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5/2021 Univ Cambridge and Univ Medical Hamburg CONFIRM COVID-19 came from USA NOT Wuhan

Updated: Jan 14


Biden and the Democrats are wafting the flames of violence against Asians of American ancestry on behalf of the Rich by giving life to Trump’s “Covid came from China” theory.

There are few problems with this. Biden orders CIA to investigate COVID origin?! CIA?! not WHO or CDC? Or NIH? Not a medical research center of a major University?! Even NASA would have better credentials to undertake such an investigation than the CIA!

“Biden orders spy agencies to review whether COVID-19 came from Wuhan lab”

American Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 5/19 _F2A3863aaa

Furthermore, America’s own allies, Germany and the United Kingdom (UK being equally koched up as America) put their best scientific resources to bear on the question and they concluded it COVID originated in America.

One take away from this order of Biden’s should not be overlooked. Democrats will not hesitate to degrade American Society with – in this case – the impetus for violence against a minority population if it helps raise campaign money for the Democratic Party. So, Biden CLEARLY feeding into Trump’s racism against Asians in order to get donations is not problem for Democrats. Can you think of other examples where the 99%’s America got thrown under the bus by Democrats and Republicans in order for them to bolster their careers?! HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU GOT! Our 2 political parties do it practically every time they breathe!

Remember this:

PNAS: Univ Cambridge and Univ Medical Hamburg CONFIRM COVID-19 came from USA NOT Wuhan

3 strains COVID-19:

A Original USA & AUST

B (from A) in China

C (from B) in Europe

or this:

“Chinese revere bats. When Washington and mainstream media, at the behest of the rich, say to the effect that COVID19 came from Wuhan, China’s wet markets where the Chinese eat bats, it’s like saying a Hindu ate my cow.

Wuhan, China was the location of the Oct 2018 international military officers’ athletic games. In 2018, the CDC closed the military facility in Frederick, MD due to an unspecified highly dangerous, highly-contagious respiratory illness that presented like what they thought at the time was “flu like.” A descriptive understatement that would become one of Trump’s and Washington’s lies about COVID.

(Also, in 2018 a woman in the Seattle area, who did not travel, died of an unknown disease. Her corpse would later test positive for COVID antibodies. Another person in California tested positive for COVID in 2018.)

Despite the outbreak, the US sent it’s military athletes to the 2018 International military officer athletic games in Wuhan, China.

Animal to human transmission of disease can occur by humans coming into contact with surfaces that, though appearing “clean,” have traces of animal feces and/or urine them.

For instance, if, Conservative and Neoliberals (Democrats and Republicans) ordered the military to cut the expenses related to the soldiers welfare, as well as the maintenance and upkeep relied upon by soldiers it is entirely possible that an American soldier could contract a zoophagic virus by coming into contact with trace amounts of animal feces, urine, or blood. (Moral: if you can’t take care of your soldiers and officers properly, don’t fight any wars. What’s more, reduce military spending by cutting the profit stream to the rich and their defense contractors not by disrespecting enlisted men and women as well as their families.)

In 2020 the University of Hamburg Medical Center and Cambridge University would both publish their findings that COVID19 did in fact originate in America.

Make no mistake of the matter, COVID19 was a direct result of the rich’s taking surplus profit that that fully implicated or relied upon environmental destruction. Perhaps the next deadly pandemic should be named KOCH21 or JAMIEDIMON21?

Again, deadly pandemics represent the rich – acting through their politicians - fobbing off the unrecognized costs of their profit taking.”


“Mediocre for All

Require little, expect less

Nothing will fundamentally change”


“.........and this should really tic you off!!!!

If one considers Federal Taxes, they pay for nothing! Are deleted upon receipt!

Congress simply approves spending into existence for Federal Spending, just like they do for wars and corporate bailouts, out of thin air. They can easily appropriate funding for all new Legislation for People Planet and Peace! Spend it into existence! Without raising taxes!

Taxing the wealthy at 60% would greatly reduce the wealth inequality gap eliminating our current caste system, so tax the heck out of them! But those taxes don't pay for anything.

#KnowingMMT *******Federal Governmemt Budget works the opposite of our home budgets. They Spend to Add, and Tax to Subtract.

No one makes up for the wealthy not paying

Federal Taxes.

Congress has the power, with Reconciliation Legislation, without Repub support, to pay for M4A, Job Guarantee, Green New Deal, Social Justice and $15 min wage, now! At no cost to taxpayers! There is no excuse not to with a Dem Majority.

Occupy the Conservative Dem's space. Make them more uncomfortable than we are so the 2 or so of them that take the heat for Corporate Dems don't block the much needed Legislation! Make Congress spend on People Planet and Peace Now!”


“" Democrats huddled with progressives to get enough to vote 'present' on the bill to let it pass."

This officially confirms that the #FraudSquad is controlled opposition. Democrats had only a 5-vote House majority and could not afford 6 Squad Nays, so 3 voted Present. Dems get their bill passed by 1 vote. The Squad gets to say it did not vote Yea.”

“Democrats Pass $1.9 Billion Capitol Security Bill by One Voter After Chaotic Dealy”


Justin Trudeau is guilty of Ecocide:

“‘We don’t have time’: scientists urge B.C. to immediately defer logging in key old-growth forests amid arrests”


“"Israel spent 4 years flaunting a heavy love affair with Trump & his “Jews will not replace us” followers now branding people who fought Trump as anti-semitic for like not supporting apartheid" Mike Prysner”


“Don’t listen to @BernieSanders. Don’t “tone down the rhetoric.”

Call Israel what it is: a genocidal settler colony that is occupying Palestine and committing a long list of crimes, including the crime of apartheid. That’s what Israel is. Don’t budge.”


“I support Palestinians, not Hamas.

“I support Israelis, not Netanyahyu.

I am not anti-Semite.

I am not a self-hating Jew.

I am not anti-Israel.

I am a humanitarian who will not stand for crimes against humanity.”


“To distract from Gaza slaughter, Israel lobby manufactures antisemitism freakout”


“This picture speaks volumes to me and that fact where clinton announced the 1994 Crime bill . biden wrote it.

look at all the black men in white lined up behind 5 white men in suits, I see like only 2 white men in white.

In 1992, Bill Clinton spoke from the mecca of American white supremacy to launch his "tough on crime" agenda.”

“Bill Clinton’s Stone Mountain Moment”

“In 1992, Bill Clinton spoke from the mecca of American white supremacy to launch his "tough on crime" agenda.” And racist Joe Biden, the same Biden leading the persistence of racist voter suppression, is complicit.


THIS? From the “pro-business” group?!. Recall the old Maco Econ formal? Government spending is part of the economy:

“Wisconsin Republicans quickly kill Medicaid expansion, pass up $1B in federal funds”


Great graphic!:

“From the annals of the Democratic Party Crypt”

“Real Stories of True Betrayal”


“Scientists and farmers both know that we need to be smart in how we steward the soil that grows our food, and your legislators need to understand this too.”


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