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Updated: Oct 25, 2022

“Fast food, Fat profits: Obesity in America”

“Obesity in America has reached a crisis point. Two out of every three Americans are overweight, one out of every three is obese. One in three are expected to have diabetes by 2050.

Minorities have been even more profoundly affected. African-Americans have a 50 per cent higher prevalence of obesity and Hispanics 25 per cent higher when compared with whites.

How did the situation get so out of hand?

On this week's episode of Fault Lines, Josh Rushing explores the world of cheap food for Americans living at the margins.

What opportunities do people have to eat healthy? Who is responsible for food deserts and processed food in American schools?”

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Our 3 parties & 3 branches hyper depraved moneyed corruption is well known. America’s COVID-18USA mortality rate was astronomically higher then most all other countries on the planet. They are now warring in partner with bonafide NAZIs. America main stream media simply does not even exist for the purpose of journalism. All this and more yet people are still relatively unconcerned with their dealing with their having collapsed our planet’s biosphere via warning and mass extinction. What exactly do non rich people think is going to happen to them? They are already dead way sooner than they care to believe and are now just walking out the clock. Ain’t that just America for ya?!


Timing & Scale: NO WAY mankind can tech it’s way out of mass death from global warming, Mass Extinction & general biosphere collapse from the 4th Reich’s depraved profit taking. Don’t let them hide behind possibility & potential.


America’s Judiciary is Corrupt:

“Fighting for a Fossil-Free Future

When we win battles together in court, we have the potential to create lasting systemic change.”


“Our planet is burning. People are hurting… We have a duty to act. And yet we are gridlocked in colossal global dysfunction,” [Secretary-General Guterres] stressed. Citing the war in Ukraine, the multiplication of conflicts around the globe, the climate emergency and biodiversity loss, and developing countries’ dire financial situation, he warned that despite new technologies there is a forest of red flags. Social media platforms based on a business model that monetizes outrage, anger and negativity are causing untold damage to communities and societies.”

“The UN Secretary-General Gets It. Anybody Listening?”


“Super Typhoon Noru slams into Philippines as thousands evacuated

Thousands flee their homes as the typhoon hits Luzon bringing heavy rain and wind at nearly 200km (120 miles) per hour.”


“What you need to know about the energy crisis”


“You really don’t understand how bad it could get in Europe this year”


“Vanuatu makes bold call for global treaty to phase out fossil fuels

President of Pacific island nation urges countries to join bid for nonproliferation treaty at UN general assembly”


Say goodbye to your 401k. The working class is going to get wiped out and Washington will only bail out their rich donors and their corporations:

“Recession Watch: 'Very Concerning' Sign Of Serious Economic Slowdown Emerges As Stock Market Collapses”


FB has recently undertaken a culling of posts explaining Federal Reserve Chairman Powell’s raising interest rates to increase inflation and therefore the number of deaths among the working class:

At the Fed & the Hill ‘inflation’ is being used to slip a chiv into the backs of non rich Americans. Democrats have now used it to weaponize the Federal Reserve against nonrich Americans. Demand the resignation of pos Fed Chair Powell


“A historic global bond-market crash threatens liquidation of the world’s most crowded trades, says BofA”


“The Fed says unemployment will rise. Here's who economists say would lose their jobs first.

Job losses would fall disproportionately on vulnerable workers, economists say.”


Raising interest rates to the point of recession will increase unemployment and therefore put labor in a desperate way where wages and benefits will suffer adding profit for the rich and their corporations:

“Apocalypse Soon: The Fed Is Risking A Global Financial Crisis”

[All to gain the support of the rich in an election cycle]


“Steve Hanke says the chance of a U.S. recession just shot up to 80%”


Italy has joined the fascist movement in a big way:

“Italy election: Will far-right prevail for first time since WII?

Millions of Italians cast ballots in an election that could see the far-right coalition led by Giorgia Meloni win power.”


“Insider urges DOJ to further explore who phoned Jan. 6 rioter from White House

"The American people need to know that there are link connections that need to be explored more," Riggleman says”


“Jeff Bezos Outbids Families for Their Homes and The World Bank Low-Key Predicts a Global Recession

Will Americans ever understand that much of the world has affordable education, free healthcare, and reasonable gun protections?”


“Uncle Sam Wants You Poor

But he’ll settle for dead”

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