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Updated: Oct 25, 2022

“Think Twice About Working for a ‘Climate Villain’

You’re not off the hook for your company’s actions.”

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“Australia should aim for net zero by 2040, new Climate Change Authority member says”


Normalizing atrocity is America’s middle name:

“Hundreds of Americans still dying of COVID-19 each day ahead of the fall

The U.S. is currently averaging just under 400 COVID-19 related deaths a day.”


Trudeau must be prosecuted for Ecocide:

“The Petro Elite Were Warned of Climate Calamity in 1959

Among them was Sun Oil head Robert Dunlop, who proceeded to exploit the tarsands of Alberta. Excerpted from ‘The Petroleum Papers.’”


“2022’s supercharged summer of climate extremes: How global warming and La Niña fueled disasters on top of disasters”


Privatization of basic necessities raises the cost of living:

“Privatization Threat Remains, Advocates Warn, After Mississippi Lifts Jackson Boil-Water Notice

"The city remains under threat of a state-imposed privatization," said one campaigner.”


“Simulations show increased jet stream waviness due to asymmetric rise in global temperatures”


“Five burning climate issues for the 2022 UN general assembly”

“Pakistan’s catastrophic flooding and soaring energy bills are shaping the UN agenda – for those leaders who show up”


“Copenhagen’s failure to meet 2025 net zero target casts doubt on other pledges”


“What History Can Teach Us About Endangered Species Conservation”


They won’t do anything about it:

“New Documents Unveiled in Congressional Hearings Show Oil Companies Are Slow-Rolling and Overselling Climate Initiatives, Democrats Say

Amid record profits in the oil industry, Republicans counter that Democrats are waging “war on America’s energy producers.“


Biden must be prosecuted for Ecocide:

“Biden Admin Reinstates Nearly $190 Million in Gulf Drilling Leases”


“In Pakistan, 33 Million People Have Been Displaced by Climate-Intensified Floods

Some of the worst floods in history have devastated the country’s healthcare, education and agricultural infrastructure—and many are calling for reparations from energy-hungry countries in the Global North.”


“The Real Cost Of Electric Vehicles”


Imperialistic Class society:

“Biden’s attending the Queen’s funeral tells ya all you need to know about the problem with America. It ranks right up there with fist bumping Saudi oil royalty. Democrats & Republicans BOTH need to be purged from America”


The oceans are well on their way to dying:


While you were struggling to pay for gas, Exxon and Chevron made record profits.:

“Exxon, Chevron post blowout earnings, oil majors bet on buybacks”


America is next:

“Right now, 45 million people in the Middle East and North Africa are without safe drinking water. Take action now.”


“‘China is not involved in Ukraine. China watches. China watches the Russians. It watches the Ukrainians & it watches the US and Western Europe. It’s not using it’s resources. It’s not sacrificing it’s people.’

Prof. Richard Wolff”


“Endangered Wildlife Are Getting Dosed With Rat Poisons

Products marketed to kill rodents are instead threatening the lives of the wildlife that eat them as poisons travel up the food chain.”


Private wealth maximizing ideology and tricks (USA) doesn’t hold a candle to economics (China) when it comes to maximizing an economy:

“Avg ^ in the GDP, for the last 35 yrs, in US has been 2%-2.5%. Avg ^ in the GDP of People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been 6%-9% for the same period.”


Methane map:

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