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1/2023 Est 1/3 of the food produced in US ends up in a landfill and for that we use pesticides?!

Updated: Jan 8

The coming extinction of insects will devastate humanity

Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-06-17 _F2A6600aaa2

“Around one-third of food produced in the United States is never consumed - ending up in landfills as waste.”

“The Unexpected Ways Food Waste Is Killing Farmed Animals”


“We are very near the point of no return as far as universal consciousness awareness is concerned. If you are not strongly connected to Tao, the life stream, the Holy Spirit by now you probably never will be. A fellow named Harari has become quite popular these days with the statement that “humans are now hackable”. He’s referring of course to AI and related hardware and software now being able to manipulate human behavior regardless of anyone’s will. I’d like to point out that this “hackability”of humans isn’t anything new.

B.F. Skinner wrote a book in the 60’s called “Beyond Freedom and Dignity” It quickly became the Bible of behaviorist psychology. Skinner proved using rats and the famous Skinner box that freedom and dignity are simply egoistic proclamations having no basis in reality. Freedom and dignity in other words don’t exist and never have according to Skinner. The collective mind alone directs all human behavior and thoughts even the religious ones and even the ones that proclaim salvation, individual freedom and self esteem. The collective psychological program to Skinner is all there is.

Well even before Skinner two famous novelists, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell wrote about this hackability of humans in their books “Brave New World” and “1984”. The difference is that they had a reference point beyond the horror of the programming. Skinner has no such reference point nor does Harari. With Huxley and Orwell there was still a way out, whereas with Harari and Skinner there isn’t. So you can see the progression and where it’s all going, basically to total Godlessness, through the mind of AI. The point of no return will be reached when the ability to connect to the presence of universal consciousness is no longer possible.. The Gates (capital G) will be permanently closed. In fact there are many signs that most people are already locked out.”


"George H. W. Bush sells weapons to Iraq & then, gives these speeches where he says shit like, 'We still live in a dangerous world!' (Pregnant Pause) Yeah, thanks to YOU!" - Bill Hicks

“The way Caitlin sums it up so well is just *chef's kiss* PERFECTION!”

“Talking about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine without also talking about the ways the US empire provoked and benefits from this war is the same as lying.”


“Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the concept of a literal hell is how badly Christians want it to be real.”


“Since 9/11, the U.S. has engaged in armed combat across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia in the name of fighting terrorism — without Congress’s full knowledge.

Get free tickets to our discussion with experts.”

Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law:

“Little-known laws have enabled armed combat in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia in the name of “security cooperation” — without Congress’s knowledge.

A panel of experts discuss what's at stake.”

“Secret War: unauthorized Combat and Legal Loopholes”

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