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11/2022 America bombed the Nordstream pipeline that continues to eject gargantuan amounts of methane

Updated: Jan 17

Aphrodite fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-07-08 030aaa

America bombed the Nordstream pipeline that has been ejecting gargantuan amounts of methane – a green house gas much MUCH worse than CO2:

“‘Dark Ships’ Emerge From the Shadows of the Nord Stream Mystery

Satellite monitors discovered two vessels with their trackers turned off in the area of the pipeline prior to the suspected sabotage in September.”


“The biggest wild card in the climate crisis lurks unseen beneath the ground of the northernmost reaches of our planet.”

“Belching lakes, mystery craters, ‘zombie fires’: How the climate crisis is transforming the Arctic permafrost”


Another evil of the Oil and Gas Industry:

“Microplastics are not just tiny particles that can be ingested, they can also carry viruses, a University of Queensland study has revealed.”

“Microplastics are associated with the biological risks of water-borne viral transmission”


America is a fascist state that fails 99% of its people and the future. Washington is a heinous drag on the global human condition:

“Why The US Is Not A Democracy”


Major rivers the globe over are drying up and widespread food failures are sending prices skyrocketing but at COP27 the IPCC announces we have 9 years to take action to avoid catastrophic climate collapse


A lot of nonrich people who were negligible contributors to the problem are going to die and that is wrong:

“Ocean-Eaten Islands, Fire-Scarred Forests: Our Changing World in Pictures”


“Why we can’t offset our way out of climate change”


America is a fascist state that fails 99% of its people and the future. Washington is a heinous drag on the global human condition:

“Why The US Is Not A Democracy”


Miscellaneous Comments:

America will go to extraordinary lengths to make sure Lula went to jail and miss a presidential election but not Trump

Victims of Fed Koch got a Holocaust memorial. Similarly there should be a memorial for Charles Koch’s COVID victims, Pelosi’s under insured victims, McConnell’s Amazon destruction victims, Manchin’s dead children victims, etc

When it opens it’s mouth to speak its nails on a chalkboard: Biden’s words are not near as potent a tell of intentions as America’s history of constant repeated war making

Mainstream media needs to be broken up: McConnell, who got re-elected with obviously fraudulent results and who knew weeks beforehand what trump had planned for Jan 6 but didn’t warn anyone, isn’t mentioned in connection with Jan 6 but mike pence gets on tv to refute involvement and plug his new book?!? And how about that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginny’s involvement in Jan 6?! And washington can see that lula is in jail and unable to run for president of Brazil but they can’t stop trump?!

China may not be a Saint but America’s human rights violations are horrific: climate, war criminals & profiteering, COVID Deaths, denying healthcare, to name a few


Unprecedented worldwide food shortage locked in for 2023.

“A List Of 33 Things We Know About The Coming Food Shortages”


"Things are far worse than you are being told. Over the past few months, I have been carefully documenting facts that show that global food production is going to be way down in 2022. Unfortunately, most people out there don’t seem to understand that the food that isn’t being grown in 2022 won’t be on our store shelves in 2023. We are potentially facing an absolutely unprecedented worldwide food crisis next year, but the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem very alarmed about this. "

NOTE: Contact your politicians & demand to know their plan for 2023 food shortage: you may have a supply but not everyone will and things will get violent as hunger grows acute


ref. wort 89.9 Public Affair Nov 14, 2022:

“Six climate tipping points are likely to occur if we breach 1.5°C goal

Die-off of coral reefs, collapsing ice sheets and thawing permafrost are among the runaway processes that are likely to kick in sooner than anticipated, according to a new assessment”


Locked In: Billions are going die from America’s killing of the atmosphere’s ability to support life:

“World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022”


“We need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty”


Having just recently been underwater from floods, many of these same areas are now so dry they’re burning:

“'Inland tsunami' as dam spills in NSW floods disaster”


“Trump Family Signs Deal With Saudi Real Estate Developer”


Lee Camp:

“The military industrial complex is a global murder machine enriching the upper class while standing on the graves of the lower class.




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