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9/2021 Busted? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell's re-election don't add up

Updated: May 25, 2022

There is no way those behind America’s first coup of attempt of January 6 are going to be brought to justice:

“Busted? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell's re-election don't add up”

2021 6/29 _F2A9487aaa


Dear Leonard Leo:

“Dear Christians: If you oppose birth control, don’t use it.

If you don’t believe in evolution, don’t study it.

If you don’t like abortion, don’t have one.

If you don’t want to marry someone of the same sex, don’t.

But, you have NO RIGHT to tell others how to live, learn, or love.”


“A revolution on a world scale will take a long time. But it is also possible to recognize that it is already starting to happen. The easiest way to get our minds around it is to stop thinking about revolution as a thin – the revolution, the great cataclysmic break – and instead ask what is revolutionary action? We could then suggest revolutionary action is any collective action which rejects, and therefore confronts, some form of power or domination and in doing so, reconstitutes social relations – even within the collectivity – in that light.

Revolutionary action does not necessarily have to aim to topple governments. Attempts to create autonomous communities in the face of power (using Castoriadis’ definition here: ones that constitutes themselves, collectively make their own rules or principles of operation, and continually reexamine them), would, for instance, be almost by definition revolutionary acts. And history shows us that the continual accumulation of such acts can change (almost) everything.” David Graeber


It’s not enough for what’s coming.

Also, this smells a lot like American Petroleum Instituted false hope. It takes about 47,000 years of constant external stimulus to bring about a single change in a gene. That is the kind of adaptation that will save them from extinction. And be careful generalizing about inherent proclivity of species to allegedly adapt. These proclivities are drafted off experiences they’ve experienced during the evolution of their physiology. The crap we’re experiencing is unnatural. The earth has never experienced the rapid and dramatic imposition of today’s radically unnatural cocktail of external stimuli being served up by - specifically - America’s Democratic and Republican Parties.

“Animals ‘shapeshifting’ in response to climate crisis, research finds

Warm-blooded animals are changing beaks, legs and ears to adapt to hotter climate and better regulate temperature”


The Pentagon:

“The world’s deadliest Terrorist Group”


COVID, Afghanistan & their Environmental Armageddon make it clear, when WWIII comes it will be the world against, not Hitler’s Germany, but the rich and their Democrats & Republicans


They take away the roof from over heads, and the food from atop our tables.

They enslave us and leave our children to die while withholding healthcare.

They kill us in their pursuits of more wealth, power, and schemes to acquire more luxury

They strip us of any future and a livable planet.

It used to be that they didn’t destroy physical assets like homes, and places of employment but not anymore, with their environmental holocaust raging. They even have storm “bombs”

So, I ask you, who needs terrorists when you have the Rich and their Democrats, Republicans, and Judiciary?

Traditional terrorists use bullets and bombs, while the Rich’s Democrats & Republicans use weaponized government.

The result of the policies and actions of both types of terrorists are the same: suffering, death and destruction.


Why aren't anti monopoly laws applied against the Democratic and Republican Party? Especially, when they violate their oath of office?


“Let the capitalists do their own fighting and furnish their own corpses and there will never be another war on the face of the earth.” Eugene Debs


from Bert Wolfe

As late stage multinational corporate capitalism is America’s secular religion, conformity is that religion’s sacred liturgy, which is taught, uncritically, in America’s schools.

“The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.” H. L. Mencken

“I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” John D. Rockefeller, Created the General Education Board (GEB) in 1903


“The eight generals who commanded American forces in Afghanistan between 2008 and 2018 have gone on to serve on more than 20 corporate boards, according to a review of company disclosures and other releases.”

“Corporate boards, consulting, speaking fees: How U.S. generals thrived after Afghanistan”


“Vote Blue No Matter Who is not a means to an end.

It is a means to a continuation of a failed system that got us Trump in the first place.

It is giving in to a system that works against you, and enabling it to continue.”

The fierce progressive


Sam Carana


“On borrowed time: How long to a Miocene-like tropical ~+4°C world?” - by Andrew Glikson

The almost universal assumption as if a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is in itself sufficient to prevent further warming is misleading, since positive feedbacks from land and ocean would continue to raise greenhouse levels and temperatures.

Such feedback effects include:

• increased evaporation with warming, water vapor being a greenhouse gas;

• melting ice decreasing the albedo effect of Earth, exposing dark rock surfaces, reducing the albedo of the polar terrains and sea ice in surrounding oceans, enhancing infrared absorption and heating;

• burnt and desiccated vegetation decreasing the albedo;

• decreased absorption and solubility of CO₂ in warming oceans;

• release of CO₂ and methane from drying vegetation, from melting permafrost and from bogs.

At ~+4 degrees Celsius of warming toward later the 21st century the Earth’s mean surface land/ocean temperature would be warmer than tropical Miocene temperatures. A lag effect between the rise of greenhouse gases and temperature would delay but not prevent the worst effects of global warming.

A rise in the mean global temperature to about 4 degrees Celsius or higher, as projected by IPCC, and/or a stormy climate consequent due to clashes between air and water masses of contrasting temperatures consequent on weakening of climate zone boundaries, are likely to progress through the 21st Century, severely disrupting natural and human habitats and species.

From the post 'On borrowed time: How long to a Miocene-like tropical ~+4°C world?', at:


Maybe you remember this Children’s TV show:

“How does a bill work?

That’s an easy one, Billy. Corporations write the Bill and then bribe Congress until it becomes a law”


Washington billionaire sycophants are slaughtering American children with COVID in a push back to school, because they want to unburden their slaves so they can go back to work


Unlike most all viruses, COVID mutations are increasing in toxicity and its other lethal characteristics



DeJoy still at the USPS

Racist filibuster still serving supremacists

SCOTUS & Judiciary are a mess with a Christo fascist bent

Environmental collapse off and raging

Koch still has state voter suppression laws

Etc, etc, etc

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