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5/2023 “Nuremberg trials for imperiling all and bringing on mass extinction of species”

Updated: Jan 17

Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

6/29/2011 0001_IMG_2149_99999aaaa2 [2022 Photos\Old Photos Retouched]


Nuremberg trials for imperiling all and bringing on mass extinction of species” - by Andrew Glikson

“As mean global temperatures, storms and sea level rise keep rising toward uninhabitable conditions in many parts of the world and thousands of nuclear missiles are aimed to be triggered by accident or design is it too early or already too late for Nuremberg-type trials for those responsible for the ongoing greenhouse gas saturation of the atmosphere and the creation of a doomsday machine?

None of these infringements falls within the category of ordinary human offences, rather their consequences for the Earth’s life support system are orders of magnitude larger than even their perpetrators could imagine, namely a major mass extinction of species analogous to the end-Ordovician (86% species extinguished), Permian-Triassic (96 Species extinguished) and Cretaceous-Tertiary (76% species extinguished) (Figure 1A) consequent on carbon emission rates some 9–10 times higher than those during onset of the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.

The coating of the Earth biosphere with the toxic residues of buried hydrocarbon and their processed plastic products in the form of carbon particles, oil spills, methane and carbon gases, microplastics and related rise in temperatures are threatening the fate of species, including human civilization.

Taking no heed of this warning, the species Homo “sapiens” has perfected a virtual doomsday machine under which it is living on borrowed time. Believing it is a ‘chosen species’ sapiens has rarely asked itself what has it been chosen for?

Leaders, so-called, forcing the atmosphere into a >4 degrees Celsius-high radioactive hell, including corporate chiefs, top executives, billionaires and their conscious-free political mouthpieces, members of parliaments, ministers and presidents, will be recorded in history as first in line to hell, driving the innocent hapless masses into oblivion.

But if “leaders” failed to protect the people from global warming and nuclear war, they succeeded splendidly in hiding the truth, starting with climate change denial, proceeding with accounting tricks and with claims of domestic emission reduction, while at the same time opening new coal mines, oil wells and coal seam gas fracking, exporting the hydrocarbons throughout the atmosphere.

These people know who they are, even if they do not fully understand the monstrous consequences of what they are doing or avoiding doing!

But if Nuremberg Trials are not conducted now, then when?

From the post 'Nuremberg trials for imperiling all and bringing on mass extinction of species - by Andrew Glikson', at:”


“Thailand just measured over 45°C [113.72F] for the first time on record. A new national heat record has been set.

A brutal heatwave tightens its grip across more than a dozen countries in Asia.



We will soon know the depth of the Democratic & Republican parties betrayal of the non-rich:

“When El Nino arrives the extreme weather that has rampaged across our planet in 2021 and 2022 will pale into insignificance.” Bill McGuire, Climate Scientist – author of “hothouse earth”

[from here on out earth is a whole other planet that we shoudn’t be living on]


“Bob McCormick, April 13 at 3:33 PM ·

We are, at least temporarily, all insane. We are running out of time. Global war and global warming are now threats to all life on Earth, including our own.

We are the Earth’s existing humans and we are running about trying to figure out who’s to blame. We don’t have time to figure out who’s to blame, punish them and then start over. We are depending on ad hoc actions and donations to respond to the damage we are, ourselves causing.

A growing number of us around the world, especially our children, are already victims, or will soon be victims, of our current strategies for responding to threats to all life ~ global war and global warming.

When it comes to current strategies we are relying on past human thinking to guide us. Their laws, their documents, their institutions, but “Do what you can with what you have on hand.” is not a workable strategy.

Our ancestor’s tools do, and will continue to help us when we are addressing problems we both faced, but of little use when 8B existing humans are facing unprecedented, global threats to life as we know it.

We have everything we need to effectively end global war and global warming, but it won’t happen before we end our temporary insanity, and agree to cooperate with one another globally.”


“Alarming Rise of Antisemitic Behavior in Schools”


“Sam Carana, April 15 at 12:49 AM ·

Monthly Northern Hemisphere Land Temperature Anomaly

Temperatures have been rising fast in March 2023. The image below shows the Monthly Northern Hemisphere Land Temperature Anomaly up to March 2023, with two trends added. The blue trend, based on Jan.1850-Mar.2023 NOAA data, points at a 3°C rise in 2032. The magenta trend, based on Oct.2010-Mar.2023 NOAA data, better reflects variables such as El Niño and sunspots, and illustrates how they could trigger a rise of more than 5°C in 2026. Anomalies are versus 1901-2000 (not versus pre-industrial).

From the post 'Temperatures rising fast March 2023', at:”


“Anita Hill tried to warn us 30 years ago [about Clarence Thomas]”


“Center for Biological Diversity


We sued the Biden administration to stop the Willow project – a massive oil drilling expansion in Alaska’s Arctic.

This project could lead to over 239 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions that would wreak havoc on the planet and imperiled wildlife. The Arctic is already warming four times faster than the rest of the planet. If this project proceeds, the cost to biodiversity and the climate will be irreparable.”


“Jean-Paul Sartre Took a Stand Against Empire”

“The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre died on this day in 1980. He came to prominence as France was trying to cling onto its empire and used his platform as a public intellectual to speak out bravely against colonial repression.”


“Isabel EbertExtinction Education\ April 14 at 9:25 PM

“Extreme Temperatures Around The World”

"Hottest spots in USA today: 97F Rio Grande TX and ... 96F Hartford AP CT. This ties the highest temperature ever recorded in April in the State of Connecticut. Dozens more stations set a record for the first half with up to 94F in PA,93F in MA and NJ and 92F in NY,NH and RI."”


“Climate change evolves rapidly, but agencies like the EPA are not keeping pace.

Their inaction puts our public health and air quality at risk.”

“Green groups sue EPA over decades-old water pollution rules

Technologies to control wastewater contamination have come a long way since the 1980s. Regulations haven’t.”


“We can't reduce PFAS exposure if it's not fully monitored and tracked.”

“EPA Fails to Monitor Almost Half of All “Forever Chemicals” in Drinking Water

Dozens of PFAS are quietly lurking in many municipalities’ drinking water — and residents might not even be aware.”


“Food Revolution Network

March 7


If you're looking for some good news about humanity and our planet…The Need To GROW could be the perfect film for you and your loved ones.

The Need To GROW is for people who care about the future of the planet and each other.

It's engaging and informative without being preachy.

It will give you hope and inspire you to participate in the restoration of the Earth.

Watch the film now (for free), and learn about new solutions for reclaiming the future of our planet. CLICK the “Watch More” button now.

Executive produced and Narrated by Rosario Dawson (Marvel’s The Defenders, The Lego Batman Movie, The Mandolorian, Ahsoka)...

The Need To GROW follows three renegade leaders as they fight to heal our broken food system...

And protect precious new technology that holds the key to feeding the planet (and reversing the damage caused by industrial agriculture).

Watch the complete film for free during this limited-time screening, then spread the word and join us in making a difference. Thank you!

— The Need To GROW Team”


“Sam Carana\Arctic news April 7 at 4:42 AM

“Methane emissions from Arctic landscapes during 2000–2015: an analysis with land and lake biogeochemistry models” - Xiangyu Liu et a”

“Peter Carter April 5


Maps with polar view highlighting wetland methane

from March 2023 paper


“Across four hours of testimony, one speaker after another blasted the proposal as racist, sloppy, dangerous, and unnecessary.

“Do you want to be known as a hateful, unwelcoming state?” asked 9-year-old Asher Vargas. “I know I don’t.””


Residents blasted Rep. Matt Schaefer’s controversial bill in a hearing that stretched late into the night.”


““The United States military, is it a house of cards? And and don't spend any more on it after prosecuting and imprisoning all those responsible for fleecing the American people, senators, congressman, presidents, and the heads of the military industrial complex. Laugh loudly! That might happen in a democracy. But the United States provides no power (only the pretend) to its citizens through The ballot box. So the fleecers are safe.

Then, please! Get rid of the US Military, and all the damn bases, except for at home defense.

"Ukraine is Out of Ammo

One sad fact for Ukraine is that, according to the leaked report, Ukraine is down to only 9,788 artillery shells on hand, or enough to sustain combat for a few days.

The report claims only 1,104 shells were expended in the previous 24 hour period – compared to at least 20,000 for Russia. Josep Borrell (Time Magazine) claims Russia is burning through 50,000 shells a day, but that is probably an exaggeration based on the maximum burn rate."”

“Ukraine Is Out of Ammo. Does the Pentagon Want Kiev to “Cut a Deal” with Russia?”


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