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8/2022 3

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

“Discovery of ‘fingerprint’ confirms alarming predictions of Greenland ice sheet melt

The findings, possible with the help of high-resolution satellite observations, detail the unique pattern of sea level change linked to the Greenland ice sheet.”

2015-07-17 154aaap

Temperature forecasts will soon include readings in the 150’s and 160’s. After which it will very likely get hotter and even hotter. This is why global warming should have been avoided.:

“Extreme heatwave threat increasing warn researchers”


Authoritarian fascists have grown more violent toward their populations:

“Even as Iranians Rise Up, Protests Worldwide Are Failing at Record Rates

Mass protests, once a grave threat to even the fiercest autocrat, have plummeted in effectiveness, a study shows. Factors appear to include polarization, social media and rising nationalist attitudes.”


“'Their Price Strategies Are Bearing Fruit': Oil and Coal Profits Surge 340%

A leading economist urged policymakers to "address corporate profiteering as a driver of inflation by reining in megacorporations and addressing the unsustainably high prices facing families around the country."”


“Spain Approves 'Solidarity' Tax to Make Nation's Top 0.1% Pay a Fairer Share

The country's finance minister said that looming changes are bound to make the tax code "more progressive, efficient, fair, and also enough to guarantee social justice and economic efficiency."”


“Exploding an energy security myth – Climate Weekly”


“Researchers push to make polluters put carbon back in the ground”

“A team from Oxford University is trying to persuade governments to impose carbon capture and storage requirements on fossil fuel producers” [but carbon capture must not be the farce it currently is]


“'Time to Take to the Streets': Working Class Hold 'Enough Is Enough' Rallies Across UK

"Does a CEO need an extra zero at the end of their salary—or should nurses, posties, and teachers be able to heat their homes?" said one supporter ahead of the #EnoughIsEnough National Day of Action.”


Take a guess who is behind it. Follow the money:

“Nearly 2,000 Environmental Defenders Killed in Last 10 Years”


“More Than Half of Palm Species Threatened With Extinction, Study Finds”


Biden and the DemGOPs:

“Nord Stream gas leaks may be biggest ever, with warning of ‘large climate risk’

‘Colossal amount’ of leaked methane, twice initial estimates, is equivalent to third of Denmark’s annual CO2 emissions or 1.3 million cars.”


Washington and Wall Street flood the environmental liquidator’s with money:

“Indigenous defenders stand between illegal roads and survival of the Amazon rainforest – Brazil’s runoff election could be a turning point”


Western investment$ and markets$ drives this:

“Every two days, a land defender is killed. Most are Indigenous.

A new report finds Indigenous people in Brazil, Colombia and the Philippines often face the highest rates of violence.”


This just in: the Russians that have been shelled for eight years, and who have only Russia interested in defending them, have voted to join Russia. Shocker.

BIGGER SHOCKER (add extra sarcasm): the U.S. says it was a stacked election. Well, America IS the global expert on rigging elections.

Below, a computer programmer testifies that Tom Feeney (Speaker of the House of Florida at the time, tried to pay him to rig election vote counts. It's from 20 years ago.

It is not VOTER fraud Americans have to worry about but ELECTION fraud by their own government and candidates. They are obsessed with negating the Peoples’ votes:

“Rigged USA Elections Exposed”


Ryan Knight:

“Trump was always nothing more than a symptom of the problem and the reason Democrats only focus on the symptom is because their party is part of the problem. The problem in the U.S. is not one corrupt president. The problem is our entire capitalist & oligarchic system is corrupt”


“By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms – elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and the rest- will remain.

The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. Al the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days.

Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial – but democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense.

Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.”

Aldous Huxley “Brave New World Revisited” (1958), Chapter 3, p. 25


“Nothing wreaks of hypocrisy quite like the “election was stolen” routine.”

“Democrats' "Stolen" Election Claims | FLASHBACK”


Diane Johnstone is a luxury lefty who is providing some degree of cover (softening the guilty) to the Biden administration who clearly stated he would attack the Nordstream Pipeline:

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