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8/2021 The Resistance Remains Hollow: The Weimar Ways of the Dismal Democrats

Updated: Jan 14

A few of Exxon’s planet killers in Washington include = Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, Jon Tester, Maggie Hassan, Chris Coons, and Mark Kelly:

“This week an Exxon lobbyist admitted on video that he has 11 Senators who are in charge of ensuring Exxon's agenda is enacted. The Democrats included Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, Jon Tester, Maggie Hassan, Chris Coons, and Mark Kelly.”

“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” Utah Phillips.”

American Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 6/7 _F2A4492aaa


“The eastern Amazon is drying up.

Current climate models are predicting that the Amazon is currently under the worst-case climate scenario. What can we do? Defend Indigenous rights and target complicit institutions that fund its destruction. Join Amazon Watch and take action today “

“'Should Ring Alarm Bells': Study Warns of Severe Drying for Amazon Rainforest

Findings, says lead researcher, shows "that this vital global resource must not be taken for granted."”


“'This Isn't an Apology, It's a Cover-Up': ExxonMobil CEO Slammed for New Statement on Exposé”

“Darren Woods claims company lobbyists' comments on "a variety of issues, including climate change policy, and our interaction with elected officials," were "disturbing and inaccurate."”


Now is not a good time to let SCOTUS run a muck for the Rich:

“Supreme Court strikes down California law requiring disclosure of political donors”


“The Supreme Court Just Dealt a Blow to Farmworkers — And All Other Workers, Too”


“Left-wing Dems renew court-packing calls after Supreme Court decisions”


The US Supreme Court will protect Planet Killers: Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Roberts.

“Oil Giant Enbridge Defies Line 5 Pipeline Shutdown Order, Faces Profit Seizures”


The US Supreme Court will protect Planet Killers: Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Roberts.

“U.S. Supreme Court rules against ethanol industry, making it easier for oil refineries to seek biofuel exemptions”


The US Supreme Court will protect Planet Killers: Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Roberts.

Supreme Court rules that pipeline can seize land from New Jersey


The US Supreme Court will protect Planet Killers: Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Roberts.

“their own scientists whose warnings were explicit and often dire.

In 1979, an Exxon study said that burning fossil fuels “will cause dramatic environmental effects” in the coming decades.

“The potential problem is great and urgent,” it concluded.”

“Big oil and gas kept a dirty secret for decades. Now they may pay the price

Communities are now demanding the oil conglomerates pay damages and take urgent action to reduce further harm from burning fossil fuels.

Communities are now demanding the oil conglomerates pay damages and take urgent action to reduce further harm from burning fossil fuels. Illustration: Guardian Design/Getty Images

Via an unprecedented wave of lawsuits, America’s petroleum giants face a reckoning for the devastation caused by fossil fuels”


“The Resistance Remains Hollow: The Weimar Ways of the Dismal Democrats”


“The Keystone XL Pipeline Is Dead, but TC Energy Still Owns Hundreds of Miles of Rights of Way

Many landowners who opposed the pipeline have begun a new fight, trying to regain control of the land they ceded to the company.”



“Power Grids Getting Fried by Heat in Preview of What’s to Come”

"All your expectations about the conditions you’re going to face need to be adjusted, because of climate change."


“A woman was assaulted while drunk, and the courts let her rapist off the hook because she had willingly drunk the alcohol beforehand.

This is textbook victim-blaming and shouldn't be codified into law.”


“So many reasons to be vegan and reject the idea that it's morally justifiable to use animals.

“Study shows fish caught with hook baits struggle to eat after release”


Overwhelmingly Republican dominated states including Charles Koch’s Kansas:

15 States Americans Don't Want To Live In Anymore


They’re not politicians, as much as they are parasites:

“If you make $200,000 a year, that is $3,846.15 a week

Let me repeat: the lowest paid congress member makes $3,846 A WEEK

But they squabble over giving people an extra $600 or $1,200

$3,846 a week

$15,384 a month. Seniors live on that amount for a year”

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