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9/2021 Abolish the Billionaire Class

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

“Scientists Just Identified Another Mysterious Surge in The Atmosphere Due to Humans”

“Levels of molecular hydrogen (H2) in the atmosphere have surged in modern times due to human activity, according to new research.”


2019 6/29 _F2A9045aaa

“The CEOs of the 350 largest publicly owned companies are paid on average $24.4 million, 351 times the typical worker’s wages and benefits of $70k/yr.”


Politicians think our natural world is at their disposable to raise money for their campaigns and get votes:

“State officials in Wyoming just announced they will file a formal petition with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove federal Endangered Species Act protections from grizzly bears within the state.”

“Wyoming, Idaho and Montana have shown repeatedly that they’ll do anything to appease special interests like the agricultural industry and trapping associations. These states just can’t be trusted to manage grizzly bears.” Andrea Zacardi


“‘Larger than usual’: this year’s ozone layer hole bigger than Antarctica

Scientists say ozone hole is unusually large for this stage in season and growing quickly”




An example of Conservative politicians promoting the grand old days of the past to generate voter patronage:

“Slaughter of nearly 1,500 dolphins sparks outcry over traditional hunt in Faroe Islands”


Deadwood is an ecosystem: The amount of firewood & timber taken out of the people’s parks and natural areas under the pretense of restoration and/or payment of volunteer wages is disgraceful.

And needs to stop.


Has Washington successfully normalized the Destruction of the Amazon?


Book: “Medicare for All, a citizen’s guide”


Central Banks are an anathema to the public good:

“Central banks and negative-sum currencies managed to destroy our culture at the most fundamental level. A civilization of malprogrammed human automatons.”

"And the problem of course is that these are not wise and beneficent gods, they are manmade conceptual constructs with no more intelligence or insight than that growth-at-all-cost value system held by a cancerous tumor. The modern gods are mindless devourers who are controlled by no one. The modern gods have no heads." -- Caitlin Johnstone


5 years:

“CODE RED, IPCC Climate Report”


“About 1 in 5 hospitals mark up drug prices at least 700 percent, study findsThe analysis, done for PhRMA, found that 320 hospitals marked up some medicine prices more than 1,000 percent.”


"A report by the Urban Institute found half those aged 18 to 34 were spending upward of 30% of their income on rent, making them “rent-burdened.” Meanwhile, median housing prices increased 28% in the last two years, pricing some out of the market. However, the shift is not all happenstance.”

“Blackrock, Who Own Pharma and Media Wants Your House”


“Billionaires are the grotesque products of an exploitative, immoral economic system. We should get rid of them.”

“Abolish the Billionaire Class”


MOVIE: “Easting our way to extinction”

“Tickets selling fast. Get yours now before it’s too late. Described by critics as ‘the must-see film documentary of the year.’ Get ready to be shocked as the truth is exposed; you will never look at the food industry in the same way again. Narrated by Kate Winslet and backed by science.

“The film future generations will be wishing everyone watched today” - LeonardoDiCaprio

Buy your tickets now, link in bio.


“The answer to the environmental problems we face is not more of the very things that created the problems in the first place, which is what Bill Gates proposes. The answer is organic and regenerative agriculture and real food.”

“Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates' Empires”


“Climate change will create wars on Australia’s doorstep and a global refugee crisis, according to a former director of the Department of Defence who is calling on the country to address global warming as a security threat.

Cheryl Durrant, a specialist in intelligence analysis and scenario planning during her military career who is now an academic and councillor with the Climate Council, said if climate change continues unmitigated Australia may be dragged into war.

“What drives conflict is resource insecurity. We’ve seen this in the Syrian conflict, in which climate change was partly a driver,” Ms Durrant told The New Daily.

Her warning comes as a new report from the Climate Council reveals Australia has fallen well behind the US, UK, Japan and New Zealand in its analysis of climate and security risks.”

“Climate change will create massive security threat and refugee crisis: Former director of defence”


“A man died after being turned away from 43 ICUs at capacity due to COVID, family says”

“Ray DeMonia suffered a cardiac emergency last month. But emergency staff had to call 43 hospitals in 3 states — all full because of COVID — before they could find an open cardiac ICU bed, according to his family.

He died in Meridian, Mississippi — some 200 miles away from his home in Cullman, Alabama.

"In honor of Ray, please get vaccinated if you have not, in an effort to free up resources for non COVID related emergencies," his obituary reads. "He would not want any other family to go through what his did."


Trump THIRD term in the making

"At this crucial juncture, if Biden won't even heed Schumer's urgent advice to give the country an FDR-like push forward—and instead listens to the "go-slow/go-small" warnings of giant corporations and their media—the GOP will win big in 2022."

“To Avert Failure, Biden Should Listen to the "Radicals"—Not Corporate Media”

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