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3/2023 Survivor of Nazi Germany sees similarities in ramp up to totalitarianism in US with 3rd Reich

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

American lady (Vanessa virginiensis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-06-18 511aaa

“A Shared Epistemology: The Human Pathology of Totalitarianism in the Thought of Hannah Arendt”

“The retelling of history, the manufacturing of crises, the indoctrination of the youth, the manipulation of information and the cultural narrative, and the pitting of groups against one another. Sound familiar? These are all preconditions of totalitarianism, according to philosopher Hannah Arendt, a German Jew who escaped Nazi Germany. In her work she lays out how Russia and Germany became corrupted by ideology, and its very similar to what’s happening right now. Check out this presentation to find out more about her work, “The Origins of Totalitarianism.””



Antarctic sea ice extent was 1.788 million km² on February 19, 2023, an all-time low in the NSIDC record.

Antarctic sea ice area was 1,050,708 km² on February 22, 2023.

This means that a huge amount of heat that was previously reflected back into space by the sea ice is now instead absorbed by the Southern Ocean, in a self-reinforcing feedback loop that further speeds up the temperature rise and makes the weather ever more extreme.

Arctic sea ice extent was 14,271,000 km² on February 19, 2023, the third-lowest extent in the NSIDC record for the time of year.

Global sea ice extent reached a record low of 15,500,000 km² on February 11, 2023.

The dire situation is further illustrated by the image showing high sea surface temperature anomalies (from 1981-2011) over the Southern Ocean, the Atlantic ocean and the Arctic Ocean on February 19, 2023.

Given the dire situation regarding sea ice and sea surface temperatures, Arctic sea ice may fall dramatically later in the year.

Furthermore, emissions, ocean heat and greenhouse gas levels all keep rising. Keep in mind that carbon dioxide reaches its maximum warming some 10 years after emission, so we haven't been hit by the full wrath of carbon dioxide pollution yet.

Accordingly, the temperatures keep rising. An earlier analysis concludes that we have already exceeded the 2°C threshold set at the Paris Agreement in 2015.

These dire conditions spell bad news regarding the temperature rise to come, the more so since, on top of these dire conditions, there are a number of circumstances, feedbacks and further developments that make the outlook even more dire, as discussed in the post 'Dire situation gets even more dire', at:”


Today our taxpayer money, tomorrow the whole Planet, up in smokes...

The UK is the biggest culprit in subsidising bioenergy in Europe, giving companies like DRAX millions of pounds to amass and burn trees.

Help us stop this - email your MP! Comic made in collaboration with Ben Jennings and Cut Carbon Not Forests #CutCarbonNotForests #StopEcocide #SaveTheForests #RewritingExtinction


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