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12/2022 Utilities increased profits & enriched investors instead of keeping prices stable

Updated: Jan 12

Acadian Hairstreak (Satyrium acadica)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-27 412aaaaa

They know democrats won’t retaliate against the Rich and their Corporations. Soon during extreme weather events fueled by climate change utilities will have the power of life or death over their customers,...and they know it:

“"Utility companies have chased higher and higher profits and enriched investors rather than keep prices stable for working families."

With colder winter weather looming, a new analysis released Tuesday shows that the nine largest energy utility companies in the U.S. raked in nearly $14 billion in combined profits during the first three quarters of this year—and dished out roughly $11 billion to their wealthy shareholders—as tens of millions of U.S. households struggled to pay their utility bills due to soaring costs.

The watchdog group Accountable.US found that NextEra Energy, Duke Energy, Southern Company, Dominion Energy, Constellation Energy, Eversource Energy, Entergy Corporation, DTE Energy, and CMS Energy Corporation brought in $13.8 billion in the first nine months of this fiscal year. The firms, the nine largest in the U.S. by market capitalization, returned over $11.2 billion to shareholders during that period in the form of dividends and stock buybacks.

The utility giants’ massive profits have come at a cost to U.S. households, roughly 20 million of which are behind on their utility payments as providers continue to raise rates across the U.S., pushing home energy costs to unaffordable levels and prompting warnings of a “tsunami of shutoffs.”

The Center for Biological Diversity recently estimated that utilities have shut off households’ power 440,000 times across 15 states that have made their rates publicly available, a large increase from last year. #corporategreed #UtilityCompanies:”

““Well-heeled utility company CEOs are holding consumers’ feet to the fire with exorbitant energy prices,” Liz Zelnick, director of Accountable.US’ Economic Security and Corporate Power program, said in a statement Tuesday. “Not because they have to, judging by their own high profits and generous giveaways to wealthy investors—but because they can with colder weather on the horizon.”

“To prey on families who use a necessary service with unreasonable and unjustified rate hikes is corporate greed at its worst,” Zelnick added.”

“‘Corporate greed at its worst’: top US utility giants reap $14 billion in profits as households suffer”


Ben Karimi:

“The US is being prosecuted by the International Criminal Court-ICC. The US is being investigated for war crimes & crimes against humanity, killing more than 35 million ppl just since WWII…. We all have our dreams, this one is mine”


“Hempcrete, a mixture of hemp stalk hurds or “shiv” and lime binder, creates a long-lasting fibrous insulation wall assembly that is fire-resistant, carbon-sequestering and repels mold and pests. Because hemp sequesters carbon in the walls of a building, hempcrete is an excellent zero-carbon building material that can offset the construction industry’s carbon footprint, supporters said.”

“Hempcrete Approved for US Residential Building Codes”


“Media treats fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried with kid gloves because he was a Dem darling”

“D. C. Demwits can't admit to being conned...

Key Passage:

Even now there are papers claiming that poor Sam suffered from a run on the bank or a run on deposits. In fact the problem with FTX was neither of these things. The problem was a gross misuse and theft of customer funds. Early claims that Bankman-Fried had only $1 billion of funds unaccounted for now look like a vast underestimation. In fact it seems that he has “mislaid” at least $8 billion of customer’s funds. That’s an awful lot of money to lose down the back of the sofa.

And the effects of this are still working themselves out. It looks like the crypto lender Genesis could be brought down and that in turn this could be big enough to bring down Genesis’s parent company, the venture capital firm Digital Currency Group. In other words the largest stashes of Bitcoin are now at risk because of the actions of FTX. Bankman-Fried could almost crash a currency. Something that Bernie Madoff came nowhere near doing.”


“CNN will look a rail worker in the eyes and ask “are your sick days worth hurting the US economy?” but they will never grow a spine and ask a railroad oligarch “is your greed worth hurting the US economy?”


“We spend 50% more hours in school than Finland. They get 15 mins of recess every hour. They have NO standardized tests except for PISA in HS and they outperform us every time.

When we can’t give students more recess, physical activity & Arts then we don’t understand education.”

“Public Schools Unite Us

Charter & Vouchers Divide Us”


“What are Sanctions?

The U.S. and E.U. pass laws to ban, block, or restrict trade to a specific country, group or individuals when they do not comply with U.S./E.U. foreign policy.

Currencies are devalued and inflated when sanctions are levied. International credit ratings tank, and countries are pressured to stop doing business with targeted countries.

The first sectors affected are generally medicines, cost of food, power, water treatment, and other essential human needs.

Because the United States holds trade, banking and military dominance over most of the world, sanctions have kill millions of vulnerable people.

Sanctions violate international law, the UN charter, Geneva and Nuremburg conventions because they target civilians by economic strangulation, creating famines, life threatening shortages and economic chaos.”


“In 1872, Friedrich Engels wrote The Housing Question, tying the working class’s perpetual housing crisis to the free market in Victorian England. The century and a half of housing crises since have proved Engels correct.”

“150 Years Ago, Friedrich Engels Correctly Assessed What’s Wrong With Housing Under Capitalism”


“Join @MattTaibbi on Twitter as he blows the lid on the Twitter censorship of the Hunter Biden story right before the 2020 election.”


“January 2021-November 2022: We’re told the Senate can barely do anything, and whatever it can muster only happens at a snail’s pace.

December 1st 2022: In one day, senators instantly help their railroad donors crush 125,000 workers.”


Pathways to Human Extinction begin to coalesce:


“Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Pace of Climate Change”


“We have a duopoly for the corporate class, and the only way out will be a general strike.”

“Billionaires are stupid, they are parasites, and they exist only because we allow them to.” (and our 2 political branches suppress the general economy in their efforts to keep them around)


Julian Assange for President 2024:

“It's been 7 yrs in solitary confinement for not committing a crime.

Using vague Espionage Act. Meant to be used against Nazis Spy's. Not meant for Journalists.”


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