvious when the next elections deliver the country firmly into the hands of a fascist authoritarianism


Graph of Unit Membership vs. Share of Income going to the Top 10%

“The 10 Poorest states are all “right to work” states.”


“Look how effectively the fat cats have turned us against each other . “ divide and conquer “ is an age old tactic to control working people .”

“I can hire half of the working class to kill the other half.” Jay Gould, Robber Baron


“There are ‘forever chemicals’ in beef now

How toxic PFAS made their way from sewage to fertilizer to beef in Michigan.”


“The Hopi Prophecy - Native American prophecy:

Well, my friends, The Red Kachina, is very real and will be passing the Earth real soon, so I hope all of you are prepared for its coming? Here are several photos, taken by my FB friends. The White Man calls it Planet-X, or Nibiru. It has been called by many other names, but it is very real. NASA has been tracking it ever since 1983, and I was given this photo back in 2003, showing it. I urge all of you, to listen to your "Elders" now. You hall have to be prepared, as soon, as possible. Be brave”


“Brace Yourself: The Economy Is About to Get Bumpier”


“America is Headed for the Worst Real Estate Crash Ever”


Democrats benefiting voting authoritarian Republican is the whole point and both parties are on board with it:

“Democrats Are Ditching Class, and It’s Costing Them Working-Class Voters”


“200 Mudslides Kill Dozens - Brazil Devastated By Unbelievable Rainfall Event”


“The Age of the Big Lie

Our Democracies are Dying Because Our Leaders Tell Us Big Lies Instead of Hard Truths”


“Science Update: There's No Going Back”


On average an Enbridge Pipeline leaks every 20 days. And Enbridge is linked to the killing of at least 4 Environmental activists in Southern\Central America.

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