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1/2023 Climate decay threatens US security - Climate-friendly Military is required

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

American lady (Vanessa virginiensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-07-16 _F2A2615aaap

“More military spending does not mean more security. On the contrary, bloated military budgets decrease military effectiveness, which means more pollution.”

“A Climate-friendly Military is a Better Military

Shrinking the military’s global footprint would reduce its carbon footprint and improve U.S. security.”


“Wet bulb temperature explained.

"The average person's core body temperature is 98.6 F (37 C). Human skin is a few degrees colder, being about 35 C (95 F). Heat travels from hot regions to cold regions, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Thus when the wet-bulb temperature, which is the temperature at 100% humidity, reaches 35 C (95 C) the human body can no longer shed heat (sweat no longer evaporates), thus core body temperature rises, and the healthiest person, sitting in the shade, dies in about 6 hours.

The rest of us (young, old, medicated, out-of shape, obese, etc...) are out of luck, at even lower wet-bulb temperatures. Adaptation would require living inside with AC, living in caves, or wearing cooled suits..."”


When the “Liberal Left” critizes the platform Democrats\Republicans use to concentrate wealth, kill the future, and generally promote death and destruction the “Far Right” politicians rally around conflating it with an attack on the non-money social values important to conservative voters. Conservatives far right voters who are otherwise just as neglected economically and socially by govt ad the liberal, radical, far left.

Divided we fall.


“A new way to spot methane leaks globally”


“GOP House Divided Against Itself”


“With Elon Musk’s unending display of incompetence in running Twitter, it’s easy to forget that the enterprise that made him famous, Tesla, is just as riddled with scandal, lies, and even death.”

“Elon Musk Is Bad at Running Tesla, Too”


Xi ‘s initial response to COVID kept more people alive longer than any other country. Entire hospital’s were built working nonstop around the clock to prepare China to respond to the virus. The Chinese people looked on as fascist regimes like America & her regime of Bolsonaro’s Brazil together with India, Australia, and Great Britain used the virus to slaughter millions of their citizens (regardless of their political affiliation) in the spirit of crafting a better society. America even turned the management of its response to COVID to Charles Koch. A man whose father was instrumental to Hitler realizing his Holocaust.

So why was there American style anti-lockdown sentiment fueling the current Chinese COVID surge? Was America a “beach head”? Why indeed when China’s initial response to COVID was a source of national pride amongst its citizens? (the Chinese also revere bats making Washington’s origin narrative of COVID coming from Wuhan bat eaters about as believable as Hindus eating cows but that’s a story for another time).

I’d hazard a guess that Xi’s current troubles with COVID killing Chinese citizens - which will result in additional deadly strains of COVID finding their way throughout the rest of the globe the US included - is the answer. Don’t be naive. America bombed the Nordstream pipeline throwing millions of Europeans into a potentially deadly energy crisis. It’s is entirely possible that the CIA was the catalyst behind anti lockdown protests breaking out in China. They would do it to damage Xi. America throwing a country’s people under the bus in a bid to enrich itself is nothing new. With Zelensky’s help we’re doing it now in Ukraine. Killing people in schemes to gain more power and money is as American as apple pie.

Ask yourself the question: did America have a hand in the current antilock down inspired COVID outbreak that is now killing millions of Chinese citizens? CIA? Mainstream Media?

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