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9/2021 The top 1% of Americans are evading $163 billion a year in taxes - they're just not paying

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

“The American bumblebee is in great peril. Sightings of the fuzzy bee have declined by 89% and it's disappeared completely from eight states. We're asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the bumblebee under the Endangered Species Act. Join us:”

2017 6/24 008aaa


“A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us.

Some devastating impacts of global warming are now unavoidable, a major new scientific report finds. But there is still a short window to stop things from getting even worse.”

“America is guilty of committing Ecocide on a planetary scale. All in order to get campaign donations and to afford trifling personal indulgences as thousands of dollars in ice cream. No regard whatsoever was paid to those suffering the consequences.”

“Global warming will get progressively worse and CANNOT BE STOPPED over the next 30 years, a major UN report has concluded, because the world's nations delayed so long in curbing emissions. A hotter future is now essentially locked in.”


Every day Washington violates 99% of American citizens’ human rights by violating their oath of office in championing the agenda of the rich


“Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it.” Noam Chomsky


“Poleward ocean heat transports, sea ice processes, and Arctic sea ice variability in NorESM1-M simulations” - by Anne Britt Sandø et al.

“Poleward Ocean Heat Transport” - by Jim Massa


This 1912 article clearly states that that Global Warming was known about as early as 1912


“A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless his [or her] use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.” Henry A. Wallace


“Remember Gary Webb

In 1996, Gary exposed how the CIA hired drug traffickers, to sell massive amounts of cocaine in the United States, in order to raise untraceable funds to finance a terrorist organization who were trying overthrow the Nicaraguan government.

These massive shipments of cocaine ultimately sparked the crack epidemic that decimated inner cities during the 90’s. As a result mainstream media vilified Gary Webb & destroyed his career, which also destroyed his marriage, but he refused to back down.

In 2004 he was found dead with 2 bullet wounds to his head. His death was ruled a suicide. This man literally lost everything to give a glimpse of the truth. Don’t let his memory or what he stood for fade.”


“The top 1% of Americans are evading $163 billion a year in taxes.

These impossibly rich freeloaders hire a fleet of lawyers and accountants to cover their tracks — and years of budget cuts at the Internal Revenue Service have made it simply impossible for the IRS to bring those wealthy offenders to justice.

Our lawmakers need to step up and empower the IRS to go after these criminals.”


“Let’s get this straight:

It wasn’t poor people on welfare who crashed our economy; it was crooked bankers.

It wasn’t immigrants who took your job; it was greedy employers who intentionally hired someone they could underpay for more profit.

It wasn’t Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security that bankrupted our country; it was tax cuts for the rich and obscene levels of military spending.


“Giants: Who Really Rules The World? “

“… 17 transnational investment firms which control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they are kept in power by their activists, facilitators and protectors.”


“Amazon is on the cusp of becoming the first trillion dollar company ever. Amazon also paid zero federal taxes in 2018. Bit.y/2F18x5h

First trillion dollar company doesn’t pay taxes & has employees on welfare…

Tell us more about how the poor are cheating the system…”


Jason Scherl:

“Volcanic Eruptions - Tropical Storms - Heat Waves - Snow - Deadly Alabama Flooding - Sept 20th 2021

record hot and cold at the same time! AHHHH”


“Ten years [more like 5] from now you’ll put on a jacket and find a mask in the pocket. “Oh man, what a weird year that was,” you’ll chuckle to yourself. Then you’ll pick up your machete and continue across the wasteland, keeping to the shadows to avoid the roving gangs of cannibal raiders.”


“Forging Working-Class Culture”

Chomsky, Noam.” Understanding Power: The Indispensible Chomsky”


“Poverty exists not because we cannot feed the poor, but because we cannot satisfy the rich.”


“Social-Democrats [calling themselves “Progressives”] aren’t left. They’ll throw you in prison before letting you do anything that harms capitalism.”

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