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7/2022 Billions$ for Corrupt Bums in Ukraine, but Americans can't enjoy modern medicine

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

Nina Turner:

“44% of Republicans believe that mass shootings are ‘unfortunately something we have to accept as part of a free society’ per a recent CBS poll.

I’m sorry, but living with the threat of random mass violence isn’t freedom.”


Nina Turner:

“Why is the court allowed to rule on anything when one of the judges is married to a person who tried to overthrow the US government and two other judges were appointed by a man who tried to overthrow the US government?”

American lady (Vanessa virginiensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 7/8 _F2A0889aaa

“'Inaction Is Bought': Here Are the Receipts on NRA's Purchase of GOP”

“"The issue is money in politics," said Nina Turner after the nation's latest mass killing of students and teachers. Right-wing lawmakers are "allowing children to die because of the gun lobby."”


“Billions for Corrupt Bums in Ukraine...but Americans can't enjoy modern medicine. There is a hot place in Hell waiting for the politicians opposing M4A in BOTH parties.”

“Why Amy Runs: 'A System Hell-Bent on Keeping Us From Having Universal Healthcare'”


“How to Escape from a Sick Society”


If I’m not Christian will Govt still represent me? Will I have to go to war against Muslims? If I don’t say bible prayers in school can I still get an A? Washington is working with notoriously Christian Nazis, are my Jewish friends still safe in America?


Milking us to the bitter end: Methane & CO2; Access to Water; Agricultural Failure; Blue Ocean Event; failing ocean currents; Extinction & Viruses; etc it is OBVIOUS what’s coming, and remember Govt did NOT prepare or warn you.


“Ecuador's uprising escalates despite violent gov't repression”


“Ecuador's uprising escalates despite violent gov't repression”


“Italy's Important Po Valley Is In The Midst Of A 70-Year Drought


“The snow in the Alps in Piedmont and Lombardy has totally run out,” Utilitalia said in a statement. “If this helped to replenish the flows of the Po in May, the large reservoir that usually acts as a buffer in the summer months is depleted. All the measurement stations along the Po, with the exception of Piacenza, are in severe drought conditions, with flow rates well below the average for the period."

“The implications of this are far-reaching. The Alps that feed this crucial river are dry. Many might have imagined that dire circumstances such as this would be far into the future. But no, this is happening today in the garden of Europe.”

‘We worry about it disappearing’: alarm grows over Italy’s drought-hit Po River


“What if I told you

They were filling your head with useless sports stats, celebrity gossip and flavor of the week fashion to distract you from the corruption and theft that actually impacts your life everyday.”


Australian bees in crisis:

“Varroa Crisis Deepens….

Following on from the discovery of two hives infected with varroa mites near the port of Newcastle on Wednesday last week, and the creation of a Biosecurity Emergency Order on Friday 24 June prohibiting the movement of bees and hives within a 50-kilometre radius, the crisis has deepened with the discovery of a number of other infested hives.

The first two hives belonged to a group of six sentinel hives scattered around the port that are specifically designed to monitor biosecurity. But mites were also detected in the hives of a beekeeper located nearby, and at a fourth undisclosed site. Hives in all of the affected sites have been destroyed.

This prompted a Statewide Energency Order, effective 6:00 p.m. today, Sunday 26 June, that forbids the movement of all bees in NSW. The order will be enforced by police, alongside biosecurity officers of the state government and Local Land Services.

NSW Minister for Agriculture, Dugald Saunders, said, ‘The lockdown is a fairly strict one and it's a message to all beekeepers both hobby and professionally that we need them to be helping monitor the situation and making sure that we don't see varroa mite spread across the state.’

Meanwhile, the acting CEO of the Australian Honey Bee Council, Danny Le Feuvre said he was hopeful that the outbreak could be contained, commenting, ‘We've had incursions in the past, and we're really confident that we've still got this contained, we haven't got any new detections outside the Port of Newcastle.’

Mr Le Feuvre said that the mites probably arrived on a cargo ship, and that they had been sent for molecular testing to determine their origin. He also confirmed that compensation would be available for beekeepers whose hives are destroyed - one beekeeper estimated there could be thousands of hives in the eradication zone. However, in another worrying new development, the Department of Primary Industries discovered that a commercial beekeeper whose premises are situated near the port of Newcastle had recently moved some hives to Trangie, 450 kilometres west (confirming rumours last week that some commercial beekeepers may be hurrying to remove their bees from the emergency zone). Fortunately, these hives have been cleared of mites, but will be euthanised as a precaution.

It is worth reiterating New Zealand’s experience with varroa; the NZ government decided that eradication of the mites was impossible within three months of their first discovery in the country. We have one chance to eliminate these pests, and decisive action must be taken.

On Friday, we advocated an immediate ban on the interstate movement of bees from NSW, and the revised Emergency Order is certainly a step in the right direction. But there is a ‘perfect storm’ on the horizon; the almond pollination season commences in about a month, when more than 200,000 hives from all over southeast Australia will be trucked into almond orchards in Victoria and South Australia. If the mites aren’t stopped at Newcastle, this undoubtedly has the potential to become a ‘super spreader’ event, and then, sadly, it will be game over.”


“That's pretty much the beginning of the GAME OVER screen. Centuries of drought are awaiting us and we are still not even talking about transitioning to an actual economy. Famines, unrest, mass exodus, hoarding, resource wars ... just never-ending suffering for our children. Italy is completely running out of water. Like most other west coasts.”



“And on the 8th day of creation, humans took over from God and created capitalism. And capitalism took over from humans and looked down upon them and said: “you are mine now”. And humans looked at their wallets, and they were full of money. And they bought everything they could buy, and killed everything in the Garden of Eden, packaged it in plastic and carried it into the supermarket. And on the 8th day of creation, the supermarket ran out of products. The Earth was scorched, and the oceans were full of dead fish. And humans turned to God, but God was nowhere to be found.

(from the upcoming “Little Book of Doom”)”


“Appetite for frogs’ legs in France and Belgium ‘driving species to extinction’

Conservationists say exploitation of amphibians leading to depletion of native species abroad”

"A voracious appetite for frogs’ legs among the French and Belgians is driving species in Indonesia, Turkey and Albania to the brink of extinction...Europe imports as many as 200 million mostly wild frogs every year - contributing to a serious depletion of native species abroad."


“The global average carbon dioxide set a new record high in 2021: 414.72 parts per million.

Despite the continued economic drag of the COVID-19 pandemic, the increase over 2020 was tied for fifth-largest one-year increase in the 63 year record.”

“Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide”


Greta Thunberg:

“We are approaching the precipice and I would strongly suggest that all of those who have not yet been greenwashed out of our senses to stand our ground. Do not let them drag us another inch closer to the edge. Right now is where we stand our ground.”

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