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8/2021 Dems\Biden have failed the People with their Exxon-Infrastructure bill

Updated: Jan 2

Absent changes in public policy and employer hiring and business practices, the future for displaced low-wage workers looks grim.”

“The pandemic hurt low-wage workers the most – and so far, the recovery has helped them the least”

Abbott's Sphinx (Sphecodina abbottii)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 5/24 _F2A5542aaa


“Joe Biden could easily deal a blow to climate change by divesting the federal employee pension fund — the largest of its kind in the world — from fossil fuels. He hasn't.”

“Joe Biden Is Blatantly Ignoring An Easy Climate Victory”


“We're Still in a Health Crisis. It’s Called Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuel pollution killed an average of one in five people, causing nearly 9 million deaths in 2018 alone.”


And so it begins.

First will be those most alienated by government. In this case, persons of a specific ancestry, ethnicity, and color - Native Americans. They will be the first to feel the stranglehold of STARVATION without a hint of Government assistance. No assistance because this is what Koch and Pelosi "ownership society" dictates. Next will be those of Americans of a different ancestry, ethnicity, and color second in line for Washington's alienation. It will pan out a lot like what we saw with COVID.

"Communities up and down Alaska's Yukon River are coming to terms with a collapse in key salmon stocks, and now they're confronting the prospect of a winter without enough food."

“Unprecedented salmon declines force fish donations to Alaska’s Yukon River villages”


“Thirty-nine other companies paid no federal corporate tax during the three-year period, in which they collectively reaped over $120 billion in profits.”

“73 Major Corporations Paid Just 5.3% Federal Tax Rate Between 2018 and 2020: Report”


Exxon’s Infrastructure Bill:

“Biden Made Big Compromises on Climate — and Movements That Backed Him Are Livid”

“Biden is prioritizing bipartisanship over the climate crisis by backing an infrastructure bill that totally guts climate action.”

Quote: “Today, the prospect of serious action on the scale needed to address the climate emergency, and the image of the Biden administration as being committed to climate action, are both in shambles.”


““This Is Not a Climate Bill”: Leah Stokes on Why Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Doesn’t Go Far Enough”


Democrats’ Exxon Authored Infrastructure Bill: To give deference, favorable policy and\or resources to an industry, like oil & gas - whose patronage has proven to destabilize American society because govt feels they don’t have a duty to aid the primary victims of this destabilization - is irresponsible state craft that contributes to inequality


America knows only one way$$$ in the Environmental Holocaust and this - WORSE and WORSE:

The coup de gras?

“Climate Change Could Shut Down A Vital Ocean Current, Study Finds

Its collapse would trigger severe and potentially irreversible consequences around the world.”


"West of the Mississippi we have droughts, fires and smoke, and east of the Mississippi there's flooding. It's biblical," said Anne Golden.

“Climate-Fueled Destruction Sweeps the Globe as Senate Considers Weaker Infrastructure Bill”


Biden is subsidizing “greenwashing” with his Oil and Gas give away$$$ in the Infrastructure Bill:

“The Senate’s new bipartisan infrastructure bill would make fossil fuel companies eligible for at least $25 billion in new subsidies.”


Instead of reducing the role of fossil fuels in the economy, critics say, the bill subsidizes industry “greenwashing.””


Too little, to late and now $25 billion for oil and gas in the infrastructure bill? The difference in policy and science is stunning. Even now. Sadly I have to think they know the reality of our plight and decided a quick human extinction without the agony of change is more merciful than slowing struggling with reality on our way to an inevitable death anyway.

“For First Time on Record, US Renewables Generated More Electricity Than Either Coal or Nuclear in 2020

"About half of U.S. clean energy now comes from solar and wind, and the other half from hydroelectric power."”


Disconnect between science and Washington. Biden is like trump on steroids:

“From our Policy Director, Mitch Jones: This infrastructure proposal is not a down payment on real climate action — it is doubling down on support for climate polluters.”

“Senate Infrastructure Deal: Billions for Fossil Fuels

Industry handouts make a mockery of climate action claims”


Democrat Biden has failed the American people for all remaining generations with his Exxon-Infrastructure bill

"A few big climate policies could change everything — but we have to act fast."

“Ignoring climate change will yield 'untold suffering,' panel of 14,000 scientists warns”


“Exxon-Influenced Senators Carved Climate Out of Infrastructure Almost Entirely”


““We Are a Plutocracy”: Jeffrey Sachs Slams Biden for Offering to Preserve Trump’s Corporate Tax Cuts”


“We don’t need continued fetishization of bipartisanship — we need measures that actually aid the working-class majority.”

“Bipartisanship Is Garbage”

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