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2/2023 Research Suggests Offshore Oil’s Methane Pollution Is Underestimated

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

American lady (Vanessa virginiensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-07-13 _F2A1712aaa

Oily Politicians don’t want Private\Commercial\For profit weather information entities to get access to the information that will prove just how dead our planet is:

“U.S. military fighter jets on Sunday shot down an octagonal object near Lake Huron, U.S. officials said, the fourth object downed this month as North American security forces have been on high alert for airborne threats. So, after decades of reports of UFOs speeding and swerving beyond the laws of physics, including release of military camera footage, now we're supposed to be shooting these things down?”

“U.S. shoots down mysterious object near Canadian border”


“Dept. of When Will there Be An End? Everybody’s clamoring to know when their apocalypse will hit. What was the talk of solidly fringe conspiracy types 15 years ago has turned into a shockingly commonplace agreement amongst Americans that our economic system is unsustainable and will soon collapse under its own weight.”

“To Those Putting a Year on the Apocalypse”


“The Norfolk Southern train that derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, last week, setting aflame tankers of hazardous chemicals and prompting an evacuation of thousands for almost a week, had traveled at least 20 miles with a malfunctioning axle, according to security camera footage.”

“Footage showing a fiery axle 20 miles before East Palestine train derailment raises questions about alert timing”


And more people will die. This is necro capitalism:

“Increasingly, private equity firms are shaping staffing decisions at hospital ERs, research shows. One apparent effect: Hiring fewer doctors and more health-care practitioners who earn far less.”

ERs staffed by private equity firms aim to cut costs by hiring fewer doctors


“Long before Bretton Woods, powerful capitalist nations perfected the art of exploiting other countries without formally colonizing them. They’ve done this through a rigged international economy, governed by institutions like the World Bank and the IMF.”

“How Capitalists Created International Financial Institutions to Rule the Planet”


“Previous efforts to regulate offshore methane emissions stalled, despite role in helicopter crashes.”

“Growing Body of Research Suggests Offshore Oil’s Methane Pollution Is Underestimated”

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