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Updated: Oct 25, 2022

“The Return of Fascism

As in the 1930s, a bankrupt liberalism, grotesque social inequality and declining living standards are empowering fascist movements in Europe and the U.S.”

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“Where the Colorado River crisis is hitting home”


“South Africa in electricity crisis, nationwide blackouts”


“UK government lifts fracking ban despite opposition”


“Germany Prepares For War With Russia

Germany begins to cut economic ties with Russia”


“The Failure Of Capitalism As An Ideology

And its continuing zombie existence, eating brains”


Ecocide in action:

“How A Pipeline Bill Gets Greenwashed

A “clean power” group with ties to the fossil fuel industry is selling the Manchin-Schumer gas export bill as a climate victory.”


This man must be made an example of for those contemplating ecocide or any degree of making surplus profit off deliberate environmental destruction:

“Analysis: Bolsonaro election loss could cut Brazilian Amazon deforestation by 89%”


But the wealth of the those involved in the oil and gas industry are what’s important, not the American Economy:

“Extreme heat saps billions in productivity

In Miami, the combination of increased heat and humidity is projected to double economic losses — from $10 billion to $20 billion — over the next three decades”


And don’t forget reparations for America starting COVID. There are plenty of American billionaires responsible for cultivating a Covid event:

“Thousands call for ‘climate reparations and justice’ in global protests

Fridays for Future ‘strikes’ in about 450 places demanded rich countries pay for damage from global heating” [make RICH individuals, Politicians, and Judges pay the bulk as well as the country itself]


“The Petro Elite Were Warned of Climate Calamity in 1959

Among them was Sun Oil head Robert Dunlop, who proceeded to exploit the tarsands of Alberta. Excerpted from ‘The Petroleum Papers.’”



“The Petroleum Papers

Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change”


“Wildfire Smoke Is Reversing U.S. Air Pollution Gains, Study Finds”


“In California, a Race to Save the World’s Largest Trees From Megafires

Wildfires killed up to a fifth of the world’s giant sequoias in just two years, but stopping the devastation requires lighting even more fires in their groves.”


“Room to rent? UK housesharing on the rise due to energy bills and living costs

Taking in lodgers and sharing meals with family and friends are just some of the ways people can bear down on heating expenses”


Gas prices rise for 5th day in a row fueling inflation at the core of the economy as Democrats’ (yes) Fed Chair Powell strangles nonrich with rate hikes intended to weaken labor with stifling unemployment - nationalize oil


Fascism: Congratulations [sarcasm] washington on your work in Italy. Fascism is the goal with their “make them mad and then capitulate off their anger to make what made them anger even angier”:

DEMAGOGUE: US Republicans insider Meloni is Trump and Q-Anon in a pants suit! She’s Steve Bannon’s buddy!

“Giorgia Meloni claims victory to become Italy’s most far-right prime minister since Mussolini”


150F, 155F, 160F,….?!

America’s Fourth Reich is using the environment to commit genocide. For a shockingly high number of us alive today, each subsequent year will be hotter than the last until our death


Iranian Islamic morality police are killing? Meh, wait until you see what the Christians are planning to do in America!

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