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Updated: Oct 25, 2022

“It was set to be Nebraska’s largest wind project. Then the military stepped in.”

“Farmer Jim Young gestures to a missile silo on his land near Harrisburg in Banner County. Young and other landowners are frustrated by the Air Force’s decision to ban windmills within two nautical miles of these missile silos – a decision that has paused and may end the biggest wind energy project in Nebraska history. Photo by Fletcher Halfaker for the Flatwater Free Press”

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This recession will be permanent for the nonrich:

“Column: Oil prices and financial markets brace for recession”


“FedEx warns of a global recession, cutting sales forecast by half a billion dollars”


The collective din of our 2 parties and 3 branches have compelled the U.S. dollar to be viewed as something that isn’t even worthy of the international community wiping their ass with. But hey the 2.3 system benefits a relatively small handful of rich so purpose accomplished. Let the 99% bear the brunt of the consequences:

“JPMorgan CEO Warns U.S. Is Headed Toward Something Worse Than a Recession”


It is time to hold our 2 parties and 3 branches responsible for biosphere collapse. It makes no sense to shrug off holding public officials responsible for imperiling the planet and mankind to the degree of destruction we have witnessed. It is reasonable to conclude that threatening of all of mankind is in their scope of responsibility:

“Internal Documents Show Big Oil PR Messages Still ‘Mislead’ Public on Climate

Despite claims of transitioning to cleaner energy, internal emails and documents obtained by a congressional investigation show oil companies trying to protect their fossil fuel investments through public narratives that conflict with private communications.”


China’s death toll from COVID is astronomically better than the US (from the perspective of the nonrich whose definition of “better” means LESS nonrich dying, not MORE which was the abundantly clear objective of our 2 parties & 3 branches at the height of pandemic):

“What the U.S. gets wrong about China’s relationship with Russia, and Xi Jinping’s relationship with Vladimir Putin”


“It’s The End of Public Health as We Know It, and I Feel Fine

We’ve given up against disease.”


“Catastrophe is Just the Figure”


“Survival of the Richest

Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires”

“The tech elite have a plan to survive the apocalypse: they want to leave us all behind.”


What it means in terms of money-savings for the economy is IRRELEVANT. It would mean some rich will have some of their wealth threatened and therefore to Washington pursuing trillion dollar savings for the general economy is completely out of the question. Don’t believe me?! Ask Pelosi or some of alt right SCOTUS judges:

Again, money savings to the general economy is irrelevant in the minds of our 2 parties and 3 branches. There job is to maximize the wealth of the few at any cost and that is precisely what you see time and again out of Washington.

“Fast transition to carbon-free energy could save trillions

The cost of green energy technologies is plummeting, and transitioning to them quickly could be much cheaper than doing it slowly, researchers say”


Good thing for trump that America’s judiciary is corrupt (and if you lawyers out there don’t like hearing that then police your own!):

“Justice Dept. asks appeals court to allow review of classified documents in Trump probe”


“The UN Has A Scary Message About Upcoming Food Shortages


“World government’s will incur these costs but they don’t plan on paying for them to the extent they can be fobbed off on the non rich. As far as they are concerned,….go ahead, bring it on, no skin off our asses!”

“The World Has a $1 Trillion La Nina Problem

It’s all but guaranteed the world will see another year of weather disasters that destroy homes, ruin crops, disrupt shipping and threaten lives.”


“‘An edifice of lies’: how climate denial and religion kickstarted Alberta’s oilsands

New book, The Petroleum Papers: Inside The Far Right Conspiracy To Cover Up Climate Change, traces the oil and gas industry’s pursuit of profits in the face of scientific warnings


“Rate of sea level rise around New Zealand doubles in past 60 years

Climate change named as major driver, with up to $14bn in infrastructure at risk from higher sea levels”


“Wealthiest 10% Responsible for Nearly 50% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds”


From America's horrific response to COVID, to Climate Denial to the unqualified, purchased, rapist on the US Supreme Court, if there was EVER an anti-christ in these modern times it is hands down Charles Koch of Koch Industries (better luck next next year Jamie Dimon and Hillary Clinton):

“How Koch Industries, Fake Scientists, and Rush Limbaugh Invented Climate Denial

A new book, "The Petroleum Papers", goes inside a 1991 conference whose goal was to make people doubt climate change is real.”

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