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Aphrodite Fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Updated: Jan 17

“British climate activists deflate more than 40 tires on SUVs in NYC's Upper East Side and leave leaflets saying 'your gas guzzler kills': Group warns more cities will be struck in the coming weeks”

Aphrodite Fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019 7/20 _F2A3609aaa

Brain Droppings:

A heatwave will come that lasts for weeks. Temps vary but clearly extremes will be giving way to hotter extremes. The deadly triple digit heat will keep getting hotter with no relief in sight. Our politicians\judges will vanish. Our obliteration unfolds. I may take 1 or two years but once it is clear what the American Democratic and Republican political parties have wrought on the plant it will be a slow and agonizing hell.


“Wildfires may have sparked Earth's largest mass extinction event, new research reveals”

“(The Permian mass extinction, which took place about 248 million years ago, may have been caused in part by widespread wildfires.

'The potential for wildfires as a direct extinction driver during hyperthermal events, rather than a symptom of climatic changes deserves further examination,' researchers say.

Scientists examined fossil and plant charcoal records of the Sydney and Bowen basins in eastern Australia and Antarctica in order to gain new insights.)”


Peter Carter:


Especially in North E Canada, Alaska, West Siberia”

“The evolution of Arctic permafrost over the last three centuries”


Mark Trewick:

“A real life horror movie.”

“Methane Apocalypse Now : Peter Cox in 2005 - Siberian Sea RiGHT NOW!”


“Arctic Death Spiral and the Methane Time Bomb”


“Arctic Death Spiral - A Short Film”


“Cost of living crisis: Farming industry struggling with rising costs”


Mark Trewick:

“The rate of change and unpredictability.

Something huge is coming.

Nobody can know what it is, or precisely when it's due. But you can bet your life it coming and everyone will know what it was when it arrives.


(The exponential function works on climate change as well as population growth. This is a classic exponential growth curve. Notice the long lead-up period of near stability. Then see how the growth curve changes direction all of a sudden.)”


“Herd immunity was never going to happen in an open global society. Der. Surely someone besides me and a few others realized this... hello?”

“Where’s the herd immunity? Our research shows why Covid is still wreaking havoc”


Conservative Governments around the world must be voted out and banned from ever happening again:

“This is what has to change. Farmers are feeling the strain to produce quality food at a price people can afford. Fattening up animals is a losing battle to make any profit so many are quitting. Goodbye inimal agriculture.”

“Two fifths of UK arable land used to grow crops for animals, not people – WWF

A wildlife charity is calling for a transformation of the UK’s food system to address climate and nature crises and make supplies more resilient.”


Graph of Previous 5 Mass Extinctions against Temperature Change and Rate of Change”

“Fig. 1: Temperature change and extinction rate over the past 450 million years.”


“Arctic Sea Ice Daily Change: 2022”


The Oceans gave us life and now they irretrievably set to take it away:

“Releasing All Methane”

“What If Earth Released All Its Methane?”


Graph of “Skyrocketing Carbon”


US Marine Corp sounds the alarm: “All is not well” with planet earth

“"All is not well."

(A key finding in the landmark study, which applies war theory and military strategy to the dynamics of the climate and ecological crises, states that activities of military and intelligent agencies are: “Accelerating the likelihood of triggering a worst-case ‘Hothouse Earth’ scenario that would make the planet ‘unlivable for most species.”

That’s a very powerful statement that’s seldom found outside of spirited scientific analyses. Yet, it is lodged within the heartbeat of the US Marine Corps, a tacit endorsement that’s desperately needed for the political establishment to get the hint, hello out there, all is not well.)”

“US Marine Press Takes on Hothouse Earth”


“Massive Iceberg Six Times The Size Of Manhattan Breaks Off Antarctica

A giant glacier the size of Guam that broke off Antarctica isn’t worrying scientists as much as it’s amazing them.”


Ah!, America,…:

“4 HORSEMEN: APOCALYPSE Trailer (2022) Disaster Movie”


“Power grids across the US are at high risk of failures this summer, "a potential catalyst for chaos in energy markets," according to a Cornerstone director.”

“A potential 'black swan' for US oil prices is being overlooked: unreliable electricity grids”


Really no different than Democrats and Republicans seizing the Social Security Trust fund for Wall Street and other cronies:

The American govt can and will order banks in America to do this. Frankly it’s sad if people find this salacious because many Americans have been nervous as hell for along time while waiting for it to happen in America:

“6 billion of missing deposits in China and how protests are being suppressed”

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