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1/2023 Facebook is complicit in Ecocide, War Crimes, and you name it

Updated: Jan 17

Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-06-17 _F2A6862aaa


“Methane in the Climate System: Monitoring Emissions from Satellites”


Jason Scherl:

“we tried to warn you”

“Near Term Human Extinction Goes Mainstream on CBS 60 Minutes: the vanishing wild 6th Mass Extinction”


“How Elon Musk Got Rich: The $230 Billion Myth”


Facebook is complicit in the unfolding genocide by environment:

Ben Karimi:

“This is so freakin unbelievable.

I literally have to go to fb friends’ pages in order to see their posts. I only see a handful of fb friends’

Posts, out of thousands of ppl.

This is what fb has done to the first amendment, free speech”


ANYTHING that has to do with the fossil fuel industry is subject to corruption:

“The great recycling LIE (what really happens to plastic)”


“Richard Dawkins: No, Not All Opinions Are Equal—Elitism, Lies, and the Limits of Democracy”


Today’s “Christian” US Supreme Court has one singular overarching mission supported by both Democrats and Republicans and that is KILLING OUR DEMOCRACY


“May want to check these out. Especially, after news of American Democrats and Republicans having orchestrated the gradual destruction of oxygen in the atmosphere!”


Non whites beware!:

“War Against All Puerto Ricans: Inside the U.S. Crackdown on Pedro Albizu Campos & Nationalist…”

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