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5/2022 MINUS 1.4% Growth in the US Economy

Updated: Jan 17

MINUS 1.4% Growth in the US Economy:

Govt policy & decisions based on bribery are myopic and a drag on all aspect of America. A country’s people are its only real asset and a country’s future is a government’s performance evaluation

The situation DemGOPs created in Ukraine is all a profit making scheme at the expense of working American taxpayers. DEMAND AN EXACTING AUDIT OF ALL MONIES WASHINGTON SPENDS ON UKRAINE. Zelensky should not get a commission$

It doesn’t matter to DemGOPs that the US economy shrank by 1.4%. General prosperity for the strength of country isn’t the point of their governing. They & the Judiciary exist to optimize the wealth of a select few, not the “little people”

A Green New Deal when it could have made a real difference would not have resulted in today’s -1.4% growth in the US economy,...but DemGOPs didn’t want Tobago against their donors’ wishes and necro-capitalism ideology. CRIMINAL

Aphrodite Fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018 6/27 _F2A0794aaa


“Oceans are facing a mass extinction event comparable to the 'Great Dying' - Life in Earth’s oceans may suffer a mass extinction that could surpass the planet’s previous great extinctions.”

“Oceans are facing a mass extinction event comparable to the 'Great Dying'

Polar species are also likely to go globally extinct.”


This is why our two parties have not prepared for the future:

“The Water Wars Of Tomorrow”

“The Water Wars are coming.The Ukraine War is not the only crisis the world is facing. Uncontrolled population growth, Climate change and enviromental damage caused by humans are all creating a water shortage in many areas of the world. From the middle east to the China-India border standoff , many conflicts could further disrupt the global order and accelerate collapse.”


I’m all in favor of improving the environment

But strict purification of forested areas back to a state that matches the definition of an ecosystem that existed historically (because that gives species the best chances of survival going forward) needs to be tempered by the reality that where they global\local biosphere is headed technically has no precedent. California lost 100 Million indigenous trees from its historic forests.

Restoration should emphasize biodiversity and an array of prospective niches even if it means incorporating some less desirable species.

There is no going back. In many respects we are heading into uncharted territory for this planet. We need to arm our green spaces with nearly everything we can give them in the hopes that something, anything will survive (and that includes survival by necessary perhaps even undocumented adaptation).

Returning an “ecosystem” to its historically healthy state to give it the best chance of survival is flawed. Any ecosystem includes the climate and atmosphere that compelled it into existence. You can’t return the climate to its historically pure state, therefore it isn’t possible to return an ecosystem to a pure healthy state. Also, such a statement assumes that the subject healthy ecosystem has been conditioned to cope with the coming extremes. No. The totally of what’s coming has no precedent in human history or the history of the planet - period. By definition there is nothing natural about what we’ve done to the planet and we’ve only started to feel the full consequences. The Holocene epoch is over and we are looking at the Anthropocene epoch. If you think a forested area made up of healthy indigenous ecosystem of trees that have been historically present is the best chance of survival going forward, there is 100 million trees in California that would beg to differ with you.

Adaptation will be required in order to survive. And adaptation can be aided by a wide assortment of niches, species and an assortment of ecosystems to make lemonade with.


Don’t think your air conditioners is enough to get you through the coming heat waves because it won’t:

“Extreme heat, rising demand: Arizona utilities warn of blackouts in summers ahead. Arizona utilities say they have sufficient power to supply air conditioners this summer, but they are concerned about supplies in the next few years.”


COVID and the future viruses are a cost of America’s wealth taking:

“Earth’s changing climate is forcing animals to relocate to new habitats. Species that have never coexisted will become neighbors, creating thousands of infectious meet-ups in which viruses can spill over into unfamiliar hosts—and, eventually, into us. Many scientists have argued that climate change will make pandemics more likely, but new analysis shows that this worrysome future is already here.”

“We Created the ‘Pandemicene’

By completely rewiring the network of animal viruses, climate change is creating a new age of infectious dangers.”


“When The Deal Goes Bad

Historically wealthy capitalists like Elon Musk promote themselves as messiahs in order to stave off outrage. What happens when the illusion fades and all that's left is exploitation?”


“Meat Consumption Must Drop 75% to Hit Climate Targets, Study Finds”



“How Americans’ love of beef is helping destroy the Amazon rainforest”


Ukraine, Nazi, America:


“The Hidden Billionaires”

“Media-friendly, politically moderate billionaires like Bill Gates get a lot of airtime. But the vast majority are nothing like him. Most are highly secretive — and extremely right-wing.”


Warren Gunnels:

“Elon Musk: I need $1.5 billion or SpaceX will go broke

Feds: Approved

Llyod Blankfein: I need $824 billion for Goldman Sachs

Feds: Approved

Charles Koch: I need a $1.4 billion tax break

Feds: Approved

Average Joe: My wife go cancer. Can we get Medicare?

Feds: We’re bankrupt

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