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4/2023 Mass Extinction: The World is facing a biodiversity crisis

Updated: Jan 17

Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-08-12 _F2A6926aaa

Sam Carana:


The daily sea surface temperature between 60°South and 60°North reached a record high level on March 31, 2023, i.e. the highest temperature in the NOAA record that started in 1981.

This record high sea surface temperature comes as we're moving into an El Niño. Moving from the bottom of a La Niña to the peak of a strong El Niño could make a difference of more than half a degree Celsius.

Furthermore, sunspots look set to reach a high maximum within years, and the 2022 Tonga submarine volcano eruption did add a huge amount of water vapor to the atmosphere.

Vast amounts of heat moves from the North Atlantic into the Arctic. Around this time of year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures are at their annual low, in line with changes in the seasons. Last year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures reached a record high of 24.9°C in early September.

Sea surface temperature anomalies are also high in the Pacific, reflecting an upcoming El Niño. All this spells bad news for Arctic sea ice, which typically reaches its lowest extent in September.

From the post 'Sea surface temperature at record high', at:”


BRIC or Authoritarian Fascism?:

“Enslaving The World To Stop Chinese Tyranny: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”


“The wealthy elite will fight tooth and nail against free college for two reasons:

1. It will be hard to fill the ranks of the military with poor people if college is free

2. Starting off workers with enormous debt is the greatest innovation that capitalism ever came up with.


Val Eisman:

""SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov 14 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Since the last Ice Age ended nearly 12,000 years ago and human civilisations developed, the Earth's long-term average global air temperature has never varied by more than 1.5 degrees above a stable 14 degrees Celsius (57 degrees Fahrenheit), scientists say.

But within a decade, fossil fuel emissions accumulating in the atmosphere and trapping more of the sun's energy are expected to drive global temperatures above that 1.5C (2.7F) warming mark.

What happens then?" from beginning of article."In a September report in the journal Science, scientists said irreversible planetary "tipping points" - from melting of the Greenland ice sheet, setting in motion 7 metres (23 feet) of sea level rise, to the release of heat-accelerating methane trapped in melting permafrost - are likely to be triggered.

That could have dramatic implications for human and other life on the planet, as extreme weather surges, seas rise and food and water security weaken, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientists warn."

"I can say with a high degree of certainty that civilisations can thrive in a 14-degree world - but nobody can tell at any degree of certainty that we can thrive at (much higher temperatures) because we've never been there," said Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, at COP27 in Egypt."


“Explainer: How close are we to passing 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming?”


"Global warming will cause conditions beyond human tolerance”


“If you oppress poor people you insult the God who made them; but kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship” Proverbs 14:31


“1970s: “if I work enough hours, I can buy a house.”

2020s: “If I work enough jobs, I can afford rent.”

In 95 percent of counties throughout the United States, those who work a minimum wage job can’t afford a 1-bedroom apartment. Change that to a 2-bedrrom, and the entire country becomes unaffordable.

And yet, what we have found during the pandemic is that many of the members of our low-wage workforce are “essential workers,” whose labor is necessary to maintain an adequately functioning society.”


“Corporate greed is the larges U.S. egg producer’s profits surging 718% as Americans struggle to feed their families. Corporations have gotten away with price-gouging for too long.”


Erin Anderson

“It is the structure of unregulated/ poorly regulated capitalism and corporations (authoritarian institutions where employees are legally required to forfeit their bill of rights protections) to put profit before people.

Any system/ organization that is not based in universal human rights (with transparency, oversight, and enforcement), will harm people… this is by design (goes back to corporations receiving rights of personhood before most actual human beings in the U.S. as a means of ensuring control of the country and population by the wealthy). Anything less than a system or institution based on universal human rights (and enforcement) will cause harm. It is only when the people unite and fight back that we will create a better world. The better world we desire will never be freely given to us; we must collectively fight for it.

If you’re interested in taking back your power and being heard, please reference the methods section at the back of this guide. Our society is based on a social contract (consent of the governed). If we withhold our consent, our society will change and we can build it on a value system of universal human rights (which allows for the greatest possible realization of human potential).”

“CANVAS Core Curriculum: A Guide to Effective Nonviolent Struggle”


“The World is facing a biodiversity crisis”

“It can start with America not serving as a tax haven for corrupt wealth - with out the tax revenue the people of the cheated countries are forced to liquidate their commons for food and money. So you see bushmeat, illegal logging, poaching, illegal mining and other practices.

Scientists predict that on our current trajectory of habitat loss and global warming, nearly 40% of all species will face extinction by the end of this century. Their disappearance will upend ecosystems and destabilize human civilization.

To sustain the earth’s biodiversity, we’ll need new protections and better enforcement of the existing ones. We have about a decade to achieve urgent, transformative change.”

“Scientists predict that on our current trajectory of habitat loss and global warming, nearly 40% of all species will face extinction by the end of this century. Their disappearance will upend ecosystems and destabilize human civilization.

To sustain the earth’s biodiversity, we’ll need new protections and better enforcement of the existing ones. We have about a decade to achieve urgent, transformative change.”

“More about how Earthjustice is working to protect imperiled species and the ecosystems that support their lives — and ours”

“The other living beings that share our planet have the same right to existence as we do. Our existence depends on theirs.”

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