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8/2021 Conned and Betrayed by the Democrats

Updated: Jan 17

Conned and Betrayed by the Democrats:

Democrats are expanding hunting and fishing rights during a Mass Extinction?! Crapping on species when doing so contributes to deadly pandemics?

And Deb Haaland, Biden’s illustrious Head of the Department of the Interior, won’t help stop the slaughter of wolves!? This isn’t heeding science. This is a political party pandering for votes at the expense of the People:

“Well, under Trump his Interior Depoartment Sec. David Bernhardt opend up National Wildlife Refuges to more hunting and now Sec. Deb Haaland has opened up more of them to hunting and opened up more acres on them for more hunting even---In this final rule that was issued today by Haaland and the Interior Department hunters are allowed to hunt Bobcat, fox, river otters, muntain lions , Big Horn Sheep, Prongorns, Migratory Birds and more.

Well, these National Wildlife refuges were some of the last safe places for many wildlife species---not any longer and so much for Haaland being a " Traditonal Pueblo " ---she is nothing but a corporate Indian who favors the ranching and hunting industry.

THIS SUCKS --we have been conned and betrayed Advocates and Activists !”

“Interior Department Announces Largest Expansion of Fishing and Hunting on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Managed Lands and Waters

Expansion of outdoor recreation opportunities in line with ‘America the Beautiful’ initiative”

Aphrodite Fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016 6/27 086aaa

“The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan were never intended as a route to democracy or progress.”

“Afghanistan: The Great Deception”


“Afghanistan Was A Giant Money Laundering Scheme”


“Last weekend, thousands of anti-vaxxers and COVID denialists marched across Australia to protest pandemic restrictions. A core of far-right activists were at the center of the action.”

“In Australia, the Far Right Is Pushing COVID-19 Conspiracies”


It is a national disgrace that our Public School facilities are neglected while Charter\Voucher school scams are making Taxpayers pay them to purchase schools we’ve already paid to build & religious schools use Taxpayer dollars to build new facilities but restrict admissions to select populations


Disgusting use of government resources to further the agenda of a select rich when WASHINGTON SHOULD BE COOPERATING WITH OTHER COUNTRIES - INCLUDING CHINA - TO STOP THE NEXT PANDEMIC. Instead Washington chooses to fuel anti China violence in America.

Why would ANYBODY trust the CIA's on COVID?- a tool of the current fascist American region - determination on the origin of the virus when clearly it is a political issue?

Washington must think 99% of Americans are complete dumb asses.

Here's something to chew on, the Spanish Flu originated in Virginia.

“Biden’s COVID-19 Origins Report Leaves the Lab Leak on the Table

The U.S. Intelligence Community’s assessment, while inconclusive, vindicates those who insisted on asking if the virus could have escaped from a Wuhan laboratory.”

It is possible for any virus to come into being in a variety of ways, but it is misleading to allude to the fact that it actually came from a leaked lab when it is well documented that it did NOT.


“The most powerful country in the world is exerting the right to put any foreign citizen in prison for life for publishing information it doesn’t like”

“The Trial of Julian Assange Should Terrify Everyone”


“I never learned this in school

Before the presidents’ faces were carved into Mount Rushmore it was called The Six Grandfathers, part of the sacred Black Hills of the Lakota Trib. The U.S. Government seized the land illegally in 1877, after gold had been discovered there. President Grant secretly ordered the army not to protect local tribes, as bounty hunters collected up to $300 for each Native American killed. The carving of four presidents into the hills took place in the 1920’s funded in part by the Ku Klux Klan.”


“The United States was involved in Afghanistan long before 9/11, fomenting Islamist revolt and paving the way for its own defeat.”

“Five Ways the US Created and Prolonged the Afghan Crisis”


“As disasters mount, central banks gird against threat of climate change

From the Bank of England to the People’s Bank of China, officials of the world’s largest economies are gauging how climate change could rock the financial system.”


Democrats are as equally guilty, if not more, of America’s eviction tragedy:

“Pelosi shifting blame because she was too busy hobnobbing at fancy fundraisers and placing insider stock trades to get an extension passed.”

“Pelosi says Supreme Court ‘immorally ripped away’ relief from Americans in its ‘arbitrary and cruel’ decision to end eviction moratorium”

Reader Comment: Jordan Goodman:

“Lol the Supreme Court told the Dems months ago that they'd have to extend the moratorium past July 31st with an act of Congress.

This is the same woman who's only effort to extend the moratorium before Cori Bush slept on the steps of the Capitol was to call for a unanimous consent vote and then pack up for vacation after one Republican rejected.”

Reader Comment: Cindy Delfrate

they struck the moratorium down on Friday yes. They said it is not allowed for the CDC to extend it on its on. Congress has to pass a new law to authorize it.

But they had already said that a month before the last one expired briefly on July 31st. And Pelosi and others in Congress did nothing about that warning, put no effort into passing a new moratorium.”


Dan Price:

“1 in 7 homes are now bought by Wall St investors

Starter home prices are rising 7x faster than renter incomes

The typical renter needs 27 years to save for a 20% down payment on the median starter home

This is the big crisis not being addressed”


“Exclusive: Report Details Corporate Landlord Gluttony as Millions Face Eviction”


And yet the undertook a massive irreversible exploitation of their country’s endowment of natural resources:

“In Brazil’s worst decade in more than a century, unemployment, precarious and informal work, poverty, and inequality are all sharply on the rise. In a crisis stoked by a far-right government, fixing the country’s economy can only happen with a political reckoning from the Left.”

“Brazil Has Just Experienced Another “Lost Decade””


“Greenhouse warming intensifies north tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies”


“It's Dumb That Kirtland's Warbler Isn't Michigan's State Bird

And while we’re at it, we should change its name to Jack Pine Warbler.”


I thought we were supposed to think the Afghanistan war was over?:

“The United States military conducted a drone strike against an ISIS-K planner less than 48 hours after a suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport killed 13 U.S. service members and injured at least 100 Afghans.

Capt. Bill Urban, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, said that military forces conducted an “over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an ISIS-K planner." “Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties,” Urban said.”

“US conducts military strike against ISIS-K planner”


“The average wage worker at today’s level of productivity only has to work 11 hours a week to be as productive as the average wage worker in 1950s”


“In blue, the countries of the world that have America as top business partner. In orange, those who have China.”

Look at the comparison, pictured above: Year 2000 and below: 2020.

Source: The Economist.

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