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11/2022 “Euthanizing the poor is just capitalism finally being honest about itself.” C. Johnstone

Updated: Jan 16

American snout or common snout (Libytheana carinenta)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-07-24 _F2A4808aaa

Euthanizing the poor is just capitalism finally being honest about itself.” Caitlin Johnstone

“Euthanizing the poor is just capitalism finally being honest about itself. After all these years of falsely pretending to have real solutions to the problems it creates, it finally presents a solution entirely in alignment with its values that actually works. Capitalism's answer to "What about the poor?" has always been "They should work harder," and its answer to "What about those who can't work?" has always been "They should die quickly." But until now it's always been spoken wordlessly in the policies enacted and the societal structures put in place. Now it's just right there, completely undisguised. It's refreshingly honest.

Reading by Tim Foley.


It’s called eugenics and it’s what Hitler believed in to bring about the holocaust. But instead of using “showers” today’s Nazi is using the Environment. Such belief is a major contributing cause to our 2 party 3 branches preoccupation of pumping out Social Murder. The fact that America is openly cavorting with Nazi’s in Ukraine as well as the fact that America’s defacto President Charles Koch comes from a family where his father was key to Hitler realizing his holocaust should make people nervous.

“Billionaires like Elon Musk want to save civilization by having tons of genetically superior kids. Inside the movement to take ‘control of human evolution.’”


Know your American politician and judges:

“The truth is, we are all susceptible to fraud — no matter how smart we think we are. Scammers have learned how to manipulate people’s emotions and take advantage of their trust. Here are some of their techniques to be aware of.”

“7 Tactics Criminals Use to Perpetrate Fraud”


Predatory greed capitalism:

Get off the grid

“DTE Energy has cut off power to customers more times in 2022 than in any nine-month period since the state began tracking shut-offs.”

“Michigan’s Largest Utility Wants a Rate Hike as It Disconnects a High Number of Customers for Nonpayment”


“In some Native languages the term for plants translates to ‘those who take care of u.’”


“This is the first time I've read anything from eureka Free press so I'm not sure about their veracity yet. But they do have some interesting information. They also state that Australian births are down 63% since the covid epidemic. If that's true this would fit in with Bill Gates wanted to reduce the world population.”

“Vaxxed Australia and Japan both have escalating infection and case rates”


“Here’s a bunch of corporate criminals disguised as celebrities that get away with evading taxes. They’re ignored by the corporate duopoly because they’re one of them. The oligarchs look out for their own while we the people suffer without a peoples representative party in ours government. Independent media is failing US by following the corporate media and their sensational news. Duck what’s happening with twitter, we have bigger birds to fry.”

“Just the worst”

“Crypto Couple’s Charity Gave Almost Nothing…to Charity”


Free and Fair elections are a thing of America’s past:

"Gen Z certainly brought their A-game to the US midterms last week. Predictions of a “red wave” were thwarted, thanks largely to young people turning up in huge numbers to vote for Democrats. Young women in particular: 72% of women aged 18-29 voted for Democrat candidates according to exit polls."

“Gen Z helped to stop the ‘red wave’ in the midterms. The Republicans’ response? Try to raise the voting age


David Michale\@thecraigrpowers:

“Pretty sure GenZ just got their first lesson about politics. They got your vote and just robbed you for 10/20k which you were never getting and they knew it. Welcome to the machine.”


The word choices used in the title says it all – Politico is a Clinton brainchild:

“Railroad unions struggle to get rebellious workers to ‘yes’ on contracts

Two largest unions close in on votes in the biggest test yet of the Biden administration’s push to avert strikes.

[no hyperlink the article does not deserve any further air]


"The Senate is set to vote on Wednesday on the Respect for Marriage Act, which will repeal a Clinton-era law that defines marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. The bill also prohibits states from denying out-of-state marriage licenses and benefits on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity or national origin."

“Mormon church voices support for Senate bill to protect gay marriage

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints supports bill but says doctrine remains that marriage is between man and woman”

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