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11/2021 “VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe: “Nobody Cares” If The DNC Rigged Dem Primary For Hillary Clinton”

Updated: Jan 17

“Climate induced Famine - Graphic Content Warning : Starving Children”


Paul Waton via Steve Borton\Environmental Professionals:

“COP 26 -All That Needed to Be Said Has Already Been Said by Sir David Attenborough.

Glasgow - Two weeks of Blah, Blah, Blah but Sir David Attenborough said all that needed to be said in less than 8 minutes.

Watch the numbers. 415 ppm. Will it continue to rise or will it begin to decline? This is the only thing that matters in this debate. The numbers rise and we die OR the numbers dive so we can survive.

An agreement to stop deforestation by 2030. (Cheer, cheer, applaud, applaud!) Does anyone really think that Canada or Brazil will comply? Should we just patiently wait until COP 35 to find out that the new target date will be 2050?

I remember the promises from 1972 in Stockholm, 1992 in Rio De Janeiro. COP 21 in 2015 in Paris. I was there in all three of those places and I listened to a litany of promises that never materialized.

One of the reasons I am not in Glasgow is because I did not wish to waste my time and thanks to Sir David Attenborough there is really nothing more that needs to be said.

David said it all and Greta Thunberg underlined his message while dismissing all the rhetoric of all the world leaders with her simple message of "Blah, Blah, Blah."

When a problem is so imperative it needs to be solved now, what kind of remedy is a promise of implementing a solution in a decade, kind of, sort of, perhaps, maybe, let's wait and see?

The time for waiting is over. The time for action is now.”

“WATCH: Sir David Attenborough gives statement at COP26 climate summit in Glasgow”

Aphrodite Fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-07-05 _F2A0069aaa

“The job of Republicans is to call Democrats radical leftists and the job of the Democrats is to show they’re not by crushing the real Left.

What you basically have is both wings of the Corporate Party making sure that policies to really help people never happen.”


Sam Carana:

# Europe’s record summer ‘impossible’ without global heating

“Met Office: Climate change drives Europe's record 2021 summer”


Cabaret at the edge of extinction:

“G20 leaders toss coins into Trevi Fountain”

“Leaders of the G20 throw coins into the Trevi Fountain during a walk through Rome, where they have gathered for a two-day summit.”


“Cop26 has to be about keeping fossil fuels in the ground. All else is distraction”

“The handwaving and complexity obscure a simple truth: nation states must stop funding dirty industries”


“When the Dem establishment asks you to vote blue no matter who again, remind them of what they did to India Walton & tell them to have a nice day.”



"It's conservative Dems who've ensured that every day for the last several months the headlines are about how we aren't delivering paid leave, prescription drug reform, elder care, or voting rights."


“Republicans represent the right.

Democrats represent the anit-left.”


Car fueled lives are anchored in home mortgages underlying urban sprawl and that is excruciatingly slow to change:

"That problem isn’t just gas-fueled cars but car-fueled lives — a view of the world in which huge private automobiles are the default method of getting around. In this way E.V.s represent a very American answer to climate change: To deal with an expensive, dangerous, extremely resource-intensive machine that has helped bring about the destruction of the planet, let’s all buy this new version, which runs on a different fuel."

- The New York Times

“There’s One Big Problem With Electric Cars

They’re still cars. Technology can’t cure America of its addiction to the automobile.”


Jason Scherl:

“Climate Apocalypse - Supply Chain Collapse - Mass Starvation - Polar Vortex Flooding SE USA - Jet Stream Collapse

This is how it ends...

People Starving to Death while Food Rots in Ports”


CRT = “Critical Race Theory” or America has NEVER and still doesn’t have a racist bone it’s body:


The gubernatorial candidate denies the existence of critical race theory—but he promoted it in 2015.”


Wanna bet?:

“VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe: “Nobody Cares” If The DNC Rigged Dem Primary For Hillary Clinton”


“Hypocrisy Alert!

“Senator Manchin said dental, vision, and hearing coverage for seniors is fiscally irresponsible.

But he voted yes so millionaires and billionaires could write off the depreciation on private jets against their tax liability.”


“'Fallen nation': GOP Rep. Gonzales warns that Trump will try to steal the election again if he loses in 2024”


“Trump-endorsed gubernatorial candidate appears with Nazi sympathizer and QAnon-linked activists at campaign events”


“#COP26 has been named the most excluding COP ever.

This is no longer a climate conference.

This is a Global North greenwash festival.

A two week celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah.”


“Greta blasts COP26 as ‘greenwashing festival,’ World's biggest polluters snub it, rich nations fail to deliver, Ten scenarios that could rock the world in 2022, Fertilizer shortage means higher food prices, Carbon levels rising after brief Covid drop, Now the deer have Covid, and more... in today's Collapse Chronicle!”


Dems betray their vote by slipping India Walton the shiv:

“Devastating. God I fuckin hate corporate Dems so much 😥 India Walton was an amazing socialist who won the primary against the establishment corporate Dem. And then instead of endorsing her, he decided to run as a write-in candidate against her. Establishment Dems worked hard to crush India and ensure her loss. They represent wealthy capitalists and despise anyone who seeks to empower the working class.”

“The Democratic Party has always done this. What they did to Bernie, Nina, and tonight to India proves that they will do anything, ANYTHING, to defeat a challenge from the left. Kind of gives away the political theater of incompetent Democrats running against the GOP. It’s a show.”


“Remember, its been proven 100% that the extreme rise in prices for rental and housing is directly linked to free trade, plus other assorted bubbles

Under joe biden's build back better plan, the wealthy will actually pay less in taxes than under trump

It's only a matter of time till biden gets on TV. hawking the TPP free trade agreement like billy clinton and empty suit hollowman obama used to do

It’s hard to attribute voter rejection of a Clinton hack to progressives, but the Democratic Party is skilled above all at denial.

lets hope this is the end for the irreformable democrat party


“Michael Hudson: Is This the End of the Unreformable Democratic Party?”


"Joe Manchin does not get to dictate the future of our country," Bush said in a statement Monday evening after Manchin—a necessary swing vote in the evenly split U.S. Senate—publicly refused to support the latest iteration of Democrats' reconciliation package, whose top-line was cut from $3.5 trillion over 10 years to $1.75 trillion in an effort to appease a small group of conservatives."

“PATHETIC Drug Compromises EXPOSED”

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