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5/2023 Dems & GOPs want to use their killing of earth to cleanse & purify societies gene pool

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

American lady (Vanessa virginiensis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-10-01 _F2A0135aaa

“Louisville water from the Ohio River:

“Does this look safe to drink to you!? This is tap water. All I did was boil it and let it sit all night. What is this!?



“Demand justice for Ohio — make Norfolk Southern pay to clean up its toxic train spill!”

“Tell Norfolk Southern to foot the bill for this toxic spill”


1 No patriotism out of billionaires: washington gave Elon musk a $4 billion dollar lifeline now he’s building a factory in Shanghai, China.

Tesla = traitormobile

2 EPA Emission Rules: Washington often makes rules because the rules don’t really matter and emission rules for 2032 don’t matter. Biosphere hell on earth is only a couple few months away! Fuck 2032! Many of us will already be dead!

3 Ben Karimi

We must not forget Biden trashed Anita Hill to get [Clarence (aka Mr. Monsanto”)] Thomas appointment approved.

4 Did ya notice the Texas legal team out of Texas trying to control a woman’s uterus is lead by a blond hair and blue eyed male?! MANY Republican operatives share these Arian traits. Statistically significant?! Coincidence?!

5 What does Taiwan have to gain by hitching its wagon to hyper-corrupt banana-republic like America!? That exists only to use govt to privatize wealth until govt becomes irrelevant?! Ukraine vsn 2.0 - make the leader rich to throw thei country under the bus


Sorry, FDIC does NOT mean you’re money is entirely safe:

“(Kitco News) - A bank can legally confiscate its clients' money in the event it needs to stay afloat, and most retail investors are not aware of this, said Lynette Zang, Chief Marketing Analyst at ITM Trading, who stressed that such legislation is already codified in the Dodd-Frank Act.”:

Your bank can legally confiscate your money, it is 'too late' to stop The Great Reset & CBDCs - Lynette Zang”


“Peace? You want peace??? We will give you a ‘piece’ of this” – US Navy sends a nuclear submarine loaded with missles to the Middles East after Saudi Arabia makes peace with Iran, Syria, and Yemen.

America is a crazy dangerous hegemon unable to handle its decline amidst the changing world order.”


“Namibian President ANNIHILATES German Politician and His Colonialism”


1 Blah, blah, blah. the fact is the global biosphere has continued to get worse ever since the very moment the health of the environment was first raised as an issue decades ago. The rich & their politicians policy of scorched earth profit acquisition rages on.

2 IMF economic growth forecast for China in 2023 is 5.2% while America’s is 1.6%. Still think politicians & judges optimizing the wealth of the few results in an overall greater level of economic activity? Which country believes in legitimate education? Don’t agree? Prove me wrong

3 Why does Public Television keep showing Nature Specials that depict species and ecosystems that are actually now completely trashed by global warming, Washington’s Mass Extinction, pollution, etc? This is environmental propaganda. This “nature” doesn’t exist anymore. It’s like the movie Solent Green where while you die you are shown what the world is as like before Washington’s lack of term limits destroyed it

4 How long does it take and how much would it cost to put all the methane\carbon (dioxide) back in the permafrost? How long would it take to happen naturally? Also there is 1.3 trillion tons of FOSSIL methane UNDER the permafrost


“US bank bailout benefited billionaires, exposing corruption: ‘I understand why Americans are angry’”

“Before it collapsed and its billionaire depositors were bailed out by the US government, Silicon Valley Bank successfully lobbied Congress to remove regulations on it. A senator admitted, “I understand why Americans are angry, even disgusted”.”


All washington does is one scam after another to enrich the themselves and their already rich donors! This is insane!? Why do we put up with this?!:

“Silicon Valley Bank was a Wall Street IPO Pipeline in Drag as a Federally-Insured Bank; FHLB of San Francisco was Quietly Bailing it Out”

“If you want to genuinely understand why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and why Jerome Powell’s Fed led the effort yesterday to make sure $150 billion of the bank’s uninsured depositors’ money would be treated as FDIC insured and available today, you need to take a look at how the bank defined itself right up until it blew up on Friday. (That history is still available at the Internet Archives’ Wayback Machine at this link. Give the page time to load.)

This was a financial institution deployed to facilitate the goals of powerful venture capital and private equity operators, by financing tech and pharmaceutical startups until they could raise millions or billions of dollars in a Wall Street Initial Public Offering (IPO). The bank was also involved in managing the wealth of those startup millionaires or billionaires once they struck it big in an IPO.”


1 The death of earth is being made worse by both parties adhering to the koched-up conservative policy of not making rules (eg water, food, & electricity conservation measures etc)

We get it. DemGOPs want to use their killing of earth to cleanse & purify societies gene pool, but this is one instrument of genocide that they will not be able to control

The incontrovertible science behind the death of earth justifies all manner of pre-crime charges be brought against our politicians, biz executives, judges, think tanks, etc.

2 Tammy Baldwin’s F35s are coming despite being placed next to a school where nxs of 70% of the students are non-white & low-income. VOTE. BALDWIN. OUT. (F35s are 4x louder than F16s, noise spikes of 110 decibels)

3 When insects go extinct - and they will if not due to the heat alone - remember both Hillary Clinton and Clarence Thomas both worked for Monsanto. Their fortunes won’t be much conciliation when you and yours are starving.

4 It’s been 20F above average with hot, desiccating, strong winds and today the wild fires came. It was only 100 acres and is reportedly under control. The area host 1 species of butterfly that has gone the the political process of being nominated as an official endangered species. All the other species of Leps whose numbers have plunged don’t have the process of designation available to them and may very well be just as extinct in the near future

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